THE U. OF M. DAILY. et. f .M~ . t* truth. Obedience is the great es LIKHE FINDING MONEY. T sentirs i a Christion life. Christ is cited as the great pedla- By Goinig to Walir & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75C on every Published Daily (Sundays exceptled)during gogscal Preacher. The greatest pair' of Shoes as we mnsst reducc our stock to the Cauee year, be Jeweishs sermson.seas that preached by nmake room for Spring Goods. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Peter at Pcsiticost, the greatest Gecu- ~ ________ _________tile scrmnon, that deliveredinr Are- - 4 .opoglis, by Paul.FieFowaIears The powrer in their sermonois con- Fn oterDaes THE IRUf UBISIN um a. sisted in tie skillful arrangement of48SUH ANSTE . argumnents willh respect to hearers. Oseiss; to tile fact that onie of she Any sernion to be successful must A 01 1 judges of tse oratorical contest neg- be adapted to the snisal coindition Q'1~YT1"'7 1 pasrutlo lected to give the tier tentage mlark- of hearers. 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Strictliy isiari thaItswilichl li nt sil15 rii I ) UI A 'I S 3 3 E 'il'. ia s llagCi1.. rc+'ss1'I so a i ril t I~i tiii R OE-------T -- OTE n ilCi b ltr'(t'lt'5 ' ? 1kt l- -) 111 (, tc sto ias 11 cw tsest s o n 5 0111 -60a u -- -------t1lr 5' \ !t~riw is1 liastor arsd esasagelist. - assis.t tIirrs rteis S soif S s'm"t<'r. tnta iosy ir I ,It is snotswhsat we see ansi hear, ° .1 s]th't l Y{7(jlt ___ mist sghat we digest Siai adihs to our .'t'5Ca5 210 ITRC CE oua rcs 0 0s~d3c knoswledge. We interpret the newseO & lfTT Gllif O . fl- 5'ssi lleltj1 lh G B exercise ossr minds an thatthsey nmay t'ssfr a.aiie's i s at Istieet,. T UB a'S P l9 OR I E he in a condition to receive thne DEiTRtO'IT, - MICHIGhAN, Cyche Emporium, 11 W. Washsngtss St, a_- NO. 12 W. HURON ST.