THE U, OF M. DAILY IT'S - AS r .i:: 7 1(1 (.1 /~,)){i/11-,15 to ef. l.15: I/pok( 31, ~i T (f 'gil(''l 0 ? l'. (.)?J .1:Ctp? Y'SS p O -- if-Y ;S 9 i i '' 4 "1'1 T . FOR LQIK MAS ONLY $14.00. 1IT f: u1A,)W e IN -IP00)0 H1 IN SAIl!I.77X CLUEITS NEW ICOLLAR# CALKINS,'.a. IA TIACTvVIL. 9, A.. L. i o_._E RO'SDRUG STOR-E. e .. . o!pS_1 3i . . . . .. y + 6: C .: : "Irlpi1i - -. . . . . . Irolnrose - - - IS An ltl ether C(anned11 (Goods aIt pro1po1tionate price of Main. Street, South. DEAN &COM PANY. Will YOU Look At our.7 Show Winidow? it's (ownsto about GUITARS AND,1 PRICES. It ft0i1 TlIlL ANN ABlORt ORGAN CO., 51 South. lain St reet. XLCHIGAN G iA 711;1. p. rn). 1WEST. 1. 0. 11l---------- 51 (hieawoSpec):)) - :1us N. S. .1,ilted) . -6:'51 Mil ----------37 N. Y. I,hi5d -.. 9l45N. S. Limted-_0) 69 11 Niagara Fallst' 11 I 7p. Il a, ,(hicalgo Expr'ess. ' Ito 1). N. I opree..'-. 5 ; iiG. It. Expres- 5 48 ataic Exiesse..-805 Chi. Nwht E .p ) 0.. It. EIpoee ---1610 0 IPaccExpres- A 1; FIRST NATIONAL BANK tOF ANN A.5111. Capi~ta,1), 1t10. )Surplus (1)1d6Protits, (.30,000. .rnataleeral banking)666)11)1.1)us6iness, for- eign exclhan101,' toter of credit proelrod for 1tr1velers abroad. P. BACH, ') 11 S. W. CI1)11ON,1Cashier1 DO YOU DANCE? GRANGER'S ACADEMY, 6 MAY NARD So,? ANN Aaowiic Seasn1fom coerlrny8th1):189'30t)Ma 1111,1. Send $125, $2, or $350 for Son- ll ple 11eta1ilBox by expreos of the BEST CANDIE i Amrica. Pot op in elegant boxes and strictly pure. Suitatde for PRIES$NTS. Express charge Tr toc.Address, 01117 212 State. Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOSt.1 UNIVERSITY NOTES. D~r. Obetz wa111 unexpectly called PjF1idlle g1 ir that', Mildto Detroit, Mondlay, )making it17nec- DIoen,la is l m t .: ::::essary . 1 to postpone tio lecture 1)e1ore It lo1, I ):et>e11) .: e 9 a). :)the 1)1)011(1League. )ICuo.6 1.: .1:: .o -. Prof. . C. lMlLaighliu7a11dr7esed The journalists a7t tileDUiversity tile Political Science Association of of Minnesota, thare organlized a ipress Albion college, laot Thursda~y even- club. i1ng, 0)n "The Spoils System." Tefiniai sectionl quizes on0Dol- W.I. i. U Garver, lave '9.,thas Ilestic Relatios willbe h lnxt left tihe Unirersity to accept a 1o00- weell. tion as1 a relporter on a1bttoiness cdu- Prf ece' examo in Wi)lo swili cationial journal, which is to be T1117 Freshmuan Mlandtolin Club swilball teaml, has made arrangemoents r gie a oncetinChlelsea, Friday for twco gameo with tile Normlal th reshmllanl Mandolin landilaut) anid 0017 illAnno Arbor. GeClbgoto (Chel sea1 Fridtay, "oeo azcsWomen,"i to gice a conlcert. to hretile subject of a paper by MIr. The '96 ]its woil)l1101d a business JB. P. ]3ourland, at unity Club, mleeting on Saturday nlext to elect next Monday eveningsowhile 1t~r. A. tihe Oracle board77. it. Lloyd wiii tell of "A Summuer's 'til L'urerity -rehulo: 'rip to Norway.'' Th nvriyanidFehmn Hull. Geo. R. 'Aendlilng, wh11 niues at Yale begau practice at thegiealctrunrthaspeso Univeroity field on Wedneoday. tile S. C. A., April i, lectured in Ithtie indoor contest at L.ehigh Albioln recently. The Pleiad says: U'niversity a record of5 ft. 5 in. "His subject, 'The Man'of Galilee,' was made in tile running high jump. was bandied iu a masterly manner, Your attention is cailed to tile and glistened with points at once notice of the World's Fair edition uniqule and profound.'' of the Chicago Inter Ocealsill an- Nothing of importance woo done other column, at yesterday'o meeting of the com- President Baldwin has appointed mittees on permanent debating the following senior committees; league with Wisconsin. The com- Athsletics, Griffin, Southworth, nilttee adjourned until Thursday Fisher; cap and gown, Wilson, Har- evening, at 6:30, in Webster society ,ris, Cummings, Misoes Parsons and room. It is especially desirable WITOUtASf3NTLOTS A5 elib(1ty36MStree tivc{AI;()' AeN AlvctI, MI : 111. (9. H'~ il \. 1, W.1 ieILD n1t3r I',ftoeyw( .1: e 1a e)t ). h Ii:1 cl . W nf m : :::o ('wlte nt, pl:p :e o. So irety 0) :' 6o .Wastibrto-Streartain C.Kapitl,$5 ,000. NorluNr li .rl, $117,0 . --CoLs a Henrl so WgIuLneo E)r o terestomSaingteos nits.haoacityi Deposi1'0 t oxe eor eC u It. KEMPF, Pres. Y. B. BELSER, Cashier. Bank on Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. IN CONoNETON, Fine Shower Baths, News Porcelain Tubs. 30E. Washington SI. J. 10. TROJANOWSKI 30 Batths for $5.00. I Duffy . that every member he present.