THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,cford, Spangler, Vorhies; middle ~ 4~3S17141,18~ C. o ZJ. 1 ar . weight, Messrs. lHarmson, White, SPDRIN ST L , 8 3 P ooht .115S11110 50111.1 l'1'i~t weihtt, NIessrs. 'ThomosnA pey ll~. o 5 ols . VO I\I v 1 ~ llOlI OH F, (nllevtai ',laAs' CAION IHari-non, Swift; special Nw Igilt, fLollt TElOFMIDPNETA CIT s Messrs. (iroclln '11'hor 00. - - Wll Iresting, aid- C0 av (lieiiit It l\ Woodlruffl iiklater 10 Olavhltlli ' 1'a5,( 1'1Ilittoll l)0'0ley i()lnos I coo:ls Itlo 11 11 liP 1>ryI'r.f IY 1T)'' e5 k dld EVERY1 1studen01t 'II 1101sfor the repultati~oof till 1n1101sity"in de10 bate shlould occupysIa I set inl lii- sorsity lBaliIFriday tcein;,. swih his i lgplmvr re(ady for1 constant1 a1c1111. NI l iha''s m11e1n0ou1gshto enthism rwat fitrest canl the0 hartIf tI .Tikes, 11ho1- ever, 111 1 11 II 1.1 Iti 1tt r1 5 21 S. Main Street. W.AGNER & CO. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North 017/C Es Michigan Railway. Hohsfold's Acid Phosphate'0101105U1L111 11111e 111t 1 II .vt" l vi 1 1 o/ 67 { lililill myil 151. .1.1 1 i111 1. It.11111l it1 111 11; Il 01011I lg 11111 I1r,1 .~s It 1 1. 111111 (.(1t t "2 h1eVJ0 .$M. l oipt i' c t ' ...... . .1Jii.t21 1112111. 111 4l' 1 0 1I 111"'tit'il '' f1 tilti II k tat, hot .1 ;00. 11111 ill 1 lre I iis .:ooo~~ wrr'101adress I 1) tl. tem . gal pc 'ion 1 .1 11111o 11 ._..1. 0f S,!FO03 S1LE BY AL DUGGUOISTS. PATRONIZN O WEN'S BARBER 1SHOP ! J COIIIP5A0 N I . 1 ( z 011111;1 0 E-' 1 11. 1111.0111 0 111 ,s'r1 1111 101 111,0 0111 '12Cel01c, 11 i: ei~ 11of L. GP.UNER, th 12111, .1 15of1lat01 111; 0111.5 t' S. .Maino Street, oAu.; Arbor. boar(I ,1 1121 11s 1111t i 1 ( dies il, 5.1 01111110, 0ay 01110 l~t in er 01000 lise Ulli/1ilil 11.10 ction foi lstiOv'es100alseoIatr( lllli~rll eabeoet neboryratryear for 9such Ipurpose. Ifthis i d a S r 11//I th estabiliishedlas s cu~stoml it swould r- cci~rr salt ill makin" the work11of tach ~trd boardl m1001 easi10, and therefore 1 11/1 giving ant oppolrtunlity for improv05intg (F1 101101 the Oracle. ,1A'\XT 1 lt - - _ V 11Oll1(1 ENTRIES FOR THE'"MEET".11 l/ Il( A Complete List of Entries tor the for r111110 Various Events inu Tomorrow's 111511 111111/1 Indoor Meet. 1-1 1111 E~verything indicates that tihis rrtr101j151/l10 year's indoor mneet sill be the mlost qt illel sutccessful one ever given; at the l6,01111110. Untversity. 01d1ck. 'Ihe folloswing list of entries swill :1~t.I .tl"t lIl1^ , r Drv the assertion 11121 there wvas 110 o - never before offered snob a variety of events, and rimen better trainted ' for tihe contest. 'lhe conmplete list F.G.1' IH O of entries is as follows: BIoxing, 1W010211 nI410 Avg.1 5t Ol~fetrI tieas y sweight, -Messrs. Larson, fraws- S0ETriOIT, - MhICfIIGf N { i Ij, , 1 I 1 '!il/I11(.1.17