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April 03, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-03

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PuWlisbel lDuisy (Sundays exeepted) during
tb- tcolleges isus-, be

increased enthusiusns forethserwork .." S RING STYLES,1898
There can be no doubt of our possi-
ion ins the Chicago field-clay, it this icaai i-i i 13i1c sSHrOEIAT: seressbefore . lu--ia'ns, 'and 551 i
interest continues, as we hasve no
dousbt it will. It is a natural result

usassasss-s-5sisssn.iss3per year, nvarialy- jof centralizisng the work, iplacing it I--
n55 atvte igre cllisidest eets. ussrip- in the hands oif a thoroisgisly initer- ESliW INO.45 OTH ANSRE.
is Stollllas,,withs asyirof this editosr estdand energetic man, swhichs role__________________________________________
siss indausis- r. Hult perfectly fills. S
I sairsunieati shusisiecapre sffice by I S T PG 4 &IrGG
si'lcs fft hyaet ppa h etly. Addryes all mtsesrsntended for psblica- Ioneendents, Notice. ie
tniotle agirsy I~sitr. Aillbuiness ___
icuisisa bsisi besea albsnsa Te asirisal meeting and electiorn 2 .M i tee.W G E O
THE U. oP H. DAILY of thse F. of i +1. Independent Asso-
Ann Arbor, Mobh. ciation witl be held Saturday, April -______________________________________
EIOS8,at r I a. us., isi room A. Only ___ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
ax J. sIIcass cvYEDitORangig.Eitr. paid-up subs cribers to the Oni r are 1-
cAi[:r~ '55, uiu1sss ii.-- ent~r itldt oefo dtr.Michigan Railway.
1Il,LEVAS~, Lilt-y3, As-istant.__-__---_
?-'. XV. G[ [t i us.I'. G i t., Ilunissou n fg r rlsas-
S. W. s issur ;, I t i . 'i14 . sistV £t la rs iss5i ts.iisss
s.i' ssri sis. sit , 9, s1 . IScot t, 'I 4.i iPisir i AssiAs-i
l . K. Toles°qis-~ A
it. BI. isasisisnsni. C i . , o -csu iii I,,GNotr
ii.I,. y it . . ii. .1 II is ii G IssyherEADI-uG SCHOOrL o OFaSNS. 8N o. 1. if Ma i xrss* .. 7...-,21 -s
ki fan.lersli--..55 . C. K.Stewar. .!:. 5 55 55 biing;sine teucbes; largrattsndace , N .:. Is srAnnssArborsAsii. 'i(i0inosn
ilstiiE. bt ara)( Sly bs-nsIrs. Essi IM Ill TEiIAN (cilsirVilli, rsosms5daisy iecturas; " aturayrevsnsng receionrr s . . 5"~ i~silsbsbs i i
.s< .iss s O : ' ape rtheenire ysar;cmrsiairil graduates in {greatl sIan sores,
R siu iisdemaid; shotnsd graduas all rscurapsitionsr
, y, I li -:r g expgnsys. r$2.lstou.7spr weeksainre fa m-N o.3 i ndslsnrr.. I.2 ,n
-FrN CTLGEadLsofHorsfords Acid Phsosphsate. ce.k oii ii s rmfolwe oweadeswe, tdnah o .Mi n xrsi... .. 7p
TH AOU PBLSHNGHOSE'. a. CLEAEY. Pree. Nio. 6. Toiledoi Ass-issnslsslaisis... 7ti)a ns..
- _ _ _- --- -_----- --- "I save usedi it for- sevceral year-s, lnt CentslesiStadard Tunei.
Onssy irsn sylssstn s.bsst 5in5mfr05511 in- Flsisasil xetini -
M.s arc g-lad to note it tninety.-tiis islesueprcistco stritsritrsst H $2.00, $3.00, $4.0Q,w$ Iaitcici as-s si s ii
fsour tins takers steps toss-rdl arrssir l' CrssnitassCeusisia of the beat nerve H Crest As sTosledos ositsI nlyasi, dasils cesy bundiaj-.
tiorsis thistwelpsusess. For rmeril Y rtsslGlas~seany Waratdilohesrisdiy xc udy
isng for a class scial.T-'1here is buit ii ssstiisr or os scsssurk it gis-es rressledest Ray. I. x. 5INENV5-l. IL. b. G1 5ibEN till
osie nmore literary clnus to followste trnelss lsirsid vigore to the enltire sv-E j Doty &. Feiner. ts.Ps.Aes. liu uss
c-xansplues of the otider classe.I.tsss. Let______________________
thefrehmn sep nt lie. A mst exceltern st nsaieeabte tonic
ttefehe tt se u. ansI aptpetizer. It rsousrises asdrut ii- SI 4ATJ P N/! $
orates the tired brsairs sssidboidy, ills-
Tuu c luau) fewrusecks Ihave been tarts ressesswerseergy ssndslvitality, arid
unusually lull of special attractions; enlivernstire functions. .51ARESyb5 I. Acilltz515417OR
too full in fact, for bsy studenuts. csersiptis-r pamplet rr 5ssasissplicion tosi s
Alt our lectures asuclentertainnments Rumford 1Chemical Works, Provi-'A-C p/dr ~Bn
Sen-®e, R. I. _A_.Wr.iSs/si ihn DI/s7'(1,
ire of the best orsder,burt thsere cs l-as a isiacansadlsssissiisis. ' itsa. na
tie too nusirts of a goading. lndsu. itsluil.),ac silis//c S° sO
I-T is snierely to tieIsoptdstshut
thse mnatter of nmarkings in thse trn- G T IE i~osG~Iiashum, L -a ni eih is aq 1 3ase
poned debating league cuss be satin- GEa FFE 1"0Eas 1 a
factorily settled. The leagiue should I L. GR UN ER,PO
not be giverstip becase of no smatll S-.Main Street, - Ann Arbor. ASh OtR WRIT E FOR CATALOG -'X t)
as poisnt, sens a comsprorsnise mnay so
easily tue sade. e1oicuiic-n A 111T APPCI p I RENTSCHLEI R_

