Aft N r b< , V t + .x ,, aw VOL. III.-Iro. 12?. \l'~tIll N 100. UNITERSITY OF MTICICIAN, SAT HiD A Y, ARCH IS1, 1893. PRC.TtteENS PRICE. Tii izrF GENTS. GAININGCIINEXCELLENCE. The Ma1'rch Number of the InanderF One of the Best of the Year. Brief Review. 'he March I olander is out today- It is onet of the hest thti ihbas yet iJitoortble . Prof. uycnct "' a i- lliie. selo is to deliver lhe setri s Oa ss't~'itS be5 _fore the io'11csm: -i1, ~ t l liili t a , h s t e fr t 1' f g s !Iof sio11c li )eta!Y-t 'o'* t~rsis oil sbiis liii lako ellosrshiips onilte stiloue is of alsriini.1 lie article is one of thef most interes ting that tins alppearedl is the Inlader lits year, anidtire- seats tmany suissiestite thoughIs. Ftrankb It.IDixon contributles iii sthier article f whiich will be of sit- Irelor lateret ta the studen~tsof Aliicrican sor.Tewriter hurls hli s tes llai i1at o<.riili 'tter visals Cass. xveli llivespreiptieei 5 il tli W I tiiiii eriltr~ Tonigh'hs Grest ontest. 'The oiratorical coolest in l'a ]Ver- sity hall this eveinig willIlie see- sidedl lver hby 'V.XV lesleerer, 17. of AIl. editror of the lAsl ,I tawe 'l'tMmes. PITCHERBS IN TRAININC. rte Many Candidates Who Haye Wone Laurels in the BilxsontherF00 J '" Ctubs. ~ f4 Aliit a dOeioeeii s'ifor[te FR piosition of ilcher on the ' arsily 'A'qTt,4yjFtjJEI5 aloe are lpractliing daily, at the 1: s F-' TR;1TC1. rnkt. Amonlit these there are sc -~ ed ll;1 , x ..,, . n t"!, '.,. ,", s titc i aiit il _.i. 1a N 1 tai l(viaisro"litn mn tunSle be su ccssilI i Iomainterstat i ryri t olretronlit itoy. o aCoiralircoid oaearsi veatrlie liteditflot the t ie j aloes ---isi to " itasi postiititn ate Pirof. Cleo. W.vis igt, of C.olumtbus, Oio; . ) rJoseth Kirkland, of Chocag;RvW. . !Carson, of lDetroit.I hose otidevie v ery swill Ibe I'errisS.ithPrf ''. A.. Birber, is slatii andijudgse Ct. It. (Crmillof the faSpeime I s>iii't. r AAliadot ClubCoet at scholi aiisit 'leo. the haa1 Chtamit1011 '93 law team. I Ihesphereliefoire eiterisisclltegej elxwe iaaIi heboxsv oii ol r i AO, S pritd 4,ECa i 1- tot. 183-t1v5iiiiliit 11111A e, DETRIT , -1 - Allitx tu' i duu~oDetroit, ichievan,. preetleet.~ cus4,