THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. z :TTQ - SzS WE ARE AGENTS FOR GENTLEMEN:- Yolipans' ila~s, Ikiow< $ats, We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our ,sit veripan~s $ats, Stock, as usual, includes a general aod complete line of high class clothing. Young M en's ANi) HODGEM AN'S MACKINTOSHIES. ~~ITS~IT~! EXQUISITE FURNISHINGS. PIERIN'S GLOVES. We wish to annouiice that we are going out ofthde Ready Made made up with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the Clothing Business and susbstitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine best miercliant tailoring work. Shoes. On account of this change we shall sell all our FINE BOX b OVERCOATS ANI) SUITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call and exanie. W adhamns, Kennedy & Reule. A m 'i W. TiP'm'7Tn q A T1iffq _, - .. XI I. .J L.LLij .L V V %-Y kw)LLV.LksJ. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Mish. Capital Stock, a$50,, Surplust, f1.0 Organized unader te General Bknauh awstae tthis citt. teceiv'es Oepeais hust ad eelia exchage an the peincipal eitesosatihe United States. hirafts cashled ueon ipropere deantiication. Officets: CHISIAN MACa, Pres., Nc. cD. nAnRIAsaN, Vice Pree., hl..?.Fiueec, Asst.i'atshier. PATRONIZE I OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! Me'ST(Jp j u.. 1 I :os' ta tao tetstt a .: $P IjCJ ALAb,iMt'lneiwa -V-THE ARGUS~s. I ON SXTIR)A'a ,OCTO It it ~"~jfllo ' T'NoliI TG E & CO., - Tailors and Furnishers, A''Lti I51tE i o f a R E N T S cHLE R, 'GRL1iND OP ELA IOTS O .K.BARBER SHOP. 015 il Fine Shower Baths, New Poreel i arPoto gPCL~Phe& Thu.r 'day October 13th. ji. titgttt~Tubs~. i'' E. IN SN) N S;. J. R. 1_tzNr: t) src' (N GER IBSO ND AMERRY TM '5 lssty at'st ittslln i snes.5tt1 it Mteittaet lt Ctotaediest C' lof u ad s a lcancees! lpleta- it.KliSP', Pres. I'. ii. iiiit.5 i, taslsier Pa 0 T )G L 'wv idtiSineging'. L~augabele Sttittn't ttseitt' itshsa aunS.Iettts etia aetaina'. _________ ___________________ si~~~~~~~~t h ietidtet it' iSettentiste Dattecewill Che os' -____________________________ e'tted byti'O ee nter.hReserv ed Seat~ sanw + E LE \NO. 12 W. IhURON T 1. etSssettsdtsieeeeo aas RA A L OMNC~O. Prices, --- 5,T0, n 7ec w 1 IC . Wsigo tet MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ?j et UNCAlst, ti if reenougist players avetw p eaC. ci em 3 & SoonSretnsior., lII,- Claiss politics a i are enorla g}it.initat~ ataelie ii it's atoARNta AN 1ataso Os ir e l ltiott-i i liC cit tliarm. toy 111. ,N KRI ~ ",i l cