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October 14, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-14

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~1j ti.of

Alt. Wzj

VOL. 11.-No. 12.
The University of Michigan at
the Worlds Fair, j
Plans For a Good Exhibit-A Big
Zoological Display of all Michigan
Animals-The Legislative Appro-
priationi-Scheme fore Represen-
tative General Exhibition. -The
U. of M. Will be Right in Line.



the Regents upon this petitin, and
no details of the display cain be
gisven until list rescult is known.
Students msay rest assured that our1
frepresentation still lie worthya of tse
Unaiversity, of our facilities anil ofj
tile work done litre.
The Eleven Leaves Tbhis EveningI
for- Madison and Minneapolis.

The Makeup of the Two Nines-
Codd and Palmiter will Fight
the Battle.
Wihlile the football teani is west
strsiggling for the stestern inter-tel-
egiale chianmpioniship, the studencits -
can gist venstIci their entissiasmi
Saturday at tie lt tletic Field. Thist
iitciier's battlewasill be bsetwe-en Codd

No out need idisiult lthatthe L ni-_______an150 aliiter, iseithser 01f ashomislost
;-ers tv of M'siciigan stil lit have list footbaill teiam leaves toighst game tn ftit nine conitests of list I
hetr proistr celresentsations at Chiscago' for 'ilact sn ist-litere they play ' A C's rectest easlerns trip.
nest year. Arrangemsents havie fori the.LUsiv.ofis.,i toniorrows. flits Murphiy coinsiuierstiainiter aty
a long tisie been iin processiofflosr-will be thinsitsiil contest scheduled Blowerman 01nt of the most effectiv
nsation, an aplpropriations isieens by thse No01thwesterns Athletic As- f satteries on the amateur field.
niadie for thse iiirpose of exhsibitioin sociatiois. Speculations as to lte The D. A. C's tate just wvon lii
and only tisse aisd patience is needed result weoulcd be entirely useless. anmateur chanioiship of America
to complete a biroacd schsenme of rep- The DAILY Cardinal tislik tile U.svhile the 'Varsity leans is the sans
resesnlation. of IV.'"has ass even chance'' for list that last spring defeated Vale anTerulr gm btsilfescoidtthtpadtw eev -nigcness;
The leg islature at its rel~ar sea- gssbtsilfescifdslhn lydIt lss-snsocsls
sion smade an appropriation of $3,o0o our leans sill suffer no hsarni in wills the D. A. C.
for use in snaking a University is- ''leavisngIlhens to list tender msercies D. A. ('. 1. (i M.
play, $s,30o of whlicha are to he used of the kids.'' Crawford hsas been Codid, p. illusserinan, e.
in ass exhibition of Mici-asnaol- coaching thseir eleven, whsichs no Kelshy, p. DPaude, ic.
sials. RecestI eter N. Cook is tdoubt is in good condition, slsoughs Duehisrme, lb. Jefferis, lb.
chairmsan of the consmittee detailed wte ventisre that Michaigan msen hsave Eagan, 2b. Spsrisey, 2ib.
o look: after tisis part of the exhsibi- no fears. Judgisng fronslt Cardi- Miller, ab. Pearsosn, 3b.
tioss, andc says thsaltwillslt speci- nal list U. of AV. will smark a red Cross-iy, ss. Syitzer, as.
usens of our fauna already in list letter day in lististsory of football Marker, c. f. Shields, e. f.
at hatinsituioniGllaghier, r. f. Smeltzer, I. f.
museum assd nest collectiossli a that intiuio.Chsope, 1. f. Rich, r. f.
is ssakissg, list exhibit still lie alnsost Monday the eleven will play lteGssfsey. Pepple,
cossplete. Mr. Cook spent a por-I Univ. of Minn. at Minsneapolis, Trogsass,
lion of list sunmner in Northsernis thence returning hsonme. The next IlBanks.
.Michigan looking after good spedi- game of list western series will lake
msess of deer and list wild anismais of place at DePauw, Friday-, the 2 sst.I SENIOR LAW POLITICS.
that regioss, and is sparing no pains Thse follosting is ltssakeup of ThI oiia o sBiigHr.
so smake Isis work a success. lsthe nltev sen s-esrb u n ilist with Whothe Candidates Are.
Prof. Slecre says ste isase ins ossr tawihlae nteg3

