GREAT CLOTHING ALL OVERICOATS AT4 OFF. THE U. OF M. DAILY. SALES\We have made arrangements with A. Benjamin & Co. to take orders for their eleg~ant arid. ALL. SUI AT . OF. OBBY -SPRING -OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTSf AT ,{(OFF. Their salliples are flow read~y for inspection and we would be pleased to have youi (all ani inspect them. S3ee these bargains before buying. WA DHA M8, KENNED Y d PLUL E. E W Q AM Ann Arbor Savings Bank §o jz Ann Arbor Mic. Capital Stock, $5,0,(/4 Suriplus,, 1.05W 1) Or0ganzed under the (lenneral honking Laws ( r I r.,s 'S vN ' h ,)' this state. lR.eies DIepoasitsn, os nd{ 'ls exchange outhe pincial cities of the I , 1I ioiti'y. "(itoatStains. Dras s hed aupnproper \j "sois anig iitioa'tion. 0(1Siea: a .ft n arig ('iit TAN \('fse, 1Pr's.,^r , Il '.. I:. lsCn'c, so (ont°'r. 011(05W S C 'fiat'sY 76 U-i p IiS, 0' .I".asr; 'A-,ts.hiO 21 Year's 'nthe3usiness. S /aCITY LAUNDRY, }/s '/ ,"1.M. Seabolt, No. 4N. Fourth St. __________________Secure___Rooms through ..ATWATEtR, - - sue N. . U IV.MED SCHOO, '4 ..t7i.. P\.1\{]ID \f - Make Preparations Early! FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Ma..DP'MOEL NDEAVO MILLINERY AND AR GOODOS 2526 CRLUMETAM,. CHICAGO. SIE.ON1ii.:I _i E l" I% PATRONIZE OW'EN'S BARBER SHOP'! I No . 11 nr l'tts PIOE? ON § CS Excelsior Laundry, (Cntosod ok Guanon teed . 1Goaont(; loe tfo sand 0 irec't'. A. F. COVERT, lisp. yo'"f °i lEl-J 1} C' {A'1, POPE FtC. 0' 221'C 's . Ave,,Bstn leebrated ,ilk, Melt and "" i. .' Straw Hats "iii' itl. i511a'aaina I-t It the sr th )li- a' '5551 f arh i d l mdoiaz '. C A at 0'." P1S'I''. a rw.a -.r a + .c~uu - 15.1115 'Is 1)s1 iS1i 000010000000LOCA S: p 0 3.1 ,/ 1 5,. 1 ' o a kt'h!CL 'sil t hlt 'as-ta sic an' (as ,hop.A llot5 ,lip'1 ,-(at ' for' , t 5 i t mast sion 'tore" latestn 55 }sf~it laooaenastitr 1 ' Z101-I (I jsst aostinoff hePost olsie Ihas the s t; h5 . c rr as ' o nislson 55thelnc05by tsII1112 tf l nai r e osa o rent or ten of face5s ea'st 'aml sauthist.blok.1 i it j ICa.lp'ssinqure:al a I" f(44 a a a 0s ~ --_-_ _._.-__----..--art. d"-..-- ------- at SI t, } % t . -.}- ',s Go tIs11(,sodsititertor atns ll Ie ttil se05''sl-t11a55l T17 .''l_- OOlItS. ' ' trw7 ,osi',Al sin i'Aa ' s .ia} '" { R' S ~epusblianaioNotice. An, av (src'eite it (mntipp1e.5!trill'presns's Lsa l ii (ti h e 55' 55al 't il Isi- a i of '( tts (sl soLaio. Ni"'l\li nd LI s at . iaa ts; cat'I'. Fre('n i) 1k1= a D f{(I1? :Iti l? l t ?};<}l . .(1111 '55555 g 1}7 tiiii tr Nvv1 d(nI is's'': eliiii'11(' 1(' ;a}Itt sisal 5 1aT'+) (ItI acl tao s'he ass. i tSC t(G I -Il tI A ttD 'tor }(l -li1!.(515'llLa: i' ' eA11 '. tilal arc r 'a C 'oat {tas ltno1 5 ait i P~It+'l( sii}}ils..l thes l<1la ttis i}}satto I i}e lItssltI's011ioassiile, Osisshslsabl shose0n. i1}he' oa ths l(( 55 l { ssNlisa slsr'.ted are'Ilotie r sta ne Noste ilsalosii(lstlIis lons thie n ltciissyrotfo'isre a2.)c. 51 Wia r J 00 st r I 's55 s'i'l I t}ias Pitoss(sssAslily ,osap. l.H isiltul pr!}e s . t 2 i ai lliii l '5'Iieitati' son l ie llo tia lts'W d e d h i1 il v ir sc I -V ni oeaos tir i' s ill t'is'ls o mtssg v Is'm ar- 2; rta', rh 4 as 20t-oos tt e. ! x(srissHiessisio lt.etlgssii Strakira rf ~c amnwl eie Mole SO, Oro.Court I US' lmn 1 . akosil w"ith j I aissas'lMas I 27 GOODSPEE'S