T usermsicat event of thseCUliver-
sity rear uilt be thne Asnton Seisdl

concert of Thsursday evening. The
opportusnity to sear so fise a con-
cert at srch a nmoderate price insirs-
steed rare. Prices for ttse bent seats
in D~etroit and ottier drties are $2. 50.
Ai.tsc~iiv names are comsinig to tse
DILYns of men asnxious to forns a
cricket etlsb, an nuggesleilisslataut
Tthursday's Ipaper. Any others
dsiros of re-instituting thse ganse
thsere sould sand in thseir narmes a
once. Ths isinirtesnded to apply to


ft'l ti t
JUJU is iithy
l.F'o T stcl
you ciim
{t J)rts )~tt
tji ld sg
ill -nh
in ,tsvl tlii

S,11i LU ITPLY Co0. ~hofo jrapher
asilC~hiss. sst siidiiitseinis Ce ONE NIGHT ONLY.
(ails alsets yoaiengertijstas assai at R.1I' MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 3.
Slly &s Cossi. We don'st scsasge las style, bnil
give istao1yo, assi that hassone-hasli. Hotatnsd
col lunchs atatlnl h(rsote i laday ansdsnighii. ci Vs-iaIlu--ccti iii.
RE.JOLLY & CO., No. 216 South B NE .IEL
HOT LUNCHES- iisu--.
And the very choicest Candles The - Sao eetv
-- 11 ii ii all teiss ascca asilandssilmssslanic-sit
*I TUTTWS Ni-i Snit y.
448SO(1H5SAIDSa1E It. Prices,,- 35, 50 and 75c.
_____-Secure deals at Watts'Jwrys Stre.
CceEpru,11 W. WashingtnSt, NO 12 . STTON ST.

ath those wishinug to learn to ptay lbs ai w-
the game as well us old players. tnc-.
TjuE present interest in track 1-710 Itt itS1511M3 caNYtt151.
shrsi rae hnhsee eoeF .existed here. Tine ighst of men J J U~~ U
raining every day on tlse campsn oowad Ae. asli SON Sae StreetCO
arid tlse regular tri-sweekly long- DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.

i _ __

1\ V. 1Ai IV . it V LkW1V O1 .

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