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March 29, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-29

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AX. alo

V n.. IIl.-No. 1: t.



The Practice Game Yesterday Gem--
onstrates that We are to Have
a Good Team.
'The first peactice garme of the
season oeeerred vesterdas aternooli
on the camopus. A large nnher of
stpectators lined op around the din-
nlonld to watch the game. There
were bhat seveninningosplaced.
Seymourit and 18 rogalan oitc hed for
lhe "'Varsities.'' Backs and IValli-
day twirled for tthe picked nitre.
Thit score stood ro to 4 in 1av01 of
the "'arsities' it the end of the
The pitechers wisely took thin's
easy, and ailoiwed cmany hits. hey-
tror secirred the coveted first htt
cit tire season, arid Spitzer tire first
run. Strelleer and trearstin eachr
iade clever dtouble plays, tunassist-
edi. At hat Smeliner secured three
hills ouit if as rraniy times at beat.
All ini ill, tire cantdielates miacdna
_;ooiilshioweing,anailcoinsiideriiig te
roniihaness of the carnitir the seasort
opened even bietter than that of hist
rer The folliuwing is the score:

be andapted toi it. Wh~ienru schiall
aedaptationl is accomiplishned, by tuice

Tile Repulbicoan Election Last Night _

andailtlienltstudyileiriestiic1labort; A Complete Success-Political
willii r~ar'eei ill- -~ lit EnthusiasmRn rewed.
1'o this cr11 a elion"'' rust oc 5Withotii doiuiibt the largest anai
cu in th H treatmienitof emloys. iostentuitsistic political lmectig
I A irtifeormiiis a a dgenut servility lnot of liiecy'ir, lean held it the lain
to lie endrdiniail diemrli atie e 01111lecture I iorir last evening, It nwas
icy. M51all those w1111 wcrk ftei tile occasionilofttire postpsoniedi eet-
others, the "irl that does lhouisewSork(i ftire R(7lcan Cr11. 'I' ie
is tire only' ore to vliorii e am obect ofthe meretri"g a h lc
seran i apled Scha ilistir l ion of offic ersandialso one idelegate
tiori is 11111iii tire word em11plioye intlano alterniate to tie National
sholdel ieuseeinillits steaid. Rpbi c artniConaserti1n011 nun ice
R esiiie these social cifficulties elegeates to tire 'National Conveention
thlere ate inditsrial ones; lamel y, of CiltegeReulia Cu1.A
dotmlestie labor offers 110o olers 110 I afmn vnc aepubyip C' abs.All

I :

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chance for piuril0Ctnl,11d11it is tin- '' is ha"'""~I il niAbIevscr IrcrlgeI
Iogcei.Idiiinolaoistile clitb, to present the enitrarnce of + nA
orgaize. Ifdivsio of abo isanlybintqaalified repuiblcall voters.I
i introdiulcedalt these obstales sit-A CcIwll ldtoileorieE H. FafoAs
thsalea. naly lvethns rewas askecd if lie were a repulticani. DE'1TROIT, - - ;t.MIIhICarA.
losw dorm omiutftireihouse than for- - By tis rmeariss-cry' few' democrants I -
onerhy'. The weoman's exchlange is a gairneed admrissionl to the room. tnt
stepp toardspecaliatio an co- - I 9 hmond Stright Qlat.
sten ouvrc spcihintin aii CO niewv of tine fact thait no uric ias
opertoiileniai ucoutelldowiccito sole irnless hue hiattsined CIGARETTES.
resu:tn ltskitleed labior andcithne aedop- the uconstitutioc n alarge cnther of aYnralYah
tin cof scienthificturincls.utneirideinelccamte mlemb~ers of thic a e innin tun n ay a lt
'tis is not abot'itroutof huuse-iicub btysigning this tdocumeinrit s charged fo tiu il .-i'
nwork, tint achangn its ireuncionuTu a'ii -arrnnn-nerts for u'otinng in-elre allI, HmDu uerort
It till-itt gnif domtesticn oill pationit xci llent) carriedh ount and tuit I 'J lhneItuinirinunil stranit
y cvti:Na. iei "aren'inatarenii'on on- h ri ghnit-
anduchdifficulties nwill vantshun it tile stuffihng"of thne batihub one e stivan baldelicael 'Cledan iii in ninest
_.4"i- _a diOigin i rt auli , 't i i--I' , iginin es,
Tine ThirdcicharnbenCoincert. i idone. I-vecry seat inn tine rioomun ias and waiii iuint l,,I)%, Iui ii t yarii "5
ocu u edl annula large itumniber if liv te tt r -s i t~r i1ll' i i
'tinetprougramnn of tine tplstplonedenthusasts mere cornipelledhto staintel h AI1,v& GIN111- iti lii
conicert hby' -L-. li enrry, thinnist, O uite uauelegatiuon of High Stctool 1 itasalaeoiavrs Iiciusicsdt'iirginia,
inwhichn is toi be gitvent in tine C hacther boys niere oiser to participtae in thue
Contcert series tohut-is as follows: electiont antil Hel elect their nunin
1.Fmts '."tic Wamlviii% ''....Iii.1Weinstein, conrresponduiung sec-
Auta'iou friomn 9ti'mC iin c itoSpoular. it . nT e contventintl a i uto unitI
ii'sllinnmon pllittilelouuenc e inastpour edul
a 1 Not urnenatu rn" stuec
', t luntilitop 1? niot Il upontneuihen 'n t uf tie-
uoon s, cit i itt I- nah-nun speechs. t he)rval1can
a ll t hu i <itis15 cSit'l,.o_.th ..e..y.
dilautes '111the;'ii i denctit ofl' 'lle
'i esten il lteuft e rulcietinns h .eEul leo1th '9uscerey
tt u Ia leis .a t1: ci ." acut -til t e a exeiloIa ly nneay ill
The In.. itialmulti 14" A.Poa 'ntilftr iterryeu prt-ftn


- -

Udltt 100111 111ii ii MC ii i i i I ii.iiIICl2I )Ii iCIIuIui''1 i[ -------- - 'Inc cuinurne I>hnnighschIool', correspondiung seure- TAILOR
" + --- (tars, itst6I fivotes.
-~~~~~ ~~easturn (Geddtes street tothue 'It. h iI rosaniC.I' -icei
Ry. hurueises tnth 7. wsere runvat candidates for thue nontorI A anin 'il ( zi t I CF
'The last of Ptrof. Salrnion's tect- statioin, threnten backc to line camuus, of represenitng thancdab at tieneta-j
utren inas given yesterday. 'lie sot- coverinig ibout h nmiles in 45 tional cornsenotion. Mr. tParsocssvas : N= _ G L = s
utiorn of time problemi of domiestic minutes. snlectedi delegatn and Mr. Ricketts
service, shin suggested, nwotld be HteineforthirCins5aill he niade altenate. The follownig gentlemen
founnd in specialization of labor. three times a meek, starting from eicnetio:elected delegatesf't1-otire.C college 55 W FORT ~Sz'_
Since tis has revoutionized alt the otedical building, Tuesday, nrdventodr. nnnsK . todd, oJ e
otlier pursuits, hnousework too munst IThrursday, and Satureday at 4 p. m.J and G. AV Matthtews. Detroit, Xlchigau..

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