l e . of
V()r. FII.- a. 12,5.
Vet. 111_" tii IJNIN I' 1 ()OF,1111 AN, WEI)NESDAY, Vji 1YII 22,__189"8 itc uee:Co
i-ion W . 'CaslHaain Un
is1. - t eci1 oii t0 }n
tilt itie t 1110i f o te I 'ol
c S 001 e1 te w" ci f ~
.7 ){'ellt il I o f Ii li isih o fl m l t ; i t u 1 5tC 'e
c,2 ol1 segal hit atos ' Cy' i-
1;1t wtl 0 atyt'oey-iglens allolirt
l iae-l 1na 1nd 0as(1enitle of ieu
rvtht e local l ife otel an'[lh
iiilice ii e' i li4..tc
Mrle asnftleesloverstofe.
I2~li si 1hich s gavse Hawaii ht tter
i'vs e cost uio n aindC ithsilte01
itet iveaig d idespices o
ee presiicqtsine 'her"ciatol
Ai ni ageiifti admecniprcpareco
houe ilbeleighilckite . Sla
Mrs resaetinleFst Le~dcat lie-
flAt itomisserascle to the
nl-aon.llAV.lig Carater sofke ore
Ocit evenigwenetheiaeseies of
thf lioieliiar.cec sscain
Aiai, ifh anbexedntoreaericar
.litt heomeatilotpofteIS.ofeeste,
cisnil ietn.'' Tu e speaker i h
20,000onothe ofstoanouai ofthsad
fens,000,tcntnteasialds adtos-l
senssthree-fourthaofaseen ftire
Commnescan heoldsyserwestandlie
teaigs w illcvwenElitslan
ifoesereChinatmen strethofalron
sesthee-Sabba o t haii irle
S ,cC iii I' is 5]):
I ie elitii i 0 (i '11 oici 11. ,ei sci Iic ste i ti 101 r';E ISO-]S, s 1 tit i
t'elt. ciii'iec 1ii t
fr'ir 2 tlc vr 1, 1111 ei l ion ,11 tee o c t ll10 'isilt 'n .
a sen "re tot c .itc I l ,n0i eo I a.i itciii '\ 'ofiiiii roi tti e i ,ii ',
jiicoii(tI,' ccito tih it ''s,, s eindedsof Ny tha dt (7itit ,:,i lrii- Q t g t Q t
tiolseo f te cio sill . t1 tis ic t ils whih tans 4 cl'iisi ve thatT E
cemlrthe iso lit e ictiCsif' ic stilth t tr'it laiiiciid'itco-
evreiiia i l' wcild t'ii y . haveI ( I h ocicas ciion 'bt e "'ilollyCC Q i'y ??leew0 ey s 10
thatbuidre ngccitthenstrerioidiatiyot) t i of officrns 01t it ccbianfoie dO 111110, 51' sa ,"
inr pl f ie o teeec etonc ers t in oto sleItstoc the cie- icr \IO'' - - lICHIGAN-
aiTh11 eietestifi cutyti ati llea e' uiin a n Noaitiiiii ' n cioiet ll ' Ct i lii1,11 jiii'i iiiiiii5
I0e cout. ediiltbethe wetco ch- n 'm s it N K.I'is a 1 1 ,03 'itaw, 1 nest CaIbol.. i iuiii noii i se
. GilNiio.111 Vile 'Ieeci
A i i t i r i ' it o r r e i i i i g 7 0 0 i riice s i lc iye s c o ck i l i it i9 4 l t t i 1 i e s i c o e s l l "ie. S i g l l i i T ' E l i S .
Cnlieiet Yi iili 1 is>ic;i i n15 crs i~t
remin. g etr etfory a g all I T h s o no.lalovei un 'ee nsmio'thyiiir f i Sh Am r ii n m o ncs d lit
maniorcct ecve tcli cn rsineelsgall os t a h l'tt1e e'' I t te i i
etsand ues ibesated rooiei ftel etil theo a iigoitstitutia'iityof hre ort ria~
gymn fiteenciior renty igl rones thea etrEio udtuelilbe te in ers trort
anti tiierlelutbose. tit foryard hy tilnllorityevit
o-' great meffect, eaedloe ottoese aniend-
out. qu~~~iclts twaanti oitiofodertatecere 0teict~ lvo-aadhihttcs
1lee metingeafs cireleecilastriacle nlrapiTsuccesioti. Atoon
en hay Misler~, echorigace00a time a recescs rsupaipenteiistcm for o~ni irn o tzih tc3ae
recieset ol suttihonatasnan hypnoic, licehcliutttutiot. 'in lienyoiii'ici,.
feleviflumberiwclc ba e lages an grndthe ils er s ie fos ee ''sac- l~aeriiainado~e!v h
dunisavntrakrage. ghealo ed Thex folred duineethynet hedesirg ALE ,ItE
!irli t osci i -pisooia osg t arsfttisuserecomeTnienshers.,
man pfloo il e oeresd alowith ce- ofalicte sinI'resdenlst ti'arso tshe-- - t, hn Vri
camuadtesaonehenogmsenofore lectoahie uhyonlietconstityotisf _______________________
sihilitefdeathfo r aepngreossion eillelytnaldtandmsetiiesdas P .K N I C
ao the eralpros s ysln punet frasrthe yd ter inritay wee-
Mr lvodasogs arcee fietohofdofficers MERCHANTere
lie inyeahadCommson e ter nrpi ucsio.A n
evnig yMis tugswh gv at Te e es stae S oee uny. f I
swithc some other experinsents to
shower icmeanner in whsichs chloro-
fornm reduces blood pressure when
given as an anaesthetic. Both
papers were well presented, and
contained many practical points.
After a short talk by- Prof. Abel
the club adjourned.
"The Hawaiian Islands and
Annexation," tonight.
Thse following progranm will be' TAILOR.
rendered at the Webster society to-
night: Declamation,O.4.Shamesel; ANDMio 51505
paper, "Women at thse Bar," by
Miss lBenson; debate, Resolved, ,S ZTO N
That Utah should not be admitted
into the Union with its present
social relations. Affirmative, D. A. 55 VT. FOR'6W ST,
Brown and G. H. Baylie. Negative,
G. A. Deutier and F. 'AV. Smith. Detroit, Michigan.