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March 25, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-25

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e . of


VOL. II-Nio. 12$'.


PitTias CENTS.

The Advantages and Disadvantages
to Employer and and Employed
last ct-acing, it U'niversity chapel,,
P'rof. Sailion preseinteid the rtillictti-
ties withitit salt eimpioyers have to
contensd, and the ad\-aiitages and i
tltstslsanta-es uniler iwhicht the (Io-
meestie servant labisrs.I
Somie of the diffictulties wsithi whichi
ise average hoasekceeper struggles
an secturintgisecessary assistance irt

the discuissiori is confiied it cillely
to the udictioin, sptilini" capitalizca-
ton, aindlother dtists Itthis
car the articles recst-e-s "enecal
slttiking m), bhttwithivery h--na ants1
Rasebattists Still Practcng.-
Batsehall pracctice otiu aaa h
rinh Nvithi unahated interest. lihe
tnttaber cit candlidlatesnoiw intiralin-
t ng is abouist Go.
Sli t iroing and catch hag of the

I y
The University Senate Committee
Recommends an Appropriation
of $182,300.;
Te Stesnate G iirersity s otittllc
eslerulay, racotttnirled ati approi-
priatioorf $1S2it0O for tl.U if AI.
(Of this amoutint $T.1.,300 wras aht
Itrliotseil to currant expenses.
$37,500uscrerecotinicisslsl lfii a
seaarnitistraionsi htildliitg.
Sglj, taesoititts rssonttenstct

tter houstsehlduiare, te introrduclttin 4omen l piocen hiautb. Iuse ptchstunin a,-oo.
Itnto hter famtily of tdifferentt nation-I are doing good wock, aisc affordi Atoonlg ls ittoirsneIt
alitnes, religiottianotl.political vnr ~coissiuderahle attrtactiottnInIte sites>-tItheLatstnetpcitss ale
ite restlessness wills which the class tilocs. Thleircurives and sitoots ace of s tt fosith ctlets inine r $,etl woe tlnr to 1airte to
of Granrd Raissaskiiig for antalt hissAnt botAriacies, sed firCtaloigue hi
is imbused;thtle unsskillerd lahor swhicels particcularly noticeahle its the wsetIpr rito frth c-es n t. Am
conipels enemy Ihomte to he a trails sire of the buiildling, wire the lgtelF
leg school. isPest. ___The101183n85litJiliinali.Ant
The adnantages to tite cnploy- cI nlitacirition in the daiy Isso-nitie le' ilirls ssrilit f ItehlisalICIGSAN.
are high wnages, iwith no capital in- oat door spirints, Caistain Crawnforcl h acnme-o teDna orn-il liiibPenn tssuiecd,-is Vc.i1St
vested; hIealtisy occupation; the ex- isputting the candidlatesthitoutgh ar idhaphiI Qmf t~gtQt
ternals of a home, freedoni sonic system of gymnastic Itraining,, ainatn -lt i s
timse ciurintg te week anti knosni special attentiotn Peinge Otseitolithe ttacitotsCIGARETTES.
1le arice are5wsitse bendenta
-ica tiairs. ii lisietoci c ee moitit en t oiiis i e 1 ttrioar riltih - neimao-reet -hailsh Irie
afar.sialitaeiet t lt itf ttidents -'int altrim i tointito "teat c ihaigeii isr the -, rn'tis'-
'The clisaduatitages ar clsteti it i s tieiien 0out ott the ieidsh with l uisty nsf tosihltiorthli)of ce - i -- - i-. Itt %ii tseied
lisa little sOpportitiy- foradaiitier- aek (ieriltecl paall 'ooeer~s.~ttsa tsi
loiecal pa ctititoners.i -ttiili Ii~, h e iuthnti'..i tritht
'host I - tihitiareunite fro is ii t e brghtitt-i
Prf Sct 5 L urT-lie Gleet huh OtPt ists ro tni. s h li-ctabl otots si t en tta ts intd se ?t 1 i tl iiztitt 5 hi is'- iaidt' islt~ cs
{:dn Gl I-a gon its hirIlihni.Iti h l
ho ---nt Iitiltocitalti.t t Ana1 uiesth'e'iansi\ .etl f dOiginal5BrandIof'SAright net ueit ~let
snnd x~ I --t o isl ,in tIC eatni
lisaTiiau ic ile sfort aturos itiist ntet li T11e si ati i na dMuulIn$ece 52 1nit osan larrethttc
Prof.iStcuha ttas Cousr's tin t is th t htuitrdiittaruin dhlii csshtsn Is-"htnnin tsn ciritr til uisi is isso
'ht- Wiasit lr iig. sn nsc ia e(ncs -hhhe iGi nd ci ir Inuit s aitn of 'Tieiporr ni r aetTeh
iiiow sor-i 5i~J ~ itss ith eihra recntsii hascrtl it . )Jn esttot 5> 55 icititit rca o
-suiltsa l.rey' -llost ! r ittt
CoreIis~ ih cov sta ity: oganiaaio H-it inteaoth
"Ra id Wrtig, i p rh ps flt ay(1CITtt ee in po de ty C i e I le at .1.S,'2
rn s rciclc us ie taail s lcus neo h rsole b t istass5o -hI ''rur 'I igh a- n
" e lu ex th cleraed- - er
deprt en. heco rs isesecaly I.1) Wibe, ,; prsna 1n thes, 2t

- 'ita -- - i)'I' e e c. 1lre ;- - -" -
hoCists areaitsas hketp t siinl~, 7:i alatti ts--hn" a isa l tev!11g
ie ccollectionti fci t eit l h a- lie orat ttnu }sayMr. It at 'ielc td
rstsselictteta-ndttue wsi ndts 'ittt sir's atse.sr d'~! a
stieton nv lt'detetiinM sss
At te secotith tteetitg nitlisa Csasphell and S. A.Sitsihiasdlvo-
wnack scime one of thinartcles cif thin catdiat th lsa ltit's S'ail- shicild
preceding hsour is corectedh, eac hbe cipen cm Suniday-, atnd -Mesams.
miemiher of tisa class being supplied WIilcox anndIHolmes thai it sisouldh
with a type-inmitten copy of thin he closed. Thin"Divs- WIheel," by
amticle. Some dayasItse criticisni is S. R. Cook shoined thsoughst. Thsere
denoted entirely ho paragraph struc- will heiso nmeeting next iw-na on ia-
tome, and the completeness of thse count of thse final debate wills Wis-
article as a whsole, while at othsersI cousin.

thiss U iis.a )l r mhiss
Noble''sschol ft raor it lDe-
whichu' wsere lushly apssreciattent.I
'His Calkitns.is ,giftid iithinabtilihy-
10 tell a funtsitsotre in the msts
AT-- .n.0101 rnh -i iii ttiltit) ~c


contributed ho nmake thin reception := -= 77 0 T NS
ats unsinually pleasant occasion.
F. L. Dustman addresses the Press 55 W_ FDORT ST_
club this evening on "Sensational
journalism." Detroit Xichigan,

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