,z C. of W~1f. $ai(g. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during tic Colege tear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription. tricer$".50l per yrar, invariahly in advance Sinlei copies :3 crate. Subscrip- tions may he lcit at the ofiier of the DILtY, at Stoflt'srt, eith anp of the editort or authortzedhoiitors. Cotnanicationtcthoulid reach the oiier by 7 oclock P. N. if they are to appear the aext day. Addresas all matter intentded fceptublictt- ton to the Managing Editor. All bttstness cmmauaications shouht he trttt to the Basi- nesosManager. THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Hich. EDITORS. P. E. J ANEcMo, Lit. 19i, Managiag tdttor. E.0. er.i cAt, lit. '9i, Assitant. C, A. DxISOux, Lit. '93l,Assistant. -- _- _- --- Ass4istant IL. iG. ttt ~EA, iti. '1'BusiessrManager. sV. xW. Wxx cot, iii.'5, .Assistant. A. T. Ji ci cite-, lAteIV'9i, Assitanti. J. Iti. Ao\IicLttt edic 9.1 C. N5. ICKrET, Lt. '94, F. A. tiI\Y, Lit. '5x3. C. N. Sooi, s Medici'9'3. MAWARtt CtrE C.tt ho', Lti. 's14. it'. E0. hic, lit"'N5. C'. K. S'iiWsi'Tt.Hoatrop., . finaportaituatmueetinge of the Daily Board this eveniung, at 7:30. AN's ARtI3lE keepo ito library open on Sunday-Cornell Sutn. CHORAL UNION AND CHICAGO, The great prosperity of the U. of HA. along musical lines has ofteii been justly attributed to the efforts of Prof. Stanley. The succeis of the Choral Uniotn macie it possible THE U. OF M. DAILY. S. C. A. BULLETIN. & _1- R \/= The Olctober number of the S. C. A. Monthly Iltulletin, which oipens New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. volaime fourteen, comes front the press etilargetd, improved and in a There is niothintg like a SLIM FIGURE to put it iii itiotiolt. nosy and tasteful rover. The DAIL.Y We lave laid in a very Laige Stock of Seasonlable Goods. We conmplimenits the Bulletin's tuanag- Boughil Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots atnd Shoes. ing editor, :\liss Gertrude Buck, a _ rA.S R 8; M LLE former assistanit editor of this paper, 4S SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, IMTCII. anti her associates. T1he number Toledo, Ann Arbor and North contains an historical and appreci-~~ alive sketch of the DAILY. tVfr-M icignSRilay _______________Time Card ini effect Sooday, Auti 'eit 189.'. WHITTIER MEMVORIAL SERVICE.Opritro aaPIaaro On next Sunday morning will be GIGNRH hel a hitieruteoril srvie a - %~~'~'No. 1. Frakftrt Moil and Exopress 7 20 a.m hel a hitiermemril srvie a . No. t3. Pe i n Attbattec... :0025nIton Newberry Illlinstead of regular Na. s. CParterMala Arhti...r.o.12,5p.0n No. l0t. Tttlrdttttnd Ottosso Sunday religius sevice.The pograme T ealy nd.... 52 .in reliiou serice Th ~irgraIme thitoLEADING aenoor OF nUSNS.a Nag. No. liii. Tloidtt and tiosooStnay swill lie arratngedlby ltrof. Trueblood, go dsipie;speirttk;lyl.ple rain .OING .50ot. iii rootm; dailyieectes;tSacturdtayeeniigareceptions;i~issttet whvl i lliiigive reatdintgs 111011recita- oenitthe etttireyaCo omeottrctilgradutein ttreral No. 2. Ttileitii'tail Expretss .. ..1 . t ri. i tettaad; siothnd gradutiesatt secore postions; Nod . 'Toildoit MailnExpiess....c.. 8 t p. tions front Whittier's sritings, some tivittg exptnsesea2alto$acts cer weettitivrate fai-.No. 6,'lTledto Arctttttttttttitott. Oati. ib liesiFr NwATcALOceganad Ltof1Studeats who No: . te OwostotaitToildotSutiday of xvhichi sere recited to thte beloved ak oeicPecaoe.t- eRcLAR-saPeat. No. 1tt. ............2.Il P. a. CLo.EA4.OOwsoaindiiTtiledo (iStittiay poet by reiluest, several years ago, WeAoneSuettt o ili)-_........._....., t 3 In We Adise Sudent to Se Cetroral Stanato ine iduritng an intervieiv. Appropriate 0 1 .Traiis