THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. ALL OVERCOATS AT OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF". We have made arrangements with A. Benjamin & Co, to take orders for their elegant and NOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. Their ,sanipes are nowv really for inspection and Nve would be I ideasedl to have yonucll end1inspect therm. See these bargains before buying. WADtIAM8, KENNEDY & REULE.-'''x rw SAIVS.. A nn Arbor Savings Bauk j -FNE-THE ARGUS e ,. ~ xclirLudv Ann Arbor Slob, capital Stock, 155,550 L '_ i. J l . l 1 11 1i ' upu, BF00 0 , AT'l N J O --f'931 TCE -J ! , N@ 2X@ Sr so RO C She, plus, 1150,1 Organized under the Reneral Banking Lawe Atl 11155ol'Work C' its' 055 Sls5 o5 RoodlWodhfo of this state. Receives Deposits, boys and "'" "' " ~~' ~ ~ x , ihsey cSleeet O " tel eeaeen hepieia ite t ieT,.-T ~(h'1f~1 st : I____________a__dlivred _A._.__V_____op G'nited States. tDraftseashted upon proper ; E 5Ht" b AT li \ asSeoniladDrig CR SoTIdS MACK, Pees.,,i S ee's, 25., 35., 50c. Wsset'o, S0c" Pe ica ese' i ratt ce1rr W0.D. HRRaIMA, vice'ret., Sole Ag ee 'r etroit and WUKtNHOSE CMPS076 tChauncy Sbtoter, Mai CHAS. '. HSoC'O CKCsier. "l. JFeRITZ, AsstCashier. A I An .-,r foc _______________PATRONIZE ' OV'"EN' 55BARBER55SlOe"d 4 s = - > i . " 2]Yc -sLinthe tBu'sie (;.rte LAUNDRY, ,r, r w, ..f V~s W Se oltLNo. 4N.Etourthlat- 'a ee ae ,T, atad~Secare Rooms throughr --- 'ps pad 5,eN ,IyI Ml lo i Make Preparations Early! >l A l) I";.1I" t)1;11 1.l'sI 2526 CALUMET AVE., OH ICAG9. __________________ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. ,11IIrle MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 1,'(.tOF M.ACiI ).1It. BSNSSLCL 35 Cot, Here'se"rocs1 1 i ece(l ce')tl . 1 rt)se "eel sees e llt' ' 'enlles ls ss ' :(I,'\Oee '. ' Isisllst reliet. 13> SOS to1( ttllet1"r s esor 1 '1)I :n' ' .!. cold, it the I rstellice B b ' si 05t)).A. eelr'e'sesN l dleof''"t , e'Sn le'i Tris toscesceses:'- oriesliese oil i1 1 _________oi Mo ,54551 ' 'e~no"rti l tl ' 1 cesess -ill St'tele street, Iridayesy c 1; llt s 0 veSI E D Ius.,ls . Lt elresses ltiimci lue 'saicles. ir n~ert e ave ats0Ill E AD Qev lio n .se IseIeIrss.le' .lieryster eee ethdl recEive rwad '1 i se'u(s blM:1ss' e " (ho'odlesen idwrees'lse s- lce 1' Iitlsetiss icr t a N . l s i ' il Opp.CosriHose. leei~t ls° I I lhaile cler o h sstt stss r e tiet. ,,l Sr er's. Iy 'ese5 stl IJ E irs ,tle Just isth ofth' ii t foi'vesite s'sol'of1 te i, by lA1 'r5 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n p aIu - n n ' T e i e r ' 's s e e r l r I l t S l l sbho r s s in e t ie r e s tet y ' a L. 5 1 'i ' r i s e 's. t eat Ser hrerr, tit er ell ry ll. cofifs le icrel a ssels i. iil iils II se 'en e I \oeeesssn((l ilsirecee' sellenl seef et (oninin (iiv. iri h ll. ,Ssiesirsionr,2' Ili'it vent teesli, Ir u it See Mr.t Bses een os. llsesel'tsls's andee rs es it the (Coeok IeIoise, 'less 28th rnst. CEo to H aqatesfralinew is essnore' eav0 ellsrreir r eoithocse and Seconid-ha~nd TEXT-BOOKS. Nt eliItilorl eer as i. es of S. '. A. icb i slte Se' s eelre tile'm.l erct 7iloS Ji set"I't l neerrele''sirle'se i .5 . e l illtt u rietsr severyt ile. Prc esi~ 'We lone received ii large snpply omorJ a~o, tleas Orthe lsrseist. e D l e moscrti C~lubs'' ED."fews'ait'cl ICy se b 11i elsee" of Greek, Latis, Ges'ns and 'etc S. Ili isa street,.c0 r 1 1511 551 '1 , I'reich C('lasoico. NEW AND , .'a.ei "sleosri", r -1 clsr.- to_-i--R. '-H . yfe & CI 1 lll taa 'v .-.,,..+SECOND-11AND.a 'We offcr the largest anid best Note Book ins the city for 25c. Being me your oeconrd-hand Text-Books. W!mahr's pookstore 20 S. Stats Streut. Mainl St, Opp. Court Rouse. iondaty eveiitg, atIj730. Slie full cllois is reecstced trbc preost anie (sear the fsuil re'losrt regardlisg the bausqete. I.A. Ssislle lot ;, Itresisdest. Learn to Dance, flee laist tr''rm ills ilei'iig fsor'tis oeasoise gins this r'w'eseend eext cit Gierner's.Acaemyiirosne blick wrest of steite steet, between Willi-ioam essd ILib'erystreets. 311' su. tll'SAirsialgei' intruecctsit iii clses. Puils c eari taike fr' mcs eie toe fosir loussasseels. Tis is stictlyi alsols, positively 55o5 hops) givreel. .A.reducs.tio-ue mteer'tel cruise' pills of thi's ss'sisl. 131 Evei"'', .of51M, studlenetis iniedrtir celil sit se (esok Housse', 1o1 Mondaysi, Truesdayery esie'isdaosy, March''ie27, 2's, esers and lss e'xamiiinee asfuilline set samplires soi' all the isatest mietrotpeitsan styles eot laest 11sen genteimeni's ticycle, baseblli, gymseserir.eseieso' an1 rthier soretin~g, sreiieg.lpslety, alcd street soses, sliplpers 1 slriusbsters shownvesbyeNV. i. Livieestons es'fI, R .. Iryte is (Co., letirsit, ilimongi whlih 1' tie es's'ebsi teel 'lFyfs'-Foosst-For"sn's shoees. 13(11 Th'ie' Pitiburg ieasg'e clubeis isagain trying to secusreI anle', the Un'siv. oh Pteesn.pitiser. S OGES H OANE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPED'S