THE U. OF M. DAILY. " th9e number of entries already in, it C" o ' a ," itevientthat the events will be unfsually sharp. The committee Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Ihaving the meeting in charge is put- the Csllege year, by ting forth every effort to make the THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION affair a success. It should be re- membered that the proceeds of this >ubcrptin;prie eryea, nvaialymeet are to help senld the track n dvncee dinsgle copies 3 cents. Subscre-le- r ( hicago. The fitaugura- touns mayoy etlet at the uffieeofthtie DIit, tion of tillipter-class field day will at Stuffetes, with any of the editoros o naric a new era ins our track atlslet- auchoriued tolicitors. ifs. \ici-ianst n3111oor Commnouications should reuch the uoffcebyof-1witseIflr 7 oclock e. t1i they arc to alpeur the next ofJut le ,and1 to do this Site must lay. Addreess all smotter in tended toe publics- hasve tile financfiai support anti en- tion to the Matnaging Editor. All business thusiastic blacking~ of tile students. comnmunicationts sloould be s(ent to tetBusi- test Manageer. - --- THE U. of t. DAILY, ____ LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 50f and 75c on every pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to nmake room for Spring Goods. Fine Footwear Dealers, 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SH ~ jII SJIJ .A lkncdic 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. *® itf ; JRiY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North 5.1J.1)O1r 11 IlLit. ' unugillc ldilto. IU-JlV' 5Michigan Railway. A1 5.DEllON , 1it11 1 i si n o tal. 7-51. SII fo L co, sstgrt - o0, '1- -ilol W 101 1111,V'N:.,1ILaw t'93,AciAisfOslatbtC l)1.11'.0'i7lllol l;l7'iOO t t'ed. 011111. tiff. vrvt:ir:ilR, Li '11111sziiin thardli-v tf1 111 il Olpl0110tllllleot slballiuge tf Zris id 111111. o (3 ut,1_11uot '. uutl. s C. WL I 11L oralbls:ll o.___E_.__ Scott______ 4,____ tlli $3.0, $.00 1, Bolles, >. r e 1, r( tei 2 li ti etblln 1111n ()11O tiy illl- 0 c it Evin i e ah rlry eaena nce; fir a s' lt i S ol Ae rpt"1, 1'. ooi lStif . ca1Iic. .K I Ca...,>. iibu aelil' I 1 conti der it d11t1 E ~ l reiner.ailyIt I1ENN10"Saturday.eveninglorecep1io1s1 (h~lt L Chemicl Works Provi tlt.. 3111 -Aipila Nil literary 5 ne ostlfieteties1' tilS aneRI.I le entyacommec [l.rautes ngreaT EXO K alolce. tilese sloecial e. For lortst ofetile I u Aetpfises itiot is' Iloowe k n r.te an ..ld ltl, an1100 lill f r"......1 1 3''i' in.. soieie.11 Forff ve 111 rcg- H E R Y H LJr l o- of t . i dar enswdail.y"4 )hiii adl pref "l .............llhO p.oil 111 cTHE RU LISN MOUS. oh em- tt ad 15"5 1t11 the111111til 17151 O:ili F . R. Cwil fi~ wF ree. at 'low '1 olt . e cc 1idthlol ... 0a.rn lia re 'o 31110ttlllo10 1,00. Z n t-oa")itrilros (tflll lif tl S 1110d i hV. 'd A most excelleeci ihly ti'ohoeeajhas totilt- be$h.0% '1 10c licapist (1'hDlikly l 1110 Sundhy wiclOl~ll beila ishohmetieghot G II'S' sDII SDOIIn elweeiL.AnnM riNAC ANY and11 Aphetizer. It, -110 lifees tnl hocviihFirstlTole-bonly, dily le'cept 'un'' hthe 11111t0' ordthis eveinged 310. ats Le.Gtre rUin ERni lesy os ellers1arrSateeStreet "hnoho ltlo0lrf il o ie~8 .Mi tet Ann Ah o r SIIEE f()then- CO zsTe~iy(xc .iii dayC. 1 h1} entetin of tAeigclph Rm11100ii e re ~lpp-iiol n1ill h ( Nu1117 ltyIs o cities ths11 111R.1.1 I I _ NN A R B R R E T SC L E R ev nng a b e wl rrn e ad Bcwr 11001 1e n Idatos Q D ' ' D (/ . C } M i rt N F' Y e e 111111 careflsytmtlatic traiing 710 w icih the candidates for tile 'varsity hasebail teaum are- being sub-I ected, cann~lot fili t0 oprodulce 1a winnin~g tearl. Tihle chlaracfteristic sinl of Calit. Crawford infusestile ilayers withuulatvity1111111 ,ll1115 a teadinog rcquireenlt, owhen coml- binoedh with qu licknessO in1)judllgmlent tuthe thechieiif requisit1(0 of a relilel player. 11101 1:\ili0v is1pleasedl to I(0lon iil tile fcaptain and111 11111071110101for their owork 01111enterpcriseo, anld711 assurfe its clr~eaders1an1 bascehall crli- ilsiasto that ,lichigall is to 111ve a teamequahltaly 1s strlog11s those (of pas y1t3ears.} TliT0/1/ SLL LUIIP C0.0, hoto grapher, that is10 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. C~N~t3 I 51 1117-1 Id(Ieas oW 1,il rE, . S EL Vl S, - MANAGER. i TI/9hCLlol 1, V .C {VE .. GLA)K OKRA; 11011SF iONE11 11 11 lO.s l1t 1111 1 on 10~ WEEK. COMMENCING 1 G1' tlol. 1111111y111 0011 00ta111foo011 tI.ffONDAY EVENING, MARCH 20. 1 i ~ (it rrii col irne- i or fth utwdngt. NEL NlJOLLY & Co., N. 26 -outh i' U I ~ r Gt.)iI LII li 0111/I/l ",T ~OLUN CH.o c R'T33 14u .tP1.c- thever o ices11l~t Canis- . ------. ~ lllt 11 r"Ii ob -t J l rtll - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1( . it. .t ri fl)l L.jiL 3, sll111115 .I11__ .1 to/i 53717, -' - i3' - Populta- Prices, 10./ jf 'c 11111:11.10. 111531557 t W shngon' T ZE IlVIl KItT, - - 7111 b tN . 11 ahnton t A M . a-NO. 12 W. B URON ST. T h, is gratifo l og not0170thierc- tot tha~t is being taken illtile annullll ind~oor meet of M\arch 71. From 1 ,