ofPbli hed D aily (Snday s exce ted) daring the College per.,lb- THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Scbtscriptiantpriee' t2.50 per year, invariably au advance Singirleres 3crate. Sabscrip- toat may be left at the ofirce of the tILYe, at Staftiets, attih any at the editors otr authocrized solicitors. C miunicatians shtttld reaeh the odfiecby 7cc-clack ra tif theytare t appear the neat lay. Addreesni allrrttertitended for publica- tento the Managing Ptditotr. All ibusiness cmmuanication thou llbe setealocthe Bui- near Manager. THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mink. THE U. OF M. DAILY. question whether the large number LIKE FINDIING M\OlNEY. of gratduate students at Johns Hop kins, Harvard, and Cornell have cot By Going to Wahr & Miller's and aave from 25c, 50c and 75c ont every- been quite so niuch attracted by the pair of Shoes as we must redlece our stock to system of fellowoships, as they have - - make roots for Sptiag Goods. been repelletd from the (Universityly LT P- 0- of ;\Michigan by the presence of Fine Footwear Dealers, womteti cni the absence of a general !48 SOUTH MAIN STRKEET. interest ini athletics."'__________________________________________ ih ifrn uia n rmtS R P U T P cal organizationis of Cornell are to zn'6 "~ give an entertainment for the benefit 21S Man tre.W G E &90 of the baseball club. 'The senior class at Williams will wecar calls antI gown to chapel aitl 97 66 YM ,RY_---.. I oledo, Ann Arbor and North I EDITORS. D orning recitatiotis froni- May 15 Michigan Railway. 1J J. I)tj,.st ,isItt.'9i:Managing Edittr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~N CA. it;tst, Lit .11Assitat. tintil commnencenment.- J Stt t tvsciste a. 1ASt istat _______ __--- atV I cEss 11.L 9:3, stssant, (c t ~~( 1,IIcccte(ic5tieIctt t NI V. IXF1)1- t .t teIit S i t i t i TimCr inef tSudy Ja ayIV 18 . K ,o e13tttll 0 I , c-i ' lahel. 1c1tI tai.). bros;lit epars atra eeir c epetons N.l ' v fl .~ee nsae's $atct rd5perewebivae~~te fan- 'No.'. lt. ttndii1s-not'. ..I;'.tz Horslot'd's Acid Phosphate. a. 'ixtatiactts' lcula. ' ;e1117-T' 'I 1 olly I s paticeuttu iltrl myor1in- I' " lat5 e;)andt6 runtbii ti- ii AniAh. iii1: (lice atilt Ban1jo ,ltibs at-re itzi pittt, e i ll'it i-5Tltdo titlII clcil e t Stl I i I isilutat ease, and cetitsicer it untittii'alt First (cls it,,) i « l t ttirl 1il mtl inig With iiiusual sucIcess this eitemtsattcesote tof tte test icrvc Ery y-, tilther t imse dtailycmd itIII pes tttttit-s that sse Iposses. Fist'tecttal ex- I st iil.l NM2'i , i. e.111I15 St «I lit year, if1te I Onitphiiicntttta tir l,,titio1i-- es-t-c tgs sit- De~ Iotyrr & Feiner. ldi'.AgttY ~ ivlStt notsices Iticy get fromti the various streingtht ald it)sgor to thtc eitire sy s- S ciisha e rliduhas-csbeetrliergtm.SHEEIAN & CO. SHEEHIAN & CO. SIIF11 IN &4. ( A tmost exceletatnd111agreeabtleItonie - tt,)rappetizer. It ciottrisliestl)ins~ig- - (DT .J P " \ i d\ Bard wot:ktis year. anti tdeserse ortes the tired hbttin anit bodiy, itt- j ~I.UJ j .1{A , I XT i'y.F. alt l raise.Their attittal Lniver- altrts relew-ed ecergy attilit ialily, itist FOR TH{E SECOND SEMESTERC ity concleret ssillI tic anitously evesethy ftuctiotis. ( - t At tire Stultihl3otilstore. stletitli Saenhaitlf veld]i out-v , - I-tinuaf-cl Chemicial W aclanPramr- Tad -u f t. te g daltecll~" oltstgltltittt11of 0 0 w T ut~m is-ersil t'c stits t if the l'ZI.u lnvritt ori anization'titI Convita tki iitsei- retril iltces, .11 club iii' icI fr1a-i ol-it IFOR SAtE BY ALL DRUGGOISS. ' {___0_______ a 1. GRUEP, ir r1 .MiiOt c, - AssA e haves-t- esle)thu ttV O .ltci Is itlIili125-il s. Ti.1 m - ootIle1ro - St ate stret r_ .. . . :..r, G,,i >.l 1.. N E l0 .%1l k C V (I it-l'5 sCc . A',,'N All-B'DR E 1- c illE"R deplca(th tfit111cIl so01r1111 LIITXL YyC .otoyrap St -s1. li 'Itl ice12of2the 'r -lle /tr 7Ii ltth fi.~ it 5 it) IiH '0015 AVE.-. ( ,tI >111 -'(t\ -it 1I111' } 't Is -1I' lii E.. th1712'..>Owl i 1, rf amnsaril nte; ;iort N TC- ltS itC I ON WEK C MM N Mari h I nllander, .s an 117121 celiit ill Ii~t Dl t tlo f ttstlijtlrsttttbelitsc -'i- cC 1 the itii r of t c.I I-u - 1 0voltetm1--t cet I lt tI Y N EN I N c, tf{ A ECH 2tJ,' SI he t's1015Itit ,lt -ttdlita ti t I t t Il t auci l;a i) ,n r~ 1 11115 isltlits ' 1 . -; ,of l w ry & 0 .ot , fte tt tT ii ht.j a I ic --) forHOTrT\T(ThT1D ohs Ilot )l Ins hAsthellead iyioheccccas1,t s-Ia' Slitet l ~ l radlaL sudns rlI ltta CCD M1 D -I-I''N C E setl;-tI 1.1 e7ierr ( romnt1' 1))/J-'tie Ic- Is R.II. pesrti - _________________of___79.78"______I____________ 1 1 I_-_. lit _ll _llll ,_l _lllt_'- It fro/l cr7t ir ml \th r. 2 St t li. V nci tOevryC YoceCL ndes tIviil_' Ltrcce't_,_10 it0 Iut lel' gn, 01rol i 7 C7',hs ere,.cit ~ ~ m i' boh ii G rtG1"roo.l I B SON- ---- ceti S2- t 6i eg 'ltl itei°csi1 H STAEBI -l-IIit' c~ lt Misscet;nIon says It isj sis open 1 t31171Tvt1i',E 'tItlctttN. Cycle Emporiam, 11 W. Washic loll ' fNO (JW IIUIIONS