THE U. OF M. DAILY. tJLJBST j THAT' SHABBY HAT ! AE~kJED Utd~r~!IThem ,1J WILL SCAsRCELY _DO IN A~NN A~RBOR. oany thing in the lieetf Yost are glad to retitrn, and we are certaittly pleased to see you, -- r -but you know altpearances go a long wars. CALKINS 1MUSJGA M00GODS0 0 M )9aLATE , AVINWILSY9 21Years in the Busines, Excelsior Laundry (( Best <34 S. STATE SmccR1, CITY LAUNDRY, oe 20 EAST HuRON STREET. Fie t nd Uet.LovtrCakin Dr'store, S ANN A R odWeek Ouaeanteed. (osod, elled toe tce > tt ot ABO.1M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N Fourth St. and delivted. A. F. COVERT, Peop. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, I t~tivcrsity Teat-Ibsoo, ID edlical looks, La~ oos,, IDetal. Books, sttltatit O(tt oolksMicttK Sooks, Stthotlrv. We hae-a large stock of IKeutfic attd EssetrIDtalltg I tt tttttcts. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Lowv as the Lowest. - TQIz = uL a~T Te , ,AVe Royal, The I, XES, oitistootesl tio}tt they give th~e mstt perfect lidltt ot anittlatttps ocomltaps Wile tlte 5050' t'ilst-s.prices very troto 90l centto $t1t5Seacb, they atll give tite saittctjulity antd quant- LONVPRICS.tity ttf light. A rgttd Ltitsttl, cwitli porceslaittshtades, at - . - - - - ( 5 centt Red Stt- Oil, tht bttrttsxxwtitouot eoter, does ttet clots the wick, LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! aid gives at stre white lightt, delivered at- - - - 10 cetnts per gal listns, atccorditg te capacity, from - - - 20 cents to t6 eaelt. To ste is to believe. See or stoek attd 3tout sill be conixcted thait xe sell thte test Datmp tad best Oil for the least nmoney of anysou ese ithits city. -Atr- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. BROWN'S DRUG STORE.I THE CAMPUS. Miss Underwood, '92 lit, teaches in Racine, WVis. ~Te Dn't W nt tMuh! ! Lit R. Stitton is in lthe late office Misc Scold, '92 lit, is stoudying art WeD n' at uh fProf. Conely in Detroit. i New York. s tWxxWANT your0 trdeintMusice Miss Ella lBennett, formerly willth evpa dptdi h tmc Ixtvt s 'tyo atsteted withtivory '93 lit, is teaching at P'etoskey. pathic departmenit is that of bating thing bought o s., WvE WANT to know yor aisoical E . TIroy, '91 medic, is practic- regular assistants chosen from the needs, ighspoeso tBnilMc.senior cas isNee n tOEsWANT to carry tack a stock as ~hslrfsis tBnilMci ls. Ms seegan wic ilt yotar needs. Mitt lna MscBuraey, last year with -tessrs. Clark and Northam make Now, What More Can Yott Watnt ? '93, is ptreceptress of Petoskey high up Dr. McLachlan's sloff. Miss 0ianos, Otitars,. tanies. Maindotlinis, et., to school. Poster and M.r. Ramsdell are to as- rest or soldt sit easy payments. . mnusicale by tarot. Stanley it ANAII0ROA U sist Dr. W'ood. TH AN BAIOIOtGA C, tn ity Club program for tonmorrow Miss Shseehani, '92 lit, teaches 51 otht Main steeet. evening. German and mathemeatics in Char- MICHIGAN CENTRAL. Amos Barnes, '94 dent, who spent lotte high school. Time Tattle (tevsiedlJune1 52 EASe. p. IA. WFT.a. in. the summer at Petoskey, has just H.SSmtreda aprbfe 'Mail. . .0-------4235t'kieatettieiial _157 H .Sihrasapprbfr Stay Expes-_ 325 Day Espeess _ 5139returned to cwork. N.S. Linmited -t-s 5 30Mail-----t----937'9 h elgclSoit hseei N. Y. theitod *. 