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March 21, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-21

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U.Y l.Wi
THE DEMOCRATIC CLUB. general discussion of the subject1 WHAT THE FREE PRESS SAYS.
T~e U of M -- will folowv the address isnswhich allI Its Opinion of Our Gles Club Is Very
Th .o .Club Will Celebrate'_ r
Jefferson's Birthday by an arc invited to participae. The Good-Anxlously Waiting for (0:
Immense Banquet. umeeting will be held at 7:0 Satur-, April 13th. /
Extesiv prpartios ae bingday evening, in the law building. Th\ariylean ajoCus ,PsTS
1:xe~niveprearaion ar bengThere iill be no admission fee. he'iiarel il13as theB ate ofb /FPOTE
made for the Democratic banquet, haerae pi 3a h aeo - lPAUFt3A/fcf~Sr
which is to be given the early part PrfSct'Letes their annual appearanice in this city. DETROIT, MICH
of next month. It pronmises to be f j-lDctroit will be giventhit second
one ofi the greatest events t the Priof. Scott wil dlivcir5auiiilic concet in the lon series thy a-
tiicciydvn h es c iiof lcesbfoire tie I)troit insti- angeiuents foiiwhichihavesic encii
hiuncdredlguests ire expectedIto t totefomivs it sy xtcisioi T i ompletcd duneg the pst wcek.
statc.btwt e. mc u::: iiaIL dsI in meiL, hiavc nevr ti"ldi tolrouse
As tiicDemciratu~ic cliib:at lDetioit praciclpupo se.L FrenLh::nIiCmu U Li ePentusiisof vitnthe indiffer-
c Aiittgive a bainq1uet thins yearijmiiiin 'titg wilbe trecated vv-Il't, LuThelire is sonuttlin ibout aiy d
abiout four liuncdredimeimbcrs otit !siecc iafcircice to tic iitexiitntercitcaimet given iby Coleeboys xvle vs sxvii atevsl.istv at:rjmisinsStiyi
club are expected to assist the U of at tii C(olumubianEoitw. that appeals at once to 'll is-is seo, m, i v i Sh pices sndi i tt51a sir its:
_l. club iii ceebrais5 Jcfferson's I During'a recent Ilin:opt-ui::visit tlit nciid tuniqueiicniits ctiiacter,f
birthday at Aim Arbor. \. nunmbr Prof. Scott fotunately otiiietdlthe fielti is not insvidedi by any butfsekrofntnarputin erlfllits fthpitng toetow mitbog.Te"
!it bi t .ii oisadwlesoe 101 183185nsv::ouw ia vF_ r
havec been engaged and sil be froniFante adGemnaythtaesm sogan wlzsgin by DTROIT~', - - ,CHG.N
brought foni Washington on a to bc showvn in Chicagosuch fromi others wxouicd be signaly fl-t Theirs
special car. 'fli Democrastic mnco:ihotograp-hss of tlest l'ntcrn slides is the tetnurne spit andn rest which giQhmond Str ight Qct.
tiers of the state legislature mitx- hatt been iprea.red,ihihilii again iiothimng but associatioi istillstie N. I
tectech to he in attencd-ncc I le brilliiitly illustrate thec professorsm u nstx roomis auth tradituios at 'nn C A~ETS
tuxuumt xwiiilhe heldmt thec ink as schsolammly andciticaliexpiositioni;. I'Airbos can producc. tddhto thus 4 cii'rerrto isiet xiwh
franger's allsiill rot bcIlirge thc s usu mlubluy 0 hry fx mcrur thnSt usut::: -a
enuougihio ac~ommiocdate tie nuess AohrLtsarsDtcxirtselecitedlions lie ;)ooo unisrsty - jadejil~ar ttxs wiiifind
wcho xiii minend. I'resicdcnt Borilcum' Reirect :ivue 'ilcistiy , of studehnts and tie affair becomeus rot Ims Bitk n silutitS St
willianounuic efrethececdcf telue ce: nchiman of tecdimonyaSolgeetetimetibtc ti SAL r, a rmum ight-fS
mit im ouy coltic tutu s im en, amt. . iea1 u}tea- sxiuiaw hig tuucs
cdkthutfull listuof sueaers tin: teecoin stile appr opr:itionisard aixaststc concer t ofuniusualmer sit It I aigro ijnu , :nr is istindngrd
-augel for thec event. Seitor 'sMulfordl of cc n, isi: stl Su: hase bei thc fortsuof lpast auu ns iu ruhii tsour bym's in 55i' ver ir 5
- -~~~- ~clubs and such will1be timei aa 1m rani as lis anmxeieriipaickiasgis
hi he nterest of Science. timec nivii:cxtly, sterdal y. lirey Ser,: N &e N uc iervhiu
-camiecSatlurdayarducttcdedthetimmore muarked dcgievficc ap o ftietnxe Ases insiuaeC.i
Saturday rmorning arunsbcr of oratormicalc ontest. lhicg x eeboth po1 iig ocrt 'llMc3ia
students witih a teal for sciect, met lire wtiths the legisaturcmum a body, is interested iii Ann Arbor -nch its
ini roonm 21, iwiere, tnder lie drec- but they think tie only say' to Justly celebratesd institutons. -l-De
ioni of Prof. Deiwey and Iis assist- properly inspect -n institution is to trot tree tress.