ail 6 runtete'etn AtnniActbiiialit tmusic siul be fttrnishied. I..../~y F'ine~i r Toledoilt' n lt tixetti liindiiliioet - t ~eitc tttilOtwioso etittliysetily. tieiulte c~i .i Another Bible Course. AV.O" i~ Itr 1eNNetittodiyetci iiiy ___TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK. I e. as'iAet. LonrEsrllr In the Sttenett Bible Class at the Unitarian church, Mirs. Sunderland is beginning a sltort series of studies of "'The Life of Christ and itt Oat- conte," running through the next five Sundays. Her subjectasvwill be: i. Sources of Information, and the Story of Christ's Life. z. Meaning of te Life. . Obstacles in the svay of Ite Nosy Ideal. .I. The Inmttediate Outconte, or thte Establinshment of the Chtristian Chutrcho. 5. Thte Renmoter Oatcotie, or the STI 1)FNTS, SA\TE HAiLF OUR MONEY AND 1ITlY 1 x *Ate- O 1 c _AT THlE-- STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. Greek. Latin, Fretichi, Germn anaid all College Text-Books, Newv lald1Seconid-Hatnd. LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS AT WHOLESALE PRfICES. in a great degree to establisht the Origin of lte Roman C'athtolic, the School of Mtusic. 'Ihere is nothting tProtestant, atidthte Liberal Chturches. tihat is suichtatt attraction to the ' - mass of people as goodl nusical fcc)_ MssCaeKeyni isrco its elocution in Logan, Utah. tides. 'T'htese ste tiow have. W'that is- needed is thlorolughlailsertising. te BUSINESS LOCALS. ti) to Chicago would help to serve 'Ii ee sritiitg doite it t5 Z. Cathe- this pitrpose. It votld tte thr most rfve street. -150 practical nmethiod of biringing before tite musical pseople of the cotutry our cxcellent facilities in that line. Those acquainted with the great choral societies of te west knowv that there are a large number, xhen we range froni Pittsburg to Omaha. Yet out of the wehole nunmber only thlirteen have been chonen to take part in the nmusical festival. The Choral Union is one of the thirteen. The question of going to Chicago is not one in which merely tlhe Choral Union in interested. Itlls of University concern., Thse difficul- ties in the way are numerous, hut not insurmountable, and it in to he hoped that the energy of the student body and its desire to foster the musical interests of the University, will overcome all obstacles. The Deti-oit Evenfng Nests is nutsa. peitny paper, intl 'will be desiteted thtroughtotut thte city at Gt cenits a sweek; dafly and Sttnday,lcts a wneck. Stofllet.7- Look at thte Mammothli lne of Osvet- eoats, Gloves and MittentstUnderwearc, Met's. Boys' and Childrn's Suits, st The S. T. Jacobs & Co.'s,27 andic) Main street. -4 Mr. Rose, of the Golden E'anote Dee troit, will show their eomplete lite of wcoolens at the Cook Ilouse, lidiiti, 1-4t6 inth. Those contemplating ordesr- in~g ansy lothintg this fall w-ill save mnsey and get the nobbiest goods and msst perfeet fit by patronizing this coneern. Call on Mr. Rose at the Cook House, Friday. T. & A. A. EXCURSION. Janmes A. Corbett, the world's cham- pion, will dive an exhibition sparring match at loledo races tomorrow, Oct. 15. T. & A. A. R. R. have made a rate of $1 for the round trip for those wishing to go. Trains leave Ann Ar- bor at 7 a. m. and 11:32 a. in.; return- ing, leave Toledo at 6:30 p. mn. ST. THOMAS' MUSIC HALL. The above is a ct of the new St. Thomas' Music Htall on Elizabeth street, near the Catholic School. It is used at present as a Catholic church and owing to its immense seating capacity every Catholic in the city of Ann Arbor, whether student or not, casn be accommodated. There are two morning ser- vices on Suntdays, one at S a. sn., the other at 10:30. Vespers and Benediction every Sunday at 7:30 p. ms.