Of N,_ _ VOL. III.-NO. 188. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, FIlDAY, MARCH 31, 1893. PRICE. THREE CENTS. CEO. R. WENDLING. I ness. "The M an of Galiee"i ishis OUR CHAMPION ATHLETES. Will Lecture Saturday Evening i masterpiece of argunsent and elo- I The Indoor Meet Was a Conspicu- a University Hall en 'The Man quence, and cainnot fail of iteres t ens Success-The Events of Galilee." and Winners. to everyonel. __ 'iv. enln wa born forty- The Creat Debating Contest Will The annal indoor mneet of the - seven years ego in Illinois. ie re- Occur Tonight. Athletic Association in the opera ceivedi a college erdncation, atier Arrangemnents for the contest this hosnse, last li gswswl attedd.i whlichlhe studied lac. As a lawvyer rveniisg are conipletecd.lihe.debal h net t ere nsally go tic soon had a targeepractiretiiii will begin promptsly at 8s o'clock,-ait exciting. Mi. nit ac ted as si-a chosenisfionm sihcisisrict a nieni vthcoci ini untltthe lirst niasterrof reremnonies. ha ihcoe or er of tlbsciventriion to revise the speaker tinsfitnishird. The sisron In sicialcveighst boxns' Iron- constistition iii s o. Axwell-kiiown ~sin mesn arrived tisiioirnie,and chisasswon osver 'Wiescott.I Tsefirst ediitor ha-s this lto say of tim atillslivare confidtenit finning the contest. roundisas 5w01n by Vesrot tooks in thts onvein: The Preshoan 1G1cr Climb will smite II01midle ceeight boxing the "I sasa Onf the ahlest is hast1111its first aplpearanceinAn \r .evntSusxits ms sweevery exciting. I lth- Csver gathered in Illiiis. In iithis bd h tinilybe rcicz ogdy o vr-M'o.Witha l sil es-i UidS!-, scators ex- rover-lm o- aehn rctcn o'8 tnor r M ooItiteiar ,v _ a~~~~nilfaithfufilly, aiidi sill doubtsless b Ideleateit White.gTii finai bteeny wl eevd hellnoi lbjWieeaan Hlidywscoe.i vill also render a sreetioii I tic first tiree rouindrsuated sun a 1,tr,"m E. drasw.ViWhitetieadi son tihefousrti In -iii ii liiie i veli ~te 1.S I 1uiiilby cissork aindi sas deled e iD aclofit I inw 515cceyiovn iilieia in- iii-si stinne -- 1.lii- 5 cili xiv sslii ii Ini the tight wseightlboxing scume +. - ---- tE~h n leei Clu I j I5 , chsco Pss~ mnisosa defeaitedi Appleby. Swift ill i-i N- - i-c I - liii 5 swon over Hiarrisoun. The fiscal hr Ahn~olnal([(lat el'eiti5een iisnpsoms aind 'vfwsas ne V.- -a Ia-islAl nacilarrcl a drac, fin the usuat three 51. Seeond N -<< iii _-.----l .il V11J'iiiii il ioi ie_---- .Lpznroonds.I le extra cw.s axardrd to0 n i o si Thr us le lieavy sweiglit ho-v wasstoic be Cr hr c sisliti s i cxiooriesirov0eCC.Larson,1. tiniGo A xCongressman " ' le il I-loll us nexiiio oxn beirsrntanid act as presuirent of inatch withs Masnr. fr - xttwst-heeening I lie judgrsastiase Preston defeated ilasley itirh Czben aniiounnrerd,will be J nilC L msaiddrle sergttwsrestling boris AIM Shepisard, of Chiscago, SapIlT. In light wveigit srestling, M.astic- j e _ W'.Comapton, of Toledo, andi Pies. date drfeated Nrestman. Then in thsvng f Civetnd Iosisuos lie fina1l\tartiiidale defeated lires- t Fo. 4. W~.NTDLN(;. F. s.C Fssy-isre ce--iss. 101, 183--185 WnnsWaAAE., EfTRfOIT, - - MICHIGAN. .iehmofldt Straight Qat. a-u. CIGARETTES. digsrete Smokerswha sir willinag isPaysalitl _r aisre than theprice