atthey itere subritecd to Gal- do so iii squacs of trwo or thre, ansI A or1n he'6 rat
tor's systemi of anthropological tests commit cnexpected. In this iway' they A _ptonte_96O- ce
in visual percepution aunitnemors'.iet a correct corception. i-roniex- It s runmorecd that tie 'pl fratemim-
'rof. iDevvey conuurcctecd tie tsts t pressionis droppcd by' thecmu,ie neeth ity sien wiii decline to accept tle
tie reqhuest of the American IPsychliii haero fears so far as they' are for out of sever- places or- the -
logical Society. T'his society, in ur- concerncd thiat w itLxl e liberally Oracle boird offered to thens by the
der to gt rmtrial for its xlii::: -t deaxtwixthi until thet fruits cf that 'p6 independents. Thec fraternity'
tie 1'orl's Fair, ax askedl IL imu -onec sixth: nil bill are realizecd., nen clairm thiy should hatt half the
uniersities t: furrnishm onichliiiemiii:: ci - boardas ustal. 'l'lindiicepencdnts__________________________
iou0) tests caci. i A.W.-Auir, secretary- oiithe-
P -ssCub "'trr Na-SttrsyjNational lntrcoletgate I'rotibi- faxor strict representation by un-I - .J. KINNUCAN,
Pres Clb Lctue Nxt atuday lin Asocatin, illdelveran eritwiiletie frternity- nsei say
P. Dustman, sate editor of the iacdcres oni "Thle College Siiudt ii htalhuhthybIn en
'lecto ade, has hbetniseccurdlto IPoitics,"ini thec lii'lecture roorm at qutheindepti entsii iatm uberitme R H N
uaicress tie I.of -A. Pre's cliii P p.mum.,Satin':alx: limeadtress Oracc,'A representtivem of tie
next Saturday. Ala . Dlutmain.iisioi-, xii ci on-liiitian inmmcarcter ,s Oacl bord sys tisjijnot AIL
of tim eacdhigrinewspapex genof mld t iti close, 'intruicIot impuor true,-xs fr as lst PLear5sle i comm
Toluedlo, and ill no oubtslo ea mtac' to all Pr~ohibiionitixxibe jcernemmci smithtiis ili thatit lhasi i ii:i
lrge audcmienc. liisitubect tis ani-irescmntedc ll aeivicited to ttend.ciarmelv' ml secmbeen tie rise iuforem
niuuucci -s '"Sensational jotrnial- 1rof.UGriffin m usirs1m t lecliiure
is. - o'u-t only siulduI mecmbersi yesterdluy' oinFeceraluiistr umucnc.
cf the I'mess lub fee ttlibmmcmty to hIe lsostat-it Ihiati'tuix'awfirulty ticmu lift showed acidghicic1h1s
ie prescnuut aliot iiohercin itcrstedl ;hdtdecdedhtht therc stiouldl ie:ro cas pyesterdaiyxxhichu xiiioveIrAL tA~"SP
Mi newsp~aperm xxorkI. lietoicucacm-'1 moc comumnutniaionsii-te c 000z i-duar d 0: n Tftihd5
noct but proxve uof: irest to all. 'iAcdurinig theturc. I us' rceccurulit finocm m e.ouuc Detroit, M ichigan.

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