foL.. I1. -LNo. 130. UNIVERSITY OF MIzIIGAIN, TL ESDAY1, .MAIIGII28, 1893. Pi'so,, Trtro CenTs.
SOCIETY'S CHANCE,. '1hirsday eveing. ITult will appear PROF. SALMON'S LECTUR. ,.
Thiuir1lpaTil vn 0some of the boxing cenits, this d -a +_o ;s
Th uir1lpaTil vn.1Thie Ethics of Domestic Service Dis , ~ 2~
Opening of the Gym-Glee Club thumllb having imlprovedl SuifCie tly cussed andl Some FRemedies
Concert and the Hp oatotiiit it05 ir711m fforc.f
Onc of the mn is in ietrot, doing nfv 3ig'd .iiiisd, ~ r$iV
Prep irat ils for tle i i 01 lop. I activeutraliing,11t the ID. (. '.and cseI e tia oe i i n sR
Irds irl7, aeciw'clnsill shIowv up1to fills'dant 'iaeII ~ 'ir~~
taib t'seese~t lll sarwil ieI " ste et ac'~;t'ofdtooetir service and seg1 'stcdel ft ETRtOIT MCH. '
han. T e eentthi yer wll e T ursay. 'Th enry ist Ir fal, Ioniepopalar s0 calic1 remiediies for
_ondrlt inen ai somlewh~at 1noel ll it of sshi'h will lre tol-
aealx1lel ciistinlg evils.
ant perhlapsl more elaborate scalie'11101rowV1)1 iii' sdias. IAll se
1. Reformo here inust be a'on'g theI
tiain hertofore. is fact it will li1 on o a*not scc I ir t
1' tt 1 Ile sa et line of other economic re'orms, by a1.
aconabinationi of thlree events -tre Ticke'tsareon151sale with eaich iolthe e'lllil ro lecl odtos
iuornlal opening of the (Gyml, the dilrectr1 s.a liii sion l l be y'on Sioime Ieople thinkb the aillcatlin
Ill~ilil (:1c 11111 lanj Chii eoi edts if tile ;oldein rule wooldi settle all
cert, and thle regular "'J"' hop. ( ''---
Senior Law Contest. Idificltlie; others thlinkl that intlii- I
The perfectness of tesearrange- encec aidded to ethiral riocipic W5U,1e1'1rn, u11' .l I01v111150Sre
i3easislie ltr hraiy b- The folossing seiior lars swill swouldi bring tile desired result; swhile oseV.I i 1 n unI 15 ' 1 i less
tiecelsthe eveits. The forioratorritiini Anns A rh r 1 ,v~l'.sti1 1515 i11115l1C 5
oanIorIconmpetefo class oratreoi liides- a thirit souldl briiig the employeeH. . Y '
of tile Gym will be occuilied only cay ev ening: Oliver 1 f Cars'on,inotsfal-wisaltseaiiy
by ,10fictdt h hp rob- R Iiseght of Property;'' 1. 0. privileges. W
ably 6oo in lnamber. These wsill be Rideoutrise Relation if Liberty 0111r.renediesaliggsted re tle i r- -
adlmitteti at one entranace. At an-OthrtomeCivisggeiedatithen IC. F. T - - lsandler.A'
ohrdowilbaditdtoe coloreid imovement from thse souths,
istserdor sillbe attsatlel tsoe i'Defeat; .11 '\Jarvis, ''liaiae's the iportation of Chinese, the 15in- p t-r ~ Q t
sshlo conic to hear thse GlceeClab Iislc es cs ' Goe ailtoinellli el ielio ao tecesIsJ1 CT
-ollrert .ssdtsiniply ee the baill bell,"iswo Columabians ('rises;''C. (sermnpllan, thleestaliiisent of ''isI CeIGARTTE
ior thsens thse allery, into whchlsthe l owsell, " ocilisml at the har~5lJIt'
runingiv'track i' beinsg transformneil of "Naturei"Jameis 'm. (Goodl 'ii 1o'cep a>- 111 11 I"ll1 i
sillhisseiilceclo5-cii thise sislrsecoiS iglnificance tf Brothierhiiood."IIO'
ucdatstwen 'oad qoo Thi
ssim iens iiiiisi f lll V/s e.octscriEeco ovh. m s e cie 1 racticasile sorew udo
ri 111 l i os 1 011sfret rope5 rsonal r1l1tion I
S, s its ssdil it'tlrs. crr. is r atic
.cuino c whilis 5 II I i 1 Woul(IfIt riitlit1 a ii
5 ioi'cloP5 1ck l c ilcphtswillibe i, c 'he C . r I l;ile .1-ic.iii aire
Inclillil ai s c ir tic cocl ertwiand iy nm e McOt' i 'til Im ei s o I .
( ciih 1 lii 51s . >11111
lieun aII iti n 11l i lr g aftie t h 51e f111 ac7l ii Cf r c ' Ill c er i n-ii - -
'mllbco . o i~s 11b t' f I, 1iol m 1 CI t':'c 11111th tail
i'y c liena i ,sedpafr . T eciilorn ffle hose b o i. )i
cariedoutithasrio1t' e I . 1Y.
thprId. ' athig n aner lo5a
Thi =iti it ' II p- a[sex us he ' 01' 5.5511 s h t he scrv n
:c fl b n ola.b h I i. a r
hnl co cetI ivn ii Al _ bo''ll noIs en il11. m n e 1liri'
liIcta 1 g ' il1111ath iI I ' I< Ia 'N
roc i: I ic 0 r1-1. 1 'if hsici 1 1 01111 '15')
ttet o51 ll b ctri se
_ talenfr rs in1the anel ndorj eserayaflrloo Ms:1)svynos.bepolid.'theclb djorndrI U'OLCA TN
11T<usrasicatlytang atMeollan Sa-ion in ordethatsniec 1of 'atherto
ht<r, j theangym. beingr{ fille fD e Ie o-en aight berd prestent cied r to one 'Sun, cn tst fdo se i -o la iclss t 'V(' S'TS t' W .
ttiin n sbospesfor the nev Ment ofPrcollege for etot,1chg