THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREA CLOHINGSALE ALL OVERICOATS AT 4 OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF. We have made arrang;ements 'with A. Benjamin &f Co. to take ordlers for their elegant and NOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. Their samples are now ready for inspection and we wouldl be plleased. to have you ('All and inspect them. See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & R ULE. r TWO 8s M. Ann Arbor Savings Bank ' Ann Arbor Mich, Capitni Stack, $50S,0, Sorpins, *150SOSS Orgnnized under the Geneal Banking Lnwt 'Sli'heNv'W SIhape afthtis state. Recetes eDeposits, boys and sotla exchange on the principal cities of the ""noi:1 I l ositer. United Staten. Dratts cooked oupon proper "! Il itntitation. Ottcers e D'I. ssotot atd Satning CHRISTIANMoCn, Prts,., 9r' ,2 a. f ~r~i's 0. hiuizeSJooeo tHCo.ISCOCKe, Cose. (tttKCNlttt COMPANY, 76 Cho o t~qtBoston, Ms t.. J.'oosI~, Aos. t'a-'lor, --n'THE. A R GUS, - HENRY HAUG, 'lRoms4 S .11.State St. PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! ]Excelsior Laundry, No. 4 EAoS HUON Sortiosi. 20 EAST llI'ION ST~tIIET. fGood Work Guat eed~~o~. CGook. called for f2] Years in the BusiessandCdivered0 5. AF. COVERT, 'top. CITY LAUNDRY, f ~ '/ i "" j r.T'.' AR ' 1J.01" M. ('ALI)AI. /s, '\T 1~\ A I 'C'CCCCC' tia.. ICC. 'C 'CCtl CCCCC' C' CCCCCC''C' C o i1'\..,."X,...N ,~,J ~-\. L 'ebtCCCCCoCCCMCCC,'c. ''l et etioC ',, i 'CC CCCC FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Iltr Na.-.-t io2ofWs nindbe MIILLINERY AND ART GOODS!' SiltCCCCCC'Os, inCWettCe oCCC'C oCY CCCCCCC at 30 Cost H rSo t reeut.CCC.'IC' C 0CC CCS C CIC I. N C I 'r. 'fttC ' CCCFr., o lotl C.'2 tICC " C,'C-'iv CC" I E ORUSFot ;3YR . CCCICCC o. II. [ roCit rt o I) l(t 1vi ) 0 Y CR RAD 1 of l t CCCC t Ct CCCCI' C "01CT D ' C., arI ,2-IIII 't i t'C ea ias,'u-,I) 1 SEOD SM IE R m.,rtst t 's!0-,C roeho- (4tito el~d jit~t't'i' 10' [Ii 10W i n Se oid tir e by iz~vlcctlrofessort [11101~~~ OCltdlIIt E TOpp or os. kltlt ,t C if oiita So.iAte la 1i,.oe con,1ll .i edt tet 'Wehtte rcoi la [IIt~gotS rliC e , tl'f eCf iISt'1 e 8ittie.'' Site4 Srtuin.,i NlaNE A I) t re: ? Pof +er, cido°S .A ,a) ito C'ojet[ I te[le olpis.' i itlo SECO 1)HANI).CI 1 1ltlorilf'i"ltRiS 1oto l~edqurtes fr al Iew 1 'l eonr leratureby Prfssator Notelawookcitietilemcits foritle Tf rexBoks i, G rna a i (a) iowi(istaisynois faaiiy. st SEC ND- 1 NI" a) 'Indttria coatitiiorns. We oferahe laJrgestord et (1))aiCsan i~i fe inait.e (c) State Streett('Cl icieniraid Moe oo in the, cite C our ac (b)1 Domest, jScare Reas through _ L. 0. ATWATER, E -N . UNIV. MsE. SCOOLn,'94. / (AC.Iworking thouhss c hool,,.) f Make Preparations Early! Address,tenlosCinssamp, 2526 CALUMETAVE.. CHICAGO. BUSINESS LOCALS. TEN. ('E Zt'NSiilpas fCr a bath, hotCCor eoiid, at the 1'Clittffiiitt larber'Shlopi. Slot All ir latts Cftr Iltis at 'fihompseon street. 136l 10LH1EM1 '8. ,jesCt rthith~ ie P'ost- offiee, Sias Stebest iilails, firriilgyes, a1nd1 l hoseillinte city. 'Try 1him.,tf iForottie Cor' ICCretfo1r [a Cernloti yealrs, Nit. 411 iEast itiversity Ave., faces eattetandii'otuthi, tirst ibiock Cromti I'lCmpus, inCquli're samel' address oflii('-atie. L. I.. iaines. L" t I CAiSlliiS\ii~'i lh it' (cOCCI l rlit lilt'1si. CCC'rs- onttiCle tCSt' placeo'fiill lover s of ' 3C C C Sl the Neis llti U iCC''C ('CCIC~lha~ti still prov"s itself a'gret'i's1 iiSlt'fC' c a d I n S i t h e'C i o s r e n i t i o a f t h a 1 t e a u t ifll llC i CTielloi' wtC iii io ' itl&4i Iii itlili \a lili eteti nedii'at Iare auiee 1his I t t'r. 'C d accital'e' ihtndCs oftihCe situdlein si t bod. CChIsol- isis tht piroved't'lile "relfitst lfav'orite's ttith thud iilltC0C iene see 'akN elsiit, remarkbleltii il' iiliaiti'ne liiteC anl llliniC' iCI tgi'i'i) Cli Chiefiof (lyps'iC'5 and ~ is 1?dC itl oas(i Wait, Wait, Wait. iWolensCC, C'CollOCICCCii ioflltile lateist ivlt iei sil CoriOCCC and1C1)iliii'te St"'ClliCC '.'ri'C sei.lsg.eli'. iatlt'e took Iloutse', itti Cuor Cii, i)the G I Ege etit % \\51'l oe o ota ch, a nr lt tunvitastin tiillthle tboy1Ser 1'Sit swork is to iproptortioniedi that otly abtottone-tlhi ciiof tearniounltnecC- essaryvCiar a de-ree coniisists tiCrc qieleistitdies. y o POPE MFC_ CO.,t221 fis uiA e, oss. tonii. C 'ci''i. Hatfod,''lli t n. S p r hip g41, SHOEit'AIt SN"I 100 CON'GRE'S S81( tS It'+JI)SNC I)8 1i(5 1-81 OENE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'S