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March 31, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-31

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'-~Jc ~ '2J~'t '~f societies. 'The pric'e has bcen placed S P R
+ awhere all may reach it. There is GNT STY L ES S 'T'N 1890ic
every reasoo tot exptecting a large
Puulishedi Daily (Sundaysexcetd)i)during crowd antI the surcess of the debate. Svpi e ;3 nt thIing c v ito i sn inthet 'SHOEt LI \tI::ohre 1 'otre. Soii.a'ls, u.and tat ito
the Coilecre rar, by Buy yosr ticket aisd be on hand. ethrs -
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Nto ri f-'94 class meeting, Sat- CS1.
Subscriptioo) price sat.,-o perr rear, imo an Sly utrda y smorning, April n, at 9 3os ini
:I ane 1ra inr sOrcopiesot3 ents. Subserip- I Roomi A. All jutiiors are urged to
iuis mayobe e t iat the oefitee of the DsII., lbe lpreseint.SEShtItIltt48SU AI ST ET
ae Seutliets, tith anyor f the editurs otr W* 1. Rosl :to vxvs
uuthorizedoiciitors. ci ee yItsdt.
m mnnuieations thoutot reachtheofice y i.reIiduTIJIe PJid
uI 1 'lock e. Ai. if they nretr to appear the nest Michligan a' s. 'ti seOsiein. Hear IjJ'.i1'T .
Jay. Addreestnil mtter intended tttr publicn- JIne.
toun to the Managing Edittir. Aul haninesa the debate toitight.
omnicnsinnshoultobeheteto the Bani 2 .Mi tee.W G E O
attn Manager.
Ann Arbor, Xink.0
EDITORS. x1jRY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North;
E. J. IOr'atr lv,Liti.9'4, Managing EditoritMchgn alwy
DE'SON AiasoisLit .3 tAsstitnt. MiCI 1 Micign Rilay
I. iD. SPTr lita, Late. 'tt, Aes~istant.it Ir
05'. It. EN v Law tt X't, Assistant.a.-
. o. CrttoS, .It. it., uinerss 51 toter. ltt I:PIt 5R:II sriAT vi , s. ( rlilvlE it.IF ;
1 ..to'.4 moicigyt'ittLia t i4 Aittt N ...,I o '1 adi ef c un a ,3in at ".,I1
!Horsford s Acild Phosphate.
'I I1o-v tt-tI l qu
00 I~. ."to r'tt'4 . J t.A nil ".1. ()fiilly m ipr ttice, bitt1 ly5('70511 il- o7S ttoth ,ADIN'G SCHnOOrL OF BUSINESS. Slag. TOs' . ttixttt rtt~t:10t,
oivitultti l s'atitl]Cotnsioler'it otooer tIIl 00000 t 0 oot Ooto maleOtto acherotti;t'lare a tt to'0 'o, 3tt ' i"s'gr Anti:iivttoo t' voot*. ' 1till t
N orm ii I~otvtis, ':f;. C W. Sewart gooddi~eiline;00 peiv tortto'rtt}llsuplidt eaitot'
Maic orI,.. Xb rltlot. ciricumitsho ta cso lltot t 1, tov best llr e 000000 daily ''0ctrts; itittn r root ,..gecerptiions: No. o. Olovi ti i nd i gv . 0O t-0
on na aiiia n t. - toniit'-stlth ot ov ootSS. "iti' tioroitlex(-_ ope'0000entietytro;riot itttg dua es i nttt geat 0( oot StOtto'too tO
lootau UBISIG OUE.dmad;othri d 't'tiot es alt l Sri. t o At t iotr lto Nsttet;tse i
liltiollo ortovigot'to thitgi rle H tv ai- tooittp soor sto'1. pi etor, tpattt '" o.:'. f'il andI toot t n ri't. 10 to- Ii t o .
lot- t-- -.t .tnotal i to-tlotor itoevtgof to tetit w a. CLA 0 no0s.to 00 NFtvddit Aot'ittitoandttttit toot . 0 t¢oyo. ott
Atloetikes piatittilantsventog, A. tt c cxellt)t ottiltotivottleatotoess .i.eototatid Er''iov
va aoecddsics. 'leete tig 'io lltit' I iooilisal ittig $ .0,$.00R . 00AR , pros. OttttG. roedot toit 0 Iio t a.i ll.0
wa dcde uIes, Ili'enigTrais anti tirubt wee A ti oct n
wrattscitentifiol ardtentterolinotool, liiiheIFirst Class and Warranatedt in Ootheroorins daily ex~ ctotundto
boxnsg owas chtaractertstic of mtore enliveots the funtitions. 0 T Os w. I ENNElT' it. to. OlRiiENwII'.I
enstlhusismntthan selere, boot none Erciov ootooe roooa itvloi~ S Doty & £e aner. 1Grit Paso. Agent. Locat Agent,
the less itteresting to thec spectators ( Rumford hCemical Works, Provi- 4
OttBear oftatubstcttutt. anlt Icieatiogns. L4E14&'l%1 a & w COM PANY
events wserc many :and someltclevce ioarlottitsttiottttot
ovok va dne \arii's runinig FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.
htigh kicks oere exceptionally note- HENRY H-alJ.G7 A.5110 sc-lO(t Al,.5iONtaot
woorthiy. lie suce eded in eqjualling Teachertanattoltotist, Guitair, BianjooldMao-
Isis McXillao rerorolof 9 feet, ovhiclt WftOEN"S ait'STC ROOMi~Soyo~A.C ~oliqt o,
Rooms__'AS.__tate__ St._______j ild/ 3' Dilsoii,
is remtarkabole. Receds'acloth soc log- PARONZE 11(J'iat 'l'oc ti'idlte c' C'o.
to elobilitwa tasolots fleOW EN'S BARBER SHOP !
osocts oertetoulis as good, of toot No. A SoT, 1HOi mmt tout
letter, tantlthose of last ya.1:-I l sL i s 3a
pecilocredtlotis dueo-\Iaiageir HoltG1.1MS FES P OE psi ~ all TeGiisods.Jas
for te arrangemlet of thteevent, LGU E
stoo tite pr~optness vwitho whIichto he' L.ORUtx EAS rl'I l+ 1 0-1 .\ TAEI)( CI .
wet rc carriedouot. 8. S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor-

