THE U. OF M. DAILY. GIROEAT CLOTHING SALE. We have made arrangementswth A. Benjamin & Co, to ALL OVERCOATS AT OFF. ALSUITSAT F. NOBBY - SPRING - OVElRCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. Their samtples are now ready for inspection antdwec would 1e pleasedl to have you call and inspect thieti. See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & JLULE. W~E2E -wQ 0 VJ Ann Arbor Savings. BankI HENRYx H A UG, Ann Arbor oih. Capital Stock, $50,000, tocotco 'ot totc o tt000St Stiopttto,$ Studio w tri zeo d utnderthef Generttal ankintgLota ' I t, O r-w.°SI I t) (,ft his state. Iteceiveo Deposts, bhys and t Sft < . 7 - i Savaoil Ito 'eo ad tart: hitSl COPANY,76St hatoo y t ,,A Soston, Matt A.FBTW1L 'IF~O~ Excelsior Laundry, '10 Eb IS 1UtIltN OTtlIMlt . tOoftt Wosrkt Otto to l. 1(toodt catlleottot antttiveredco. A. F..COVERtTProop. - 'thou 'try7tta rdt to. t! Wati 4 ~'olto IA L. 0. ATWATER9 ? NW.UNIV.MED.SCHOOL, 84. ___ ___ ___ ___ I tt r tSIiI1I t}'y o tt o t tt 'o 1 to t , 0 0 o i .0 .;:a. ___________________________- ; *ttc(tottotot os100010,t tloI lt t t ll )t toit tT 2526 CALUMETAVE.. CHICAGO3. ot.t ito- FINE PHOOTOGRAPHS. MILINERY AND ART GOODS ! lir loo t .Mo3t i t llitttt ettotttt 1tttt te. Sion stret t 305Bas: Huono St et, r ~ t tt t ootOl00J> tto u 00 it1i"a!, ., )t 0 ito 00100 i tt ti tt ~ ti colt S llt I tolittt ti. itt,0101 t0f01 r !0EVI BL ( tt 0 t o 0 0 s> o I I.i, cfiStf,~y11 vc.e i, lt t IC~tIl '11 :1 I'0. :t ~ .o 'la n to~r ty a its flu 00 x'o _-(t(:tiso"t ,tto -'I-" a :. i t' 00 000 0000t It01 0ti 01! uA. 71% 9 CV1II t'" (ti)iLt... >" I hit", tort111 11 .t' t\Ulft I 00 Ot rt tS t 0 00 to. oln t i o to olt ~oo. ) \olo'o oto t , t lllt l l'sot t and IOt he)I '1 I 1ottfro1 tt~Siti t tt lt IS;tot Coi. o aclt ot 000c tttlo ttS .A t t~ iueteoS itnter city eStyt 1t,v. t .)tO>li f tiy Oa ( irtoScoly .0 l1 S i )l It ir0 t tso-O _ Sitio cti louir - 11tu settd-tnd TE T- O KS r t~Y it 00100 I0000000000 cei ee t i(ri. Srlwa tel; i.@ o STOI We -ta Oreeive Caolrge Hsupply }-OaI Learni t~te i ll S lSt 1I isttstfree t 215 at -o, r i ,itre~ aii ertt n 1n 10 te rtit So ltc i ttg;fi st i o- N H~15I Sre. ]Fyfe.l &1 Co: , . aetti egists :..1,ticl di:is o-e uu etitt:> s O-OODSPIEJEJDS11 0 ~i ( Tll Freiolt Clasic. N W A D ( t~ttrsAtdt , )1 lc co flb~oower's p fceillsttthe ti otsM. toi o ______________________ S'ti~a ree1 }t, tttetu il itwit i satil stil'1.l at le (ih l lti eo tise 11 Mtil ty SECON D)-IIAND. Liet treet~iiEs. t. ttu r. (nirpion,;tiger 1'tIiv tinWe fi seofay , tteo l .four Sittroctit lestit.lllasse s. iutil o t ti- O' 1,clock. mite t ful nte ott SlI E.n.. ., Weofer th lrgst an es fets tie tsf ultio i ret . Tiui a stttttJtis ftsll t e aetr t r otePot- ispsricly sa1loolt1itssoy!titctettc o ide' uu getlenst os 'r or N otffooiin t ciy or0. . iVei:4t i0 a tl ttcdfr t iSotttite . ftrttt'i ti cl, h sb h bet l a k , c ri g s et "'ia41n tn c . n o se nt hes ci y . g ysiis i ni , t fit liottp Ih Itt( 6i:sesot0turn tlto P yaprt aborai t r y g an rty eos- ~ tis 8V 'i Brisecndithan Eco-BtanOKS. steet les0rd.tp130ai 7AteRE ONRESS itosi Text-Boo ceveks. agesupl tarlt Dnc.o)oivosteet200 er week.'sctt o GreLtn Gemn ad Thelto ctbrmi acsill forttieslotn t R.H ye&C.'" 1'3 sWarsposo esotntbetinth lis ekogatdonoexo Waeet ata Sacrfire"ON WEE DONLY 05.Saereet0tatlestrr oo, etnt. illia and ll 1011 ColotIos etillnttMondaue, We ffr helaget ndbe aplesoftatohe test mec ttroptttitany V Main SC, Opp. Courtictl aSthooloaoe.ivlyr fc~ itiolp s tsofl ad.ies* andtooliitglttu l _________________________ k