4tdN. 5.Limiitedst 5) L.. B. leelit '9,was in the city ts elgclSceyti vsig Nigr ial pl t '7.Cthicago toxpresoo. t;a ewhur 'ouesday. H son tifome Geological Features of 0. N.Epress__.) 381It. 50Eixpres tec5 i 5t0eatrthe Little Mianmi Valley.'' Atlantic Exptoes.-074,AniieiaiExp 91 eciga eauIl C.It. t.Exss----- 10 4 itic jEresto1u37Th UnvriyoCicgha u. cW. tRoi.ta. H. W, HYe~S, Illittois Dlemotcrats meet this even- TeLusriyo hcg a . P . _i. gen, hicgo Ag. nn rhr.insg at A, its the lacw quiz rooms to dis- just received lihe magnificent sans of FIRST ATIONA BANKcuts70thetetion of returiig home $500,000, to bte used usn71hc erection OP ANN ARBOR. to vote, of lihe largest observ-atory intsh~e Capital, $t00,000t. Srpltts actsProfits, $30,000. h nadLau oreo e-wrd Trainscts iigetteral ttanking tbusiainse- for lndlauecureo -cbrd eignexchanttesld, letters so redit proured tures xwiii commaence Oct. t7, witht F. I, Moose, '93 lit, Ihas been en- fee tractles tbread. P. lINtH, Poet, aletrbyPo.Dmoo gaebymdc dnsad h- .5. C iLA..SOtssC.ashise tterb.'rf DmtoOt2age ba edc, easadphr Tennyson. mcicos wowsere deficient in Latin at GRRNG~rR'S *Ninety-four lits mstdSaturdayetacoittrtthninht SCHOL OFDANUot orning, ito rooni A, to elect foot- brands. I Ot Seson Ocobe, 9, t 1Ma,'9 ball captain and transact other in- The foltowing named gentlemen OUR NEWV HAIL. is centrally loated and portant business, left on the 4:25 train, yesterday every prision has heen imade en proamote StfMissBcHy, orne comfot of aoutrepatrons.. Thterenare na tairt issDcHays tracafternoon, to attend the state con- to mont, the dancig roomiibeing en the Ades oeadohraei groand ttttor. otfice at academty, ti Maynard-StAdes oeadohraei vention of the Young M~en's Chris- attendance upon the state Y.W.C.A. lo coitoi eto tLn Send $125, $2, ar 1t 5.0 far Sam- irAsoatnnseinatL - Y pte Retattilao by express at convention, at Coldwater. sa7 he BESTdCANES EinAmaerica. 'ing, during the next few days; StihipprepSiabea 93 lw who had the mis- Metsrs. Bowen, Manny, Morse, idEOETfoErtune to have his anklebrknVnaslWicxPieE r} Tr Nl 9 . .ONTER.Addte oe, while at home recently, has jutt re- Tunnison, Farnam, Shiley, and E. V 2t2 state street. CHICSAGO,.tuLINOIS. turned to resume his work. K. Towl. Call on Win. Fuldle. the l'iillitiit-st., tlrst doottr west nsf Sttate-st. Stuits ttt order a secialtty. A511 sotklfirs-eecs. II 507 WANITIt) (3uy aspAlarm Clock I or estoeeptttairing. donesgoto Wst.fM Argjo Iaf 36 Mumi Street STAFFORJ T-AILOR! Is showing at first-cltiss lute nsf Dress acid Busitness Suitigs, Trouserings and Fantcy Vestings for Fall ttnd Winter. 42 South State Street, G. H. WILD, IlE LEIITG TAILOR, Is the plttce to go for ists Ttiiorin. He has flit most slet stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! inc Suiitigs, Trouiserings, and Fancy Silk Veatings tn the City, and would be pleaoed to have youi call ancd examineIle makes a specialty of Full Dress Salts. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Anni Arbor.