A'rrt Noite debate tonighlt. 'there Ottoi"toho -"t/
are several reasonss why every loyal tir~
t'niversity studenot lhould be IAres- 1 001100 Otto,
ent. Intohle firttdaace, Itle three totlttt
t'. of ItI. mten oughot to be owell stil- I e s ,r i
ported lay their on -U t niversi11.(i1 i
Nothoing will so discouratge them aIs "Goodcl
rows of enmpty bencloes, adntign eC(Iy
oill give them mote encouragement hoi Eastt
and inspiration th.an a large anod oto- J xe-l Qiflort ots
tusiastic croowd. lorth11amreason, kgot Ottoa
it for no othter, U-niversity Hall , olt(14 t'f
should lie filled toighot. 'RTe, the for litit
resttlt of this evening's c ontest oill (totft 0t/
htave its influne in 0tsle formationo - ~
of a Ipermlanent debatintg league. If) C s er 1ctlal
it dots not metet the hearty and iIt'i
practical sulaport of the student Ot oto'
baody, it owould lot folly to continue utfihOLloIXltt'u
the debates. Again, the interestt Othhfilo XM
taken by thoe University at large,
will have its influence tipon our de- F.G I'H S N O
bating societieo. A full hall tonight Wtoo'witdIAteanstaesI treht,
means the suplport of tite literary DETlROIT, - MICHIIGAN.

NOTICE. -To S'rtavDF'rS
andCtlizent. Don't send outoftow~nifor
Catndty shea yoot tan get just as ooduiat R.
Jollr &iCoo'. ne don'ittilt-ge toe style.,hiut
give it1to you,- anthattt is onr-halt. lHot anti
col itu-thrsat all thnorsof te oduyanntitgtht.
R. Et. JOLLY & CO., No- 26 Southa
State Street-
And th'e very choicesto Canestln
48 toL tiT iA~TESTRElTs.
Cycle Emporiam, 11 W. Washington SI.

j) hoto jraphier3
NO. 12 w. HURON ST.

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