THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE& We havemaeraneetswh A. Benjamin & Co, to ALL OVERCGOATS AT I OFF. ALL, SUITS AT I OFF. NHOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATrS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT 4 OFF.1 Their samnples are now ready for inspection andi we would be pleasedl to have you call and inspet themn. See these bargains before buying. WADI:AM8, KENNEDY & REULE. Ann Arbor Savings Bank I "5tTHE ARGUS,s-- AnnoArbor Mich. feopitalStock,$'0,00, FI'lNI JQ901151F IN@T,3 Sur'plus, 1150 o.AI'L0.IU E Organized uoder the AGeneralBintoxg t ALawsosic (t this state. ttcexises Deposits, buys attd selUn hngit teprnia it fte(dState. Dr)atts cathed uontsproper t DICK ERSOIN Iidenti" fetiicaion. Othoe HITINMCPes.,Ui C113u ('tsstD.ta aRRSt butIC, tree t;.'tsoKxea Co~e ie t uti '...1. bir, Ast Caxher. Antt,7.At bar for' ! *~VA Y~e ,r/b Jcelebrated Silk, Feltanod; Straw Hat. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. I 1 11; 1't t1) s?, MILLINERY AND ART GOOD'0 at 5_LN)1. t 7> ,, 3 .-< r -~s Excelsior Laundry, "0oEA~sSTuRoO TREECT. 01 v'hapxo GooidtWork 0 oaraertd. (cod; ralled fo air. wlo delivered. A. F. COVERT. Petep Save D0s oicAiand Darning. j I /1. : % IrJ ( tfie's, 25c., 35c., 50c. Wcionn,c. D ce t i ze soe WAIKENIIISE COMPANS, 76 Cha niySt,,Baston, Mae 'OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! - No. 4 Exi;'' It tileS'z't ii z (U '?YLAUNDRY, M.l4W.S;oabolt. No. 4 N. FaasriSt. e . / crs Secure Rooms through WP O P iI. CO., -=1 Cl mlox Ave.,Eos'on. L. 0. ATWATER, , : , ,_ N ,,v_., ' .i .,x i'caIo -N.W.UNIV.MED. SCHOOL, '04. ______________ I Make Preparations Early! axi11 iicotea,= lReo Ad i' odesenolsinsamps, ____________________ 2526 CALUMETAVE.. CHICAGO, A Work of Art. Ipr 'lice riiliill of'theIi nel 5) e111 ('c, paper ever pIlitiiel I i i tl he eU 'oill11lixlCl,( S omes, ixielltil.. .5 ! i,)-o ! lixx'c ofitter' . l x ri pi cturesl o"0 Rn. H. Fyot & Co. S BADE ~EREDA\ EFoi lv L S Opp. Cour ose I I'ri :1tii ''! liii ne 2 ii iiii ri"t c 4 j F H \Iir.'?l fllt~~d 1iiit S It'i y ii iio' I ill room A ''ixle 1)110 otf Gretek, Lotino,Geriml ani d leseritoiIistxI Fr'ench ('Itsioc. NEW ANI) 'TIx' Nx'tolxl Opeer l'l xilnyxiiten- txitxned aioxthtrs'x' l ttorise tlast '' xi ixg. ITij ere i'l00 t e hi a)l1 oexmlinationx 'Tihe'oipiraill5 ii I i iii ir I it xi Nte SECO i)-IIN I). S'ttirotayn \arcth25, xxnAloomox1., at t'axx(iomiietoe'. tdt ix. t ess'xmtixi oi . f oxr s t ents d torng I xxaxc iuxty e(In altol ay itfthe pati We offer the Ilargest arid best tive oft conition~ls in IOltxtanxd't tgxmt.i nealofxIiItetootia ex siiit ly C Note Book inl the city for' loc. . i E tisti, (coouirses 3 andixt. 1soxey inittteiooleofitthtwlioxthisevts G' 'were.Ii 'i 5(0 c'otatlty 'ioltl g in i p - Brn g ill )'otnr secondi-hand toie andMe.sNtruii Ci xsArtixt.(IhovIll BUSI NESS LOCALS. 1txxi ot tofthii'city'. mpti'twtexl'thtei Text-~oxoks. proxiEugene, "xs')'et''Cxry to'thCl ix' 'lieU '' 'lilA' as fIor xatBat, lit wo tixy Aiii o lhe iixilimix oliioli ism 01hax cotxt, it t'th ooctoltie'lirlolt'stoop. ':rTa lr' smi c x o i '. 0is 115 li ant i s i 5 Atit.tt1ix'ttoxtlsI',l di esmoto a~ t o 5 . > sttli lVii ~'tl' l l ~ i,]'lo oi 'ttoi l W ahr s pook~s ore 'l'to Enilfd lTmpsonxstr'eet. I ptlnsh' S ~ilt 0 t'e l'oltxpltx l aytt sx' ]3OJLIE j.'. 4 .jtt 111n1rth of 0110 Itost- L IA's'ci'ittt' .xgiii. ' otltixy ater- 203 5.State Itreat.offxice, hste th ixt llx's. earr'iagx's, nxuom n wittll t c tiitile ollirand llxatinee ManSt-',op.Coort Aoinet. tadihorsi nx th ity3. 'Ar'y hinit. I' Atf it nlirIt Iil(,l,'20. an o . t s . AR 0E 14OSAJ). GOODSPEED' S SH ONGESH 1-3a ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'S