K-IT THE LT. OF M. DAILY. JUST THAT -SHABBY THAT!Uu'r ARRIVED) eII e m 4 ,1 1WILL SCARCELY DO IN ANN PARBOR. on any think in the li ineofYon aoo glad to ret urn, and we are certaintly pleased to see you, but you kntow appearances go at long ways. CALKINMUSICA .aa@OODS.4 R HOQ 9 OK/AT ES ,l4ALVIN WILSEY, 2] Years in the Business.,xesorLudy Finoffit ndOvert SATE ns'D lltoIet, ANN ARBOR. M CT1L U DR Good Work Guaranteed. Goods railed tor Oberc.tM. Seabotlt. I No. 4 N. Fourth St. and delitvered. A.F. COVERT, Prop. M O E& E M R , BOOK STOREcoNrO 6E SOUTH MAIN STREET, Zitoiversity Text-Ilotoks, Illedical Botks, Ltaw hookhs, IDetatilBooks, Stuidents' Note BooksS, Bltink iKooks, Statoler. Aewe lrtgo Stock tf Keitlel ttttd EssetrIDtaftingtell strltleltS. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -_OI1TDT=0Coo~s_- in PRIeCES. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! -AT- BROWN'S DRUG STORE. We Don't Want Much! ! WE uWANTyourtadet.itoMusic -oods. WE W ANT ytoe uttisfiitieey thingttottgt ofit. WE WANT toikntowe yoiur tusihal needs, WVEtWAN'T totcarryotisuachea ona wir fill11younerette. Now, What More Can You Want? liants, Gotars, Banjos. Mandttlints, etc., to rent. or told ott eany paymten to. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., L. H. CLEMNTus. Manager, Mt South Matn Street. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. Time Tahle (Reeised) June 12, 100. EAST p. rX. WEST, a. m Mail___ d hA O__ 2 hicaro Speciat. _t3net Itay Enpreao .A--- 525 Day Enprena.... 5 tIM M.S. Limited--.n628 Mailt . I Ar____9 1 NY.Linmited. dA 4 N. S. Limited.,- 9O6 Niagara Falns Sp1It 27 p. m. a. m, ChicagonExpress. 2 s D.N. Exprent__.A5 38 G.E.. Expreso... A 50 .Atlanatc Eprenn.. 7r47 American Exp _tt918 G. N. Expresn...--l1047 Pacific Neprenath_1o27 0. W. ALGLoSor. H. W. HAve., G. P. &T. Agent, Chicago. Agi. Antn Artier. lTe Rochiester, Tu'e 'loneal, atid The Perufectioti Student Jataith lihtve teli- onotretlet that they give the mont perfect hr-lit of atny lampts tmade. While thte ptrices vatry froitil9l ceints to $03 eacht, they atll give tile nsame tquatlity tattd quant- tity of light. ArgantfiLIIamp, Pwi ttrcellain shades, at - - - - - cento lRed Statr Oil, thttt bttrtn withtout odlor, does itot chtar the wick, atnd givensia ipure whtite light, deliveredl tt - - - l1t cett per gal Oil Catis,laccordting to capacity, from - - - - 2tt cenuts to ft6 each. To see in tos believe. See our stoelk anti yott will be conivinced that we sell thte bent Damtp antd bent Oil for the leant nioney of atty touse in thin city. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. THE CAMPUS. Fitzbuglh Butrns, '92 lit, in buck Very fete '96t nen 1)111in 33alla- pearance at football practice. Prof. Griffin trill begin quzzing tihe junior lawn in about a week. There terre twenty-five applicants for tile four pl1aces on tbe Banjo Clttb. Lot, a locket-book ill the lib- rary. Finder trill please leave at Ite delivery desk. At the nuggentions of the Athletic Board at Princeton, cane runhes have been given up by that college. The junior dents haee, among tbeir recent acquisitions, Mr. Hazel- ton from the Basel Medical Univer- sity, Switzerland. L. C. Mender, the htolder of the Elishia Jones fellowship, in studying modertn Greek at the American for late tork. Miss Jeanette I. Caldtwell is teach- iug Latin at Afton, totwa. ' A valuable box of hooks has just been received at tihe library. These 'books are mostly educatinal antI scientific. A fete are works on literature anld antiquity. 'raminosia, 'iinterniute, Andrews, Crabill, Shsieder, Walton, an~d Shra- der, all in thle medical department here last year, are at Jefferson Medi- cal College, Philadelphlia. Dreher, Ireland, and Wiilford, of the homce- 'pathic department, are also there. The one year lawn held a meeting yesterday afternoon, engaged Mr. Turnipseed as quizmaster and de- cided to take up the subject of fix- tures and casements. They expect to take their examination in it in about a teek. The physical examination of the members of thle McMillan society 'which teas to be held last Saturday, will be held from one to four to-day 'and from now on u~ntil all are exam- mied. Dr. J. W. Uerdman will have the matter in clsarge. tHowdy" Abbott, base ball man- ager of '9r, writes from Duluth re- newing his DAILY subscription. Mr. Abbott has just received thle ap- pointment of attorney of New York Fidelity and Casualty Company, for northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. Full account of Regents' meet- ing in this issue. Call on Win.. Fulde. the Tailtor, olposite the .Lawtt-Eileiig. oji Williat-st., first leer twest of Stttte-st. Cletaning, retiairiiguinilpressintg lotte teatly. Suittosorder antpecialty. All trirst-class. III" OU WANT TO Buy an Alrm Clook~ .or have some Repairing done go to Wilt. Arnolk, 36 Main Street STAFFORJt, TAILOR Is shtowing it first-class line (if Dross and Business Suitings, Trou-serings and Fancy Yesfings for Fall and Winter. 42 South $tate Street, G. H. WILD, THlE LEAPIITG TALILOR., Is the place to go for flute Tailorincg. Ite has the most select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Suitings, TIrotuserinlgsantdFanucy Silk Vestings in flue. City, and would be pleased to huave yoti call and examine. Ile makes a specialty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E. Washingtou-St,. Ana Arbor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK School of Philology in Athens. OF ANN ARBOR. Dean Taft will be its Chicago Or- capital, motooS. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transacts, tu general hanhing busnuess, foar tober 2Iu antI 22, to ass1tist mu ntak- elgan enehitge sold, lettera nfcreedi tproured isgarrangentents for the Worldl s frtaees aa. ,t.e. cLratetsN, Cv. BAcHPres. (lDental Congress, to be held in 'c, GRANGER'S Kittie Carew ltas written a series flT~ lAT F fA I N GT(Tfl short stories of U. of M . student SCH O OIUV F H D I1 ife for one of the Detroit evening i Oth Season, October, 192, tn May, 193 papers. The name us the non de OUR NEWY HALL in centrally located anid plume of a co-ed quite prominent every prnvition hanseen made to promotnte the1 comfnrt or our patrans. There arel'nonstairs in local literary circles. to mont, the dlancingc ronm Seine on the ground flane. Office at academy, 0 Maynard-st. The Choral Union presented a Send $125,r $3 50 Car Same- petition to thle Board of Regents for Y peetail Btin ex npressC f bsncft theHBEST CANIES in America. leaveofasnet attend the musi-' si n tpule St 0l ad 1alfestival of the World's Fair, if repid Reeroal Cicao.saisfactory arrangeet can b C. -GNHR eecunr made. Illis probable that the ei CHICaOSee. tin will be granted. 4p