THE U. OF M; DAILY A geativ EASY ~~LiE~?J]G1J ITIT 110 )ok lw "ooI I :_ aoanCluli ondeg Inthelew SPI~NG STY LES .diLEADING&SHADtES tnave aritee.they s i o(Mdt q ttte i ses t()14 ONLY $14.00. flneet fttting shirts tie.coutry ever prodcet and for sale only a p ice-itsl oeff tt,,ts . I JILL, thi tskC tt/J. it7IS tLIS IN OO~OIIN * CALKINlS' LA..LEFE- pS N POPRTOS 3 PHARMACY. 1" W ILSEY,SAISLttto LttttlAt ittl.nSANSTEE 4Soutthsttee Street, UP- T AIS1LNIG tE N '.TtR , S AA N S R E MOORE& ETMORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND C)ittNEt OFC 'STATE ANt Wt It.AM SaTtREETS. NE-W ANI) SECOND IhIANS). Our Stock -rili be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. Oo'TE 7L~33, 113 RMEBER, THAT YOU CAN BUY ANt1 i_.sIet c: "Riei d te s a1c80c ]. ?l c Call on i. Fulde. te Tailor, itppiosite te Law Butildintg,ost W illiatt-at., flrst door wrest of State-st. Cteantng, repaitrintg and pressing lane neati. Saitntonortder aeieetaty. Att wrkefirst-etass. tier Pumpkin, ~ .dPLI$0 Sueasle, - - '- - < : IF YOU WANT TO 2 "Lake Shtote," - -" iane nome IRepairing dane go In CtitiAt AC Andtlnl othter Cannoed Gotids it troporitonaite itnice of 'Win riolitk, 3 anSr BROWN'S DR1UG STOR-E. 44 Main Street, South. DJEAN & COMPANY. { UNIVERSITY NOTES. At line indoor atlhletic ineet held IH2. 1 1 O USEi W~Jill You Look Iis the darkness F ;O ed er, tee, ttittt 'iot recently at the Untiversily of Illitnoiso WITH SIX LOTS tendrtss-, ttth. . lree home records were established. Z 0 _Z . .. At our Show Windowv? Iitolls D' lofll mnseont-e- tt, ie iiithtre etateet aonThne record of tine sitot itt is now j 5 it A i i l- t i C'.. eotttit e ats feetf loch. iRutnning high iunt pi13is 1 3 t". , C ni Ct Cist 4,"tes arits i t r b u t'l kthnnlNrppdi ydiln'gI ro . n i o- frsl taot n - CC ish -itt . . . feet 341Ichleslad itcht tnd pteer ttit c-nstoe. A erylaren t iroietiltntt0.1i -hapte. l tree ehl ntc h in GUITARS Sicit-itgen-W iscottain totnsiti. kick is i}laced at 3fee (leele t - foretehleter telliad ooi.Voil ANti J ilolograpina of tie detal tiepart- STe legislaltre of Meissounri has t'Ctet' tyiiCittitst iCCCl at P RICES. -nienteertater, Thursday. apnproprialed $250,000 for a nerie 56IWest Liberty Street, There tnill be a niportant iee-l-mnain tbuildhing, ie ntlae teltiere oeS KIRAUISE, ANN Attior, 311tent THE ANN A13ttl OUGitANi CO.,- 51 souhatin itreiet, tog of tine Athletic Association bnoacti burned last year. fiery also gave on__________________0 Moinday evening. tine $oo,ooo, receiv-eti fronm lie .VNIGHIGAery h nir eio a casgoenet sltisui' hreo foutnd thirentannes pooled on the list the direct tax, to tli niviersity. Tillne Table irvce di Novembner -A,192liAL O -- enEApi of those whlo passed its Evideince. Tine InlndrLteagete entertainment CAL- Itl _----- 5 ChcaoSpecial - t, 08 , tDeny 1 8 p C ----5 i305Day Excents---- £ 27 Twventy-five cents acdnits 10 the neat Monday evening well consist oi 4s~U~e a .i N. . iin~'ited ) debate tonighnt. Buty youtr ticket