Whienyouwaisiho Lsatest Metrisiopoitans sves
sCof, ,2Sil orss Shoes sit 50c to $s a pair less thans
]eAim Arsissps-ices, sd fos- Cataloguesoi
R. H, FYFE & C
Ai 101.183-185nwnussitn AV,

Mtuseunm, aninsals, birds, asic corals traisn:
wthicts no institution u itessorldi Wooduciff.- --
can duplicate, and all thsese still sells ek____
to give lteC. sof:Ni. a good shsoi-
Hasrdinsg -_-___
Prof. ML-E:. Cooley' is chairsi:mis frifliss.---
of list conmmsittee tingeneral cdispslay It li__f5.
an aistnstiis conmmsittee isase been Sanderson r
at stork ois a schense of exiiion leN-elI____
of osurtsouirces anti' facilities for Groseli.---

I-- -- - - - o-L ft esid
-- -- -- - - - efttalse
- -- - - -- -Left sur
t---- le-- -i t gus-rdI
-- -- -- - -- -- iht esnd
(-- ---- -- urter b-sck
------- i iht h - c
------Lilt hslf-hack
--- 1--- si F ll-back

lt past51six msontiss. Abunsdasnt
space has been grassted in list Miclil-
gab State building and $,500 has
beess assigned for list general dis-
play,.fist comnitltee, however, is
not cquite satisfied with this amount,
and stas in session Wednesday last
for the purpose of drawing up a
resolution for presentation to the
Board of Regents, asking them to


'Tis senior law election psronmises
to be a very hot contest, tonsorrow
nmorsnissg.'fhe class now nunshers
niore thsan tisree isundred msenshers.
Agreat ninny caucus neetlings have
been iseld clurisiglteweek and
souse of thsens hase been very stornsy
evessts. 'fis principal figist will be
made on psresid~ent anti valectioriass.
amnig ltelpromnsentl candidates
mnsioned for psresident are tc-
Allaster, of Mlicisigass; Jefferis, of
Pensylvasnia; andsicpfue, of Oio.
:Milton Johanson, of Kentucky, 'froy,
of Washington; and McMahon, of
I own, are spoken of as candidates
for valediictoriass. It is reported
that there will be several independ-
tnt candidates put in list field for
The topic of Rev. C. M. Cobern,
Sunday evening, will be "1The Gos-
pel in Tennyson."

55 W_ FORT sctx,
Detroit, 1Michigan.
q JQhmonGd Straight Qat.
No. 5
Cigarette Smooeres-Seo
are tillinog ito -ysalittie
assmoethonthe pcice
chsarged fer the ordinci'-j
trasdeCig'aretts, will fSad
TnsisANiD superiort
zv ial others.
The Richssood Strsight
Ct No. 5 Csgarettes are mode fros she height-
esst05001tldestely flaored sod highest cos
Gold Leas groiws is Virginia. This is the Old
sod Originail IBroa of Straight Cui Cigaretes,
sod stashbrought out hry00sin the roar 1875.
Bewaire of imtiosoanid observe lthats t1s
fr nam 00ta selow is an everr saehage.
ill the Americas Toboccco Co.,
Maniufactuers. - IRihonod, Virieia-.
W. STAE3LE.,y-
11 W. Washington St.
ar1. T A TIC =R Y l

ThsetEpsworth League of list Methso-
cit cisurchs lenders a receistionstis
etenissg to students.
In the law departnment, Mlichigan,
Illinois and the one-year msen hsave
combined. A Michsigan man is to
have the presidency, tse one-year
men to have first vice-president and

nllosw more money. secretary, and Illinois to have sec-
Decision upon the scheme of ex- ond vice-president and manager, of
hihits depends upon the action of field sports.

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