cihagedsr time oilin trade. Cigarttes, wil1 ad THI - 1-- rss Is si sperior to all others. - T- he ichmnditStraight uI-< no ic-srties iir eimide fromathe bright- it sunostuse ii-sieiy fliveiid ail highest estl uld Leaf groiinir igia This is the Old ad Original Biraiid uf Straight Cat Cigarettes, nd wiss brusgtoutbyus in the -year1,x'5. iBeware oa imaion s, anuloiserveo tai She in Warneis bibow is as every packsge. Ofthe Ameiican accoisiiCs., lsacers -Rcmsiid,Virginis. hurs, iaitd01my of lte abliestits f --li" -_ Illinos. bXen VIt.iN telstilig ws I Taka Kawada coi Japan. nmemberom111 SlSonof the disstrirts iii centrlrll inis. Thiii voutlifil men- 'ime InilandriLeagne enitertainmsenct tier laltractedl little lattenilionnis 5 lie next TMonrdayerening, ccitt coissist ilusy ai grave'quesion insolvsig the of a lectusre by Mr. Kaka ihasarla, retatlii i the chilieiinit eilersil s- one of the Japsanese stiurensts of thec trnmesii M iiliithecnstiuionlldf i5ri- tationss ut eaeis -vss iussder censsols i-i University - 1isssbjeCcl, ''Tue tion.1 l. 'dv V sIillingelctlifsiest sic Status if Wosmen isa Japsan," wsill be cedtaes silswithadisesirsr so eniis treaterd under the ftollowsing--heads: is-e sisdi isasterlytyhassi it immeitelly1sot. Riducationi of girls. 2d. line gave Iimsifronit ranssk cwillsthy mosccl a ie- 3.Te npo neto isccfisssssthtinksiers of the irelsisl ca lf. ;r.Iliansdb inIo bar. lispessies madsie lisimfn nioss- stomaen. j4th. lMarria~e. ts. liar- Soons after this lie wsy vitdl 8by rnedliifr. 6fil. Divorrr. ills.IThe one5 of the leariing busreans to go via legal rights of womxcns its I lie the iplatformc. Ilie lidino, and at attiturle of swosns themisevrs in the isice becameC well knsoswn by his first nmovernent to anmelioratlvthirsownn tectusre, "Is Death ter Indwshichi condition. Mr. Kawtada is a thsoroughs tie strote in reply to Col. Ingersoll. stilent and has givensconsiderable Dunrinsg the first five niontihs lie ws attentin to the preparations of this vms time platform onr hundred and paper and still nndonbtedly give an thirty nights, and over 1,400 niglats exceedinaly inlerestiny tall. Ad- in tice following eight years. No million, so rents. other American prepares for the Hearthtie debate tonight. 21 platfornm with the same thoroulgh- cents- ton, sthn arlion river Ferensosn. In time feather weesght series I Weigintnaindefeatedi Grnschmaus. Weighilni.n forfeited to Preston. The Highs kiciking constest betwveemn - , 1 Martlin .andriufie xwasespecially ii- - " teresting. -Iat. Im kickxedl 9feel, - and True 8 ft. g ill.j rise -tub swxinging by Reedh sas____________________ phenonmenal, ansd eoked hearty up- plasuse.5 P. J. KINNU CAN, 'fle feiscing contest betwceenmser- rer anti Swift seas highly entertain- 1ViI131,A\1 ing. Pint. dePoist acted as referee and 'Messrs. Rogers and Stislnan, of Detroit, seere thue judges. 'fle coms- TAILOR. test seas ston by Swift, seho scnred i ma points to Ilerrer's 6. A.'N IMPiTllERt OF 'ice judtcges of tine boxing a ndI worentling were Dr. Nancrede andti ~OO . S Messrs. Pearson and Glidden. Mr. I-fol was reteree and Mlr. Shnarpless time-keeper. 5 'VW. FOR=2 T m The association realized about $12.5 from tine meet. Detroit, Michigan.