SUPPIL~hINT, TlllT1SDAY, i\RCH +13tf.-I 1817.
INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. io a n,:tiniiiIte Indeedent A n ii ACA 0+TO AWAII. been deiniittel(ice id tpo 1), he
tw ofsuch a mcetin 'shall le sled oite- - -
' v tlea petit in o01 beetshro emtiersof Dr WL.15Mor, as Resigned His cnnhto1it o
The Constitution as Adopted Feb- te sso tin bthot ie t 0 hIe i5001 positions intheUnvetrsity to Lly ieMy 5 ta ei bfoeL h
ruary 2, 1891, and Amended uImetnlt ilea tI ~ as val oabronad, ~
AprI11,1892. p lll tite i sc iiot sni0hO 'lini,''- feh a bi<u ( 11( tiie~dt 11
111nnhil he cictitiinteihiat itit t'I.i[' t llrihi'cineitnlie hocifitI Ii ii iii til
M'. Inidependiet A~tssehtiil.bscii i ''et it ii iril < t tlte ii (liiiot ) i i~tloi lfo f11;ttrio s' S; m- I tio C) il Io thiri best toII.-hi c o
bee p ited as tosencti, :Intl uposlo tite1}r;"teii"'hs i i tiii
,uth rleeetionsoatftle tisoeitiou, i heii oA rai1v lea utc h s tstel il s e en o o s. Ih f s
ni'io'iiiotsay,Ao'iihtietihe the'spatei to 1.Si it b asttai ml poii on eritii ii .LCaioihe ma eialetinithe ('tiss pti' ieteaii.
pueblishthetu tll Ulit otr'sii essti' ei ot aiciedt niceoeiieticeti, ofl te' Sec
toettter tooh the liy ho' ea inbyl toee-outhtisste o1 alt tiemto tc Hw ta tuian tI nd, slediuiio fr the tak(Ii 1 ;llfciv-ilc n
rn t[;a, eeI' vts iiproeietetyttah nementitshm il flresu Ipantaeiot. II c hiia s tiit ti. i 1i
\\e toFle ctpeetts oft lii ' itriilf h lose h 1 u btishu'edoin cthe.of 11't utt C 1 Ifosr
iti'uiosn, iesteit' ie oiipei'etii's titit ue- 't liuoi tiei'rt. 4.Suteos tolstlllet"talk Ucititi1itoiltutaillrigccis.
lit tata it tt tahit(.u~nglb.i at out iiit illde i t ituneMekperto 'is sine, be llitonetedttiWithstiil i the 1-i lker'lt) ih
toiheebtyorasnize its asoition te foti tic i' 1 5Ithle eiittosot' l, )ershl
plt'toseiuttutl tttt" seicll emseiGily. thouiliio tie eotetslia it iteset iby teumn'to''cil"'n ]lst sv n I lie s trole1clt ndtie dititli ilter
iiiinti toio ni tittttiont oh~etic li iii l ciii t e lt itch utucettuuc'"the isprig ii" I imecf e a tsciktlhiils an co pe- Ticrunstill t iic i l"th:iei ua
oftif,is~oiiitiott t iona tt.ilhldt letfii'e ntil e a e C) Olie a_ 5 -)ac l iis
s , IA oi" I ili i' "ii r ie in s i'ul ee liie e ,eo sill1 lin t tet Instructor, mid it is witit C t'ii
tie 'csr t.- deutsetiti out A at (:i, isd eelii i hu seO I le getent n" tict teeciicofess' osiotch t'ue hi t s a th oc ne util one auit~v m l
P~ .the ofD.Idptieet' ASS i cit uit i tii t ctait ti hi ueuforotu'cu tt re eur
tethe is'uiet'' iofeoti itti sM.itoto t hem d c l(eptill ea ]o i eli c an _ o )arl i ih
fr.2-ca(iiaetpttotisbiii li' b ety it iuitioo sY iii toiitetios t'lhieot li elc 0c iitiieiit ts csi
(titu)itiitiuot'lisutiiisiiieiiie ii eo1 st*iiniiiiii tletiet e lciiitib011tad5 iand\
