Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Colleoc xcr by f iv U. OF Mi. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Succtti. xtiou,;pinleT.50' pet'3 etc, invartciably in ldvnr Si--l cpies 3aeenst. Sabcrip- tios may hce left at thecoffce~~t of the DAttY, at Stoffilet's, wi'thct'nycofthe edci ltrs or t'tcttctocatonou' lccctrea'~cch tleothietiy 7c'clcck P. ,.ciftceytcrt'o tcappiierthcenetea lcty. Acdcrexssalltcctma tt ttnddtor pblict ioot to the ifcaaiicv Editorcc. All buosess cotunicationscsoccctict setxtotohie ti- THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Arbor. Bich. EDITORS. H. J. OTT a NVccAcc, Lit. '9lct Mtitttgicco tcslctcct. C. A. I~tts,ccc, Lit. '9c3 ,.c'.lcatc. . Siccl cit', Lt.' 31, clxistcct cy .it "ccxx t' aco'9'cc" .C'ilcccc S. t}'. (Lc'cccc -... .Lit., llccincs lloccccgc'. C' \. liccccc, lx'il' Ell.c''ctfo -THE U. OF M. DAILY. to the state by the United States'- LIJK E FN I G M N whalatya$5,0.FoC1University earnings there was $c,1u6,- By Going to Wahr & Miller's and cave froni 25c, 500 andl 75C on every 758.54.pair of Shoes aos we must reduce our stock to 7554 h''is under the new systenmcaero o pigGos will give a total of $83,.87.maerofrSpigGds Thce slightly icicreased earnaings of -=- J 7lZt ythe ['iiversity' will thlrowOthce total Flue lootwear tDealers, - to icearly ; 3i5,uuu. An incrrease icc 48 SaOU'fHI MAIN a3TREEg;T. statle propiec ty valuatioci every half decale williincreaise ltce tacx accor- (qTT1T A1'g-rY'CY A ig nsuha hspa ny P-takes effect Janc. t, o894, ancother i ,G .ll. year muiscttbe Cspen~ttin the tld "bcuct- ge"plan. Tlie onily hopce for the 21 S. Main Street.'W G E &CO gym within that time lies ini acnact- citional appropriatiou. ti X xc Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Ar'isisistl Oratorical Contest .at ~ A Und--ivesitsy Hall, foit lit. SS Michigan Railway." __ acc cT iALcdE{ *irc(xi nE(ccfS ni1,.~n~i ccctdcivin ,nccicxc; 'aoxc; ~ipcp eetxepdcC (c. i. 4 . l 'tEt<>S.......111cc . ~t tic,l tI c li. W lW cC I ic l { Iic c c i cd rtlc raae alxxo seiccre'posiicons . 1 2 o27pr (c1.rvie ai tIl tionis wh'ichi are calways Iworthcy of thce doee, IR.' . Iseccid-Miidcan1111ho1111) riIiClleges Text Books flromltiheg best slIl1ldort ioi the studeut uocly. tioccpclOlxjc lxII tclcicc. East 'wiichli CvI' will offer Iit1low prices. 'Wec' kceic (lie l'retccii; 'lhlis year ithe associationicsIC in a ant L O O OSS Z m i Gccrii acl i iclionalric's '('(iillllt'llell'1 iC'Ilie Facu11lty. eV( somlaewhatpicu11layr)positilo owing to 101Cc'y11ce bat 11111d 'clllc('st Nocteloicks iin Ie ixc-i)C. tile uecessary swithdirawxat of the snip I GE U SFIFEI S1F9iES ;z7 S H EEHMA N & CO M PANY, port clitbe SitudientsC'Lectuire Asbxo- iLI !liil.I i i'i~ll hth L. OR U N E R- University BookSnellers, - State Street.:~ nil) aol at all af'ec itiche success o8 .8S. Main Street, aAnns Arbor. SIHEI.ttIIX & CO. SltEEI.\N A.' CO.. SHEESIAN a- C0. thxe contest11chisCec'inc. The Iw'a- tcCccfilevtylltlc, tl ccidicoc r' A N N ARBOR REN TSCH-LER, citio s are iiry cuueven ly c~h aa, hey N' I !cii'l 1 oatin r ioolcdUuuly7 01lcc 1 t" T g, andi everythlinon1115to onae icictc .i.c S .TE AI~iQLK'ITPL UO.DJlOI0- Ttpne(P cu f~elec t'lic 11)1cc 1) othbetprograms in unciv ersity T1(cc 23 S00TH FOURTH AVE.. cclI lI N I 11.xv I-hal tisC year. Evercyon')C sholcd L I.ratecc iicc ;c , C E" . i >~1 iS ', rI. A N',iC- tite this occasionC to assist the (Ira- lc~u i .'".""'_______""" LA~IKI'P O7T!A1 11011SFT toriccil association', ancd at tile samve . Il NOT 'rtebs rtosteUn-i( tiei.Dnt>e( ic of tc di Stor ONE WEE'K, COMMENCING cccilv-ic11c 1 ddll xn get Jus d'M01IwODAY EVE NINI I A RCH 20. verxify Ihas iprobabuly verec put u l oi- Fori iWe dclt i" Co.'x. CIe'1don1't xlcccx(o r d lx0c, Ibut.j tiyti- )ltiinfdancandiii). give' it to 11occ, cccclducht i' ccc l. it n ;anu lco ts. Irod]ii ( talto~-o i di. ui igt. i cc 'lucy )passage of tile oiae-si'cth 11111l1 .)i lii . .JOL &C. Tn iOSotsf, pj jh'c it~ bilis ICnuct iuteuucecd lioIlatcrialiy 1n tr1I O P1c- ceasee ie 1c'oirces of iIthe llsiCr- O12r(r ci C ;'"HOT JLUNCHES !P. REPETIH ity bci3 ti})c idC it Cwithla steaudy'L1 (cr.( '- .~ " ittlicuic '-cc ----. ~t' Slc nydll1 cera1ei .L(.II c ~c ~ I Ancd Vhe very clxncuexhcCande Colurll/--1--- rttt( for c34ill.1 about01e1uCll to last ".T.T L S -" ' ~ d~dli ' . 'I ~ 1c I 1 ~icdcocc( ....--_ __C hl .(IN lot yeacrsapplropiriatio000, fiurg lid'on the ' -' I ...T1,.'I.~r' . wauttt i itl(Idcic'.cii(cddd icid by. a1 =' fl , 2 c13'2 oLnt n Prties,10,0 andcc. Last year the total wsC$38o01-17. .212.112C3ilcv2'i ~ s~ ABE. , romxithe one-sixth 1m1111billwivl gfdacu 13333 rmitest on the endowment fond-a funch re- 11 ivicod .0CcA. chic) Stle slt~cc . 1 W. Whington hWastGIBSON sulting from tile sahe of landhs given DEOhIT'.,' - N1ttChIt(;A.y 2'2oyICH mo. NO. 12 W. HURONST