THE U. OF M. DAILY IEASY f1i~ Ff~IA 11ONLY $1400. IN r kng.I, 'i1'II. 'IIr5y5 IN 11 011 11(71" CALKINSW .SE PHA RM A CYI.EY 34 Suth tateStret,71 TIRS. C -LUETTS NEW COLLAR, L4 11 0 1,71 l~l MOORE &WTMORE OOK STORES NO- 6 SUTHMAIN STREET OTJ SY SS O IN1'.71V -.7N71I (D 'l) i ' ). ) P L) illrd (071'IpCLI aii. c 41A Pi~, a. L r, x E-'' . F i OJ EU _ 3 . 1' U3 of 7 (I. C-> 7 II17 to r<1 i 11711 r711i ( ]1:) 4 P F- iN711 -- 710 (V.A, [' a 1 U7'.VL"1TYNOTES. A 71 it 771 0of1philoso01h1c171 1 '-11 X i, -I l I * .71-71 11 will71 be hel1 d il17117171 711 772,St-717 7711T 771H 7 77171 .7 7 7 , 1111111 171 1,. '* 7171 7171) 1071171t,19F- .IIJ ?il..con- .- I. iV-n 71',) PRIJCE S_ THE, 71, 71ANN 1 71717 L {,' 1711 711 7 11 1_ >7X11h171C'StA71il rs his71clas's is Ob- 7171010,1-y"' withl717717 afternoon. I , cf ate. 1Dr. Lyi 717171fot 'etrics iand71I (yn ...71717 n 7111117711 this < 71.71,y1, 71t 71,,, t71 ts, S 1711 171it\clian initer-collei ate1717 '.1 1 -' 1-' c associa1'7tion771 hol1dsI71its 111e711ca71 71 71711 Se 71r7171 H il ts 711e, I17171 e 117 1-Rand1ioph, 71 17117(1717, wss ia771 zntresetI vis 71rat the 7clinics 171of 41-4IpRSfT NATIONAL BANK D7171(1)171an 7I1711 3c, yst(7- 717171 ANN A71171717171)y' Pro.: 11S717171 117171771,TIE 1 71 11{1 7117)717o,7 71711, 717 1717=711,71,' 7171771717 tit'.' 3' (on esicS cien71711717'' ,77171e1 r1711 71 S. r55'. 7ev 17 at1 ..7r1. in th_' ,j7 Frei 7.711i <1. 7pape71711 desc17ribing ''tests of a DO) (3YO~IU DANCE ? Carh-bosisutptiide 1Engineh"' wilt be GR AGE CAD EMY1 read taliigiit before tihe Engineerinsg Society, by Mr. T. ifinebman. dL IArtuo Si", - A'NN A I~ii1. The baseball candidates ran about 7r1, 1717171717171(71,71,s7lt Imo1..to11171717317' 17 1, 7-.1. th7ree mides, Tuesday afternoois. ____________________________ esterday the run was msade in the SenS f5 1, $2, or $717150 for Sun- rink on account of the weather. I.1 pi til7'CAOl byin Amrericaa. teBS AD A list of tine prospective literary U V Put up in elegant b7os anddeatun strictly pure. Suitable far dprtetgradusating ciass has PRESEN'TS. NEbeenson therbus p7r tide eeroea11Chicago. benposted o tefaculty bl It C. F. GtUNTHER,Cofectioner, letins board, main hail. Errors must 21712 State Street, riotda ne C HICAGO, ILLINOIS. b eotda ne 11 ,177, D 1. 1P ., 7171 l10ccupy1t71171 717 - lecture tier) 711 711tr, 717171ie 'Jolhii Wyciffe1717171 larl ' .1ta ol til e 7forma11,tion."l 7111711(71ose7151717 71171111 to eiter tile shot-ut'l 111r71h7ammern777t711711w1'for the W71arsityo071 719-'96 11711711 1171-s, 717 wish111to cotest117711for a iplace17 71711the teami77whsiihlssill 1be'711sen7t70 to 17hica-), 71all7711fie7171d 51a 71.t 1171. 71717113, for 717717171' 711i7171clubs iiicolleges is 7177107171171171 rapi71dly11371717111771the miainagemen71771 717 thie vice-president, 71l1et1c1her I ob} u71 of the National Leagu~e. Oine711117- dired and7711twenI7ty colleges 1hav71e171771717 orgaied, 7111171h17111memibership 171of 3,590. ' The follosviiig suibject ha71s been1l decided 7117710 for tile Yale-i larvard debate:-"Resolved, That tile tim~e hsas now come wehen the policy of protection should be abandoned by the United States.'' Yale has chosen tilt affirmative. By special agree- ment with Harvard the affirmnative will not be committed to sodden destructive chsasges is the tariff 1 system. i'lo1 Pvil _N ) 17o f .17 E ,k 7il 71 71,71),71*))' ' !;1 , 11 11 1 i '7s;i 1 t71-7, ,,,t 541 ~e t (Wil elt, is>c(stel N.f IZAh SE, , .1171 071o71t]i N.2 . W' 'WIt L DS.,NerMan One aheneasing bTlorPysi 1o aiteror on iev < ting epsi-ti tns soely In-tresit teSnore ltarhenct i tN. KE.PFWPes. F. H. BOILO earCMaier. Baiank neon00.Surdsay ninos,$lg. l 0. K. BARBER SHOP. IN7CONCTOrNao, Flne Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. 30E. woshingeon St. J,.01. CROJANO1715F71 310 Oaths fre$5.t0.