of a lecture by M~r. Taka iKawadca. His -r A J Ningar a 'attn tnt IiII p t~c. fina-aF~xpess.n.'tv Botwdish or of Mtoore &Wetmore. subject,--'rie Stats of Woen in F I~ v L D. N.ET'pres- td( t. tR crn . --tat- on5e4t8 Attanni Ecten l50 tii.NightiLSp - a tIn line Jeflersoniata Society has re- Japan," trill be treaederuntder thee it ' I t. arets . - 10 dO Otteitie E tems isUI' o.i.te-e1's1V.H~~e solved to organize a baseball nime, followring heads: (a.) Education of 0 . 1. cn etiCttiedeo. At. Attet Arboar. ainil challenge tierlWebster for a gis. (2o.) ,The social life. (3)rTe The Leading Tailoe-, FIS A INALATgae.ennploymnt of weomeen. (4.) ]Mac- FIS ATON.L-B NK ei>.ierote ninterested n the c-ie .)Itririaif. 6. i- o~)t~tepina enoeeeimetr nl OF ANN ARBIOR.Eer1rig.()Marelf.(6 - --ic~ cto ~earorie-et. ticrrieetie)c Capcital,IPiitisdd. Serplus aid Prsisofits ,0. life of Christ sleouilinear tine lecteere vocce. (y-) The legal rights of mteee'ie'ntltteCeinthle citic0te eigerleaen1c t ok. letters of crnleditrocued by - o rxnditeStir wcsomretn. (8.) The attitude ofavonnen ftn treern atenonid. P.TItAiti, Pres. evneing. themenlves to ameliorate their owin No"-2 E. Washinngton-St., Near Main S. iv. CiAteteNes. dashee. Tierre wiii be a meeting of liecd ion Oratocical Association, Tuesday liefT ovu itsiniilb~ ID c~~ YOU DA~i1N'C ev enting, for the purpose of circling discissed at the next joint debate of__________________ I10tofficers and a delegate to Oberlin. the Jeffersolat a and Webster socie- GRANGER'~~~~~ ACADEMY, ~~~Tine fracle board has organized tc:"eovd httegrrn II~WV'al~f~~ 4Mx'sAesets STr., - ANN ARFicitei ittier following for officers: I,. mg hud w n oerah n- u~n~o.Snisas~ntcltt ftgetteshouldeowneandiconinoltaicecittaiti5Ce000.lSurA.usratt Panfits n eoet ictc'arit itsl to3nbiy 13et,1. A.Prtt an ggeditor; James qoasi-pobhic corp orations." The Dr enn akn uies rci _____________________ P rentiss, business manager, and Jeffersonian ill be represented by terestn Saving Deposits. Hsfn ncey Mesrs Shkap ndSexonendth R DeSposit oen. foR. SSen ii Send It.12,:,or3 50 fCa Sam- Miss Cooley, secretary. Msrselnp Banko adth . EPF petatl }:fAoasby expres o ef ese scey hcedteWebster society by Messrs.T roy Bank__oenSaturda___evenin_. Cl pir erCSICnait tin y ers i____heWebstersocietyelectedthe Put upad eleigant bases andtend afihi. officers rpr V by icitty pure. Suitable e rflohn fi est nighti: Presi-anFakr.TeWbtrer- PRESEN .'S. axreinchrgssintatives will support the afinine- 0. K. BARBER SHOP, - repaid. Reer to allChiago dent, J.W. Murdock; vice-president, live side of tine question. The di- IN 'CONNCTnION, Fj ay it once- Addressn,- Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain C. F_~ c.~ GUNTHER. Confectinner, J- A. Bemley; secretary, R. A. bate wihh occur on ther lest week in Tabs. Cady 212 id'tcrttiStenneily April. 305E. Wnshngton St. . . 5TROJANOWSKI tenet ILNOS. Rchrson, rtiP. V. Fn15y.1 0Baths fore M.00. - 0 i' tl. I'd la3 a. ri- x " wpm " .2I .