it Ind t sott ato te htatie'lttl lthei 1 Al'stiiitue hioiiieis e e tuo' e iil r hoit teue 'iict eet et ti C i
li pieont.toteA pisittion1iaiiitvetryitihe suthiting tttictaahoii~)etietiiitii'i'tot
it ~l/ a ti o etith5e ttti le ciis sod 1 b i s e snii tiii" t iit o st i ct0,,it P0O tit ~ i
t ail.. ho'l tuf, t ii blofte itsi 1 iii ol iitiiiiiiii cttiil ti I tinito tl e dit'd l ucratie sone, li t I ll]iiy tes e of- I11
tliiittetititiotra iltp ttsrbt it ire i t iclo~elo tso e-toitti h ie eoliliatiolotie ec citec o n .oh huh' o c to auFiiiis i5tro ,(.il;.]'111,;11
1i tlof ttoe",shaltte m mbrsofth Ii It111in tchit ebinei iii Chit ii i po p ii it i ae oiiIri t tt t ot e 1, eccip 1tcit ts ,
itpmct s oititioti sKit iail"l tisto eftl' hy lit' ehl lt o ::h lfit et altsit t s l iisi(.:tl"ef'itth
toi Io' i t a ll teetttn irsiatio lie dela intit emIo.n; ol-( a t w e , anI rc ivig Iip I-I- -
' I - t I he sti ,iltsot, iltoetio fluue t i of tie elhion iiin a to ieete i lii'ii ipitofli OiR.. o i u l
icit~ai tt c left.oiterihu icto ft hetimeiin offlice;and iii lit en iaf i ' o te s iii le try b nq es r m '(rlof't loiiiI
bor o di' ltaiio'sttli i t iorsic t o e'siittuooc ccc sl eo iii i tors100 of0rie the cii r or eg e h l wi ng rsou ins ve'
1(ci5.-oTheolicerit hc Alit 1011 itupl atitoi board.lii
betbeediorsofut th 01 tue atttfcr.'iic'.otAny memiiho' tbeoliotieiolino hS]oie l rn C~il ody ~ot~ ~ h po1 o
tut Aui iii'it'tit letIl h11i. ll ii c isrteritoiciltletebyfosti t hs )'itol an wil al l(n Sa F an sc t e\ ,E.C lr., t :t
'i. 'T''ile 'ieditorialiiii'board OP the 1c Uof on i ic eetichtcc cboard,0 li .
tiietit sall ie ' siuoo to f m ttcemb l'ers 'ose ' I t iutooioiccioiavet outnteoeft!fll a11 ri01Cut t le t t i m :Au tri a.iiCh 2 ,18)1
is Sl lot t heIn e endentso tiltte it r iityi i Ii'u' ''i iici icii ci e otr , a Bonit ct i e at ~ l t iloak t'ollootc1n 'e a I isiich l Ii c ii C i
oc'ic !.Ti he ditt tlossal t too cc ct ts e.. i l ti sooce'e litofieo o i o ft tooIle'o'.octuct i~l
011o iuhimtt : eeitothe i eaye partmenii'iiiit' liutehr it i'oi, ''oiii t ic Mot i loro sosoret 1,1 0 lt1c lasstc cii lli
measue.te rstliaedtinu'so the Aoo~n b t.C 1iCitbi'ieitii n tlll tit teictnuoc (o (ot'lii1tu(otoe'i cop'l
c t ietraetuit e i totlo hi os iiOuitio Ice i' .eopelled ' 10 te ,cia au puslccesittil0a0r1hc](i out
latc teltabri hr s h l ee t d o n 'til eoccct oti" at . - a- .- _.IaeseIotz at use_ uttlocichhll" l
u i. i-At'eaeitor; oust Ibelot (uceiy ti ar'o ha 'cioiconicoeti uotorlieohitchie'litoinhocot _tcscie tccts7 'leoaheroe u'tsl'd1 iou>Chto'
bore aba po t cioeeca os t ( st'iicy"(.i i ec i coititonoeel o -lws le iof tue ri e stCC hin g1sh 11n tthe 'ie fyi a i i, I tli rt",
is'olow,:cTheilatttct bei i t leasCt itbeti'to . All'ethutie t s, tlcihe cut ihool on e tc bwot:; oii[il (tuu orate oft, heuuc.I.
