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April 03, 1893 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-04-03

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- - t ,. . 3THE, i if C ' I EDAIT
I';~i uT 'j a 1>1i6
1 T " .1(I : T I I IZ.T T 10 11111 'liT LIO.}
P .R A CY. WIL...& SE .Y, . : F t tt S~t re, [IIIS li _SMN LO!, iND1 il rI.l. l Af> SLI
ITTI I Sp. ^-0 B O O K I 3"IAIT ion giOTT.TI.< 0.
a iomlettad Pur-1 Low ,Lo


:OYY I t 7 ' 1o01T 7 LBR HAT Y UCAN r.A .6W J BUY
j 1 ),"Cfipper r tlfnd" d' pleat1(6 ' .Tmatoes forT$1 JO1( pt' doz.
p gT11IO ' Tlnsho' I I - - - 1.10
A Primrose cc _ .c 1.85 cc c
2 c Lake Shore," - - - c 15 c)
CITTIAi' ATI And ail other CannedTT Goads att prs~oortinate prlice of
BROW 'S )RUG STORE 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
( UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'ri~e "UTniversity of ChiTcago will
d dt 71_" ii ~if1 I -__creej sn ol-t t brini a

,C~alon Wi. 1Fulde, th,
ITrIITT, opTposite the LOOT lfI3tiidiTT, VIT2
lWiiiiall-st., first dooTr Test of StTate-s.
CCpitsItoT 0order a eialtyTT. All rck first-class.
13uy M6A1ar'= 1002o
or have somne tepairing done go to1
UfM- .Ari ohk, 36 Mai.Street
IAAR1~ -lo VJ$
rct a n poi s T os-. 1111, fT'Icy Ti ri o ne- I
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5), West Liberty Street,


fir 11 ff0 1-: illTT'0 x ITTI ill 11
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11I i =. SuI f aITri0 1';,b s I 1 i, 01 II2 tIo
I TIfTfi foirrito t IIT., ui'
'I'aa IOaIda lecltrs alt eIn-

tIfil TN I f811 ffth V.S CO. 10011 I La T1T tis 0T'TIinTif
Irs. L.,C.TtiIf, fiT ,-)'}, is TcITTh
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I5 f lITT 011 1>w. 02lf

to asTiTfor adis~fsionairo ifeN ortfifirtl
fOratorical Le.ague1.
ifie freshmanla lss11of Princeton I
1iflrl ard freshmoan class to aseries
01f basebafll gameso.
.1"Venti-ftree f of hethirIt-e.iht
ga111s0whifhfthe 110Harvallrd hbasebfll
mOanagement0IThave arranlged i111iTO'
playedi 00 ffh0 homenie1011.
Tile stone or 1w11ch1'95 and i'96
strugledfriduring11-tff0 past) week, no1)11
lies bur1i1d1 110r1tielte11 hbu~idin,
witfIa smll moffiTTIIT 1111toII mar1k its1
locate( atSanrfk, 1ff., s0 unT
fa o,-:dl ,rdisc_?1s i s aIT ai date 111
Io1.1 1 - fT'f fI{; 'lI

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'G. H. NA/lED

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d. 1,I,\ l . t.000 ..3....i z.. SlT 'fll, O 1111 '11aI.I P1 5,11 1,0 :I,11 . (7 1ffIT,? ITl ''!- C''
- ') ' -. ~ ~ N- l 11'8a (fill 1 Iias [)e'11 t l - 1' 11111 lt y 2fair 1 70ties : lor ,0hTT..Iii; 1 I '11-I} ' ,t t 10 {3 - t. 1ff"
' -. '' f 1 - IfroL llo te l ii-r sin dllrE ifian'- 111 E- s W nf'icin iTrEst
' 0 lC _iyIfa efy 11ilp r ts l Ii ll o Oc t . S C I tC'] I i 3 v id S t L o s
t<.- Brii i 1f11 ,1 fiO~ ons y iTTrsi o 7flll,adInto~1. E. a1..1itTa; '0 Nerf - k
l 1 ( tOT: ) f fel, «a-,fI oTe ~o. lso- ~f -
P E Y TT ) '011'(0 1 IC SSla ad Grcne polgralwil i-1)in- trsxrx .xra~a~aaera_.Y
D O 010 O U I. A Nx 9 I ,lll>l. u1 S LllN. ll.,lesr day,'92 ofa ttendaros na.,1119111.=I11 erof0110T ncv iO 001101
-, - z , y? 1 t1110 pllIIonTT attheof 11hon0 IOsea enealTdslOag usiestoIyobe1
Deposiit Boxes for Sent.
next l ednesday.Tile athletic t 1a1,111de tiheir I1. KE 1P, 1Pres. F. 11. BOSEII.Cashier.
8cS IT 5, 015 ,or El 5J Tr 5Sam- -Bank aoen Saturdav evening.
pie tal1Box51by e1,iIT 6o.ITf Cards are out annIouncing tile regular run, Saturday, froni tilhe _________________
PtuinelOgalnt loxsutbe and wedn fMlo ihnson' medical building. H olt ledth log K A B R S O
srcl pue Sutbeor, 3law tES5NTS. Esxpress charies ad Mis lary Mx vall, of Mtaystick, distance runners for a ron of five INeONNEeTION,
prepid. tefr toallChicgo.Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain
prepid.ieerAdtoesillWedagsday miles., fMartin led tihe sprintera and -- Tubs.
C. s_ GUI.lTtIIEtConfectiner enediynet
, ' Trtoil.Ad K.aftern~oon nx at 30OE. Washingtnn St. ,Rt, TROJANOWSK1
211sstate treet, oocok u pr hre itne
TII CICAGO, ILLINOIS. s3 fukmer hrtrdsane 0Baths Toe $55,00,

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