THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREA CLOHING SALE The Latest Productions in NECKWEAR. lNeetSyeinNEGLIGEE SHIl S. ALL OVE?,COATS AT OFF. ALLSITITS AT j OFF. ALL SINGL.E PANTS AT. OFF. See these bargains before burring. The Nobbiest Shapes in HATS. i ''ie NeiveeI Shades, in GLOVSs. ! Novelties in GENTS' JEWELRY. 11TXi NWI_1A t) (OPENED t1 'TIS XWEEAT WADHAMS. KENNEDY dlR ULE. ' 'W' S.A.2E Aum Arbor Savings Bank~ H PU5 ~~~udv Ann Aeha oh (atlus, tool S0tock to50)0, f'_'%xjQ f2 L- ? 'N 0 ~ X~~iP OlP Og icd ndrte Geneal Banking Oases-v ,Sh-pe, Good W-t orkGaraotcl. Gotode salile-el or t'this state. Receves Deposits, hibys nod '_, E 3 ; s h sier ,. aodl ieredac. A. F. COVERT. Prop. sel xhag nthe principal cities of the1 2] Years L.i toe .usirscss. ; Oyp tonted States. Drafts cashed 000 tttpro)per,,LAUNDiRY ,d ate , i+ c-cftl 21d t arir. to C~tfcto.Olcr: t , 7+ ' CHAS.I E. aahC t tsLashi h UitiO i t iP , fAHc73 } tiniy , ,1 te.S AS 01 1. Fit , ,Asst.(OCash______ cU i - y 1 Lzp I t Se re Roams through Gile~ a de ot l oist, I i t t, I'iio i t] i t . .".t L. D. ATWATER, WlSoY'tMSI00o -N.W. UNIVsME..SCOOL, '94. te Is34 .tat . (A okn-ttog col)Make Preparations Early!PAT ONIZ K Ad~res, ncosigsap,. OWEMy:N'S BARBER SHOPT 2526 CALUMETAVE..CHICAGO. 3 st. aI no Hi,ost_ ____, A NT F\ Cody tIP 00111-dil-cetIll N10Ai(Ory, 21F FINEPHOT GRAPHS, To'., -t.\ I o-0 :_ - , .l(1I eFronek iesi b Jy'_ -orl'lTS paysetc. a Ith, t ' i I . 'f --1 ttKai ioescL0le e''ice 'al cTi:;o W tt l oi t h otfi Barber Shotp. _______________ MILIER ADLRTGOOD th-c-.. itao100 Toe SALeX e'oitll li thoiliw1n0 FI E P O OA HS ''detA r At lt i~l 0- t a ti oll elec1toni tO H d I( S itIt 1 1 4 6 11110, 11fail. 1Mks l 111 t 11 1, 1 l lc01_1i Ni 3It1 o ade, -N . Ean H AV E lEFDANs v, n-t ___ -, -}" i'OE A ~ ts lilt he a___________________________-til'lttrati~t ioat tiioGra11118 CIle Toe hoardts for the Wilisont lecture Ittll..11 ree.ItNtttly tl- toe totoclactIIwll b Xope etedestday minO~lg tectite, 01(1witsh thetaettetdtictoedianl, SbjV bI~ ~ blat the tsnal places. Al season p)1 is "l,illb oeofttlertpile tickets oill btoecho-led thlere fortiressotf iighitn00101 life tie athe grealt - soctgle tielets. TeseaIsonltieket tmeItro lil1 )5 tt eftore tie Itotlie. toast havte the ntIametdadtdress of The scenery is 0111 tiiew,. 0111i rs'- G toHldInotlnfr l 1Wtheoe o n 10it, atnd, if possible, thi es Ploittadte greetti ir11cott andseon~cd-lIend TEXT-BOOKS. name of tioe pronlfromttwhiomlIit atotte, showeing to toh al otrinoft t wasouotglt. Alt wos-ooowishttheir thaetlck signaltsysts'tt. Mr. Kelly We 11avereceisved Ia large StjPly son oBtickets againl maiy get 1t11m is suppotertedi btothecattfe1l atress, Miss Iflent'tDIesmotd.iTt heiocompantsly bty catting at thoe store for thlem ha101 givensatstfatttitto5woctrcoer it tois of Greek, Lotito, GeI'nllan 011I after tile boartd is throagho witho ott the. peaedee. Frencll Clsic. NE7W AND at W~. AV. (3000000N. I still lte tt on ekot toe (CookIHose' - -~ - ~ ttlrlts ttotsew oeets Ott snIt logotct., SEO DH N .Democratic Club. 'j toot resceovel) 'loostiot ilost. Every SECONDHAND.I studten't shoottit sese the limtteot'ciarry latotdprices swe qtotte. If y ottsitttlook We oiler tielearge0sf tod bent!t Meetinogof tte Cluottote-itigiot, itt log fttra01fotI1 sress stiltroefthiestoe lalecture roomot-713. 1Ibooltortaooitrottiy lighlttcllotrtedistilts ])lasegive No0te Book in the city for 25c. 1obusintess. a (efahoar(. A.E..tloRoi, itiett J..\. iltorzi: so'~,ires. O h (oien -rie etot lBrin~g ill yourP seconod-hanid -a .ra--- Whceel at a Sacrifice. Oratorical Election. Text-Bookis. _z tes-,oc11ll etpeutic(tirs, nea11rlyo 'The annutal nmretintg of theOcira- Iotllllttler. 'Il 1. Woxlilogtail. 1<( torical Associationl for the election ----.--+. a - uWrahr"ss pookstore of oficers, sielegate, etc., tiut be ATriiorrc OlItAlo) owill neect 'tIol- lieflTuesday', 7130 1-p. oin room clay, at 6:45 p. m., in room 9. Last 20 n. state Streat. at{. meeting before annual electon. Ito- iIanSt,Opp.Cottit Hcuco. J. G. l':tooa, Sec'y. tportant. S. C. Sit 101100, Prea. AQ)E 1V SAL)I. GOODSPEED' S SOK- GOODSPEED'S