eioiittita atileatt m :'ot or,, at]csit i ahetl ot' uousel t t otitueso ,ritchote c' s rii'o i i i;iIgtaiooat ofiliriCiC ~ bito :t~ sfi a'l i -.n f1
otertcaafourtelec hed ittac m toee ei'couth Itokdnetisouofale
be(c.'. 7-T tthimembestoial ot h soe t o i ]'i ' Iuhroft tso hebar ofcd- pa e s atcuthut nve" t haioto a te to(tc fi i .sro i -arl t rU,
caeotc rrll li it eie t te ctitus 01 iii lPrs htlgeat cist mt-er s tt cils n pIJI'C teii tCit uichs fcousatI ih i tcril ho to c00 ho' i iicl:oli i~,
Slc -Aoaitreac eecto teoa rdiof oi 1l ie Satarcmc et ioby the i cle t its on co eni yto aits aItiC hews 5 aiieclu elor ilcr ,ct {, Dr.Cios 'hoc' 1:
mall eempoer Cid a tes, tot it tol toiiio e ib oo o ' t II-Ii t it-i Clr. it
horSorfaeayaiu iepoiio ot Ccteue g , el reet4 11Pocm rct e r se, u t fr im rasn tiasno
elednseulectd alniltrio bas tolu dointe u'tiy . w it he ee o t ill] bea altui tthe fl P ehm t.o.rsno u t oI
cattdotlof iOnttie(eOaacountoet' 1ro
ac.( P-lit i ta. fices h eedti tooi iy 01 tic ~itoo o 150 ii l.o re smleb roratlecl 0 10101c
itattacnsit o fitce hdta rat liedioo, ea l tit , iscr'M tineftieochni i thoeIig holIpod fr-sitof eeu Ii] ta s t ztctt1 ,) ir1i c
ti tateaO h ooltut tni atc I hAn icmbe I of titeubord fIit ors al l906 ttlcle ieihehi CcI tain tb( o ihatit oo' I 'll(
Sspt Sl t oeonaiotoe t a :i suitttcinesaacolre Seteco II Ila t l hlueaot tth lout ur h1L'Soi i cttoc i, rt erc deitth1 o1 (iou'cliat,[ l rc:( 'l,31I'^
taend tftweoassactbiess angesu t ho sueiotiihimsef tfotiot 'II cX. (rcesahuiut eo ec s c ct i t s h
;motoaI- r e sttoiht tt tt ong e ooocooo t 'aC ttld .rlld I, c titsp te rthee thei ntret oeu)-itt keh iit tit- ciie'mlwc
tee. a to tit be of hc tluttya oflthetilt tI (115o f oad ). Almaa erttonottef o[ rie , -
tuthea SStehurd ttootdteli Scituh Sto attuetA S Wth cothC t Td ae to aco t tohe
od retueosSl t dpesidetatallhmeetgfteo , 9Michiganohs9 rtchoeolfmaorstrersc'o tCrubt
Atls(taahio l IiShirtuetIllhaC tIiilted00dtocctetcs rica pr rchuei(:n
l'soi iontyaredeofgtitboardiofaeitort old 11th bil leae prad her a ctc olhgo iia
lehal. hav htee ohytet. Iaem'aofoeStrdae'iAurile8otheCiiOran onalm esehth nmeuvs1tit ati uotile 1fta lt ~u fCl a. ~l
oae~ne t tteta ofthebor. Mf, cleignr liser siicub willrof ld a It le, th ildovr toe intertiac1lha Inyft t ori It)< t o' . iMhtrnl-
an ocoosI-e al oetioicregiti e toilet'. ly @ " -t
51x. uS Sloetobalbtsohedtyl ofho c iii it t our Atits Cpollgemlewllelfobl rendered:er huutoot Iiaet.