THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. j H - T ,7Q O- s . j ~WE ARE AGENTS FOR GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that or Stock, as usual, inicludes a general and complete line of high class clothing. Young Mlen's made tip with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the best nserchant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. Yotijpagsl ilats, Sililerma ANt) HODGEMIAN' EXQUISITE FURNISIIINGS. .113s 4al 'S MACKIN' Knqox 14atsi TOSIIES. PElRIN~s GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Ready Made Clothing Business and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine Shoes. On account of this change we shall sell all our FINE BOX OVERCOATS ANI)SUJITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call and examine. AT THE'V-j TWO SAMS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE AnnaArbor Mich. CapitaliStock, $0,000, OWCEN'S BARBER SHOP! enerIaf~T i~i.A - ~ I- lr~~tzo oSudeeliheGben ai lBanking Laws No. I4N ooAtURNsSTREET. P C A AL enN nle ea :this state. tReceives Deposits, hays asnd _______________________ seclts exchangc on the peincipal cities of the.. United States. Desaftsahed cpos proper --ePTHE ARGUS,5- ON SATlT RI)AY, OCTO- UZt 1. 'estifitiot. Offices: CooSTIAN MACK, Pe'Rns. FMR 7QA siII~7M AV. I). i-ANm, VicePrens., h [O ".- I '5DA' X.AGN.ER &C .T -01ScIC LI'1511S Cxs. P.. Hiscoca, Canhiter. KI. J. Pot-cc, Asti. Cashier, AT LOW5'PRItCES. aIRE NT S CHL E RGIB S ON, 0. K. BARBER SHOP. ostconnection, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain ot wt.ssrcoatsTh5 1500'.i l~ .O .WILCLBAE Alp ha Na p rogram for this 'Trek: Does a general liacht1g sgittness. Pays in- II Pano solo,Mi1ss Minnie Davis; cepsaittgoDespoiets.Htsafy The Discovery of America to beinura address, .I3. Brooks It. :KEMPF, nPre.oen. F. HSaudy einESEit, C'aohier. Celebrated, essay, Auograph, A. I. Holmes; 1L .. he tUniversity of Mkichigan oill malin, C ID. ull;pian solo1___E.________________________ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, fall in line wills thc universities anti matis avis. Hol;fano Rsole, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! colleges of the land in thle comment- isalDavUtiveit Shou lv edee Sn. 30 East Huron ret, oration of Columbus' great discov- ae naSalRte hni cry. rise University senate considerareTsnSml_ Rthr_ _ina____ee on. a~csse Sit oine and appiroprialrI lte that duaevrJ.11 toorhepadVIiAhB40lEnii-Lipson, H'. il. Reynolds. Negative, TAILORS. ro TsIONes o norb ad 's h 40h n i .1..lrrL .fasn H Fot a Fw23 ~s"versary of ltse revelationtofsthllie H.iereL.I.Wasn YOvisiTRAcDE -_1NIP F% ES 50LCIT estern conitinent, asnd for that pusr- 1NiNOUNCElEN'1S. poseyl! lf ha~s srt asisei da (It. 2 1,I" I N E Ap tiriclar, Geuloltt' ' Norfucri. Ilucre sill WOES li V S a~~~cs a hiolidaoy iin all departmients o pp outHhs e a bit; Repsublican issceting in the W 1ES disc Liiversity. law lecture room iott'Friday eve, to Ptrovsison is bleinig msade for tile arranlge for voters to return ]iouse. 19 . lan s9 bservassce of, the da~y by ass appro-j Everybosdy souse at 7:30. O fficers . ' aheIriteIprgratobe arr t requlestedl 5o conicat 7, shtarp. a1 tsIe 1 carIre t ost 'uted~ dn the evessing of the abov etiate. The GJoodsped& Sn. Senatte has chosen 'rot. PBirke \ Nort\.irtisqofal Ino HEacratic voters fromisIlIlinotis is calledl SHOES. lO~~ littsdalr to delivecc an addreso, antIott Fridlay, Otctobser i44 it 8 P. I EEll.iNE a requsts has Iseentsnt 1tol'rof. itt the lawvquiz room for the puir- EH NWCA , Stanley to furnish mussic for the oc- poor of takisng a census anti seeuig'TAN ('AlLsIt(isiFtS. - asion. In accordhansce wifththe de- aboist goisng house to vole. Fii IEO+ sire of the Sensate, lt rof. Stanley has B-srhr c~s~ tit', Fu~,Ls:o (itairnia tai ite (ventral Cootl. 1 NORMsAN k it IPIET'S Special Diseounit ottEawe Books, Medlical, Detttal and All Untiversity Text-Books. 'Te largest SII~lOIIIS'Noto Book! arranged for music liv the Choral Uniotn,ovhich will sing twvo choruses fronm "rhe Messiah." rhe exer- cises will hrelheldl in Utiversity hail. The Literary Societies. Literary Adelphi meets Saturday ini the city for 2.5 censts. Agent for evening with this program: Music; Keuffel & Easer Mathematical Instru- selection, Mr. hhogler; music, Mr. meuts. Uisder prices on everything. F. Y. Moseley. Debate-Resolved, That Municipalities Should Own and Control Street Railways. Affirma- 3rOREB : live, W. J. Galbraithi. Negative, F. South State Street and Main Street. W. Newton. lposeite Court Hose). '95 F1 ssritt.It.. --Leofeverytians whlo cait play hsantd in Isis nanme aif totce to Captain IDoll anti appear daily on the campus at 4 p. m. It is desiretd to have two plractice teams if enough players appear. 'Team training and practice ganses will be- gin insmediately. Democratic Clasb. There will be a meetinsg of the U. of M. Democratic club in the law lecture room, Saturday evening at 7:30. All members of the club, and all students with Democratic views, are earnestly requested lo be present. S. W. CURTISSt, Pres. SPORIiuS OESr. 17 5. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS AND) FURNISHERS. Sole Agesits for the "Miller 11at." Fine Line of Mackintoshses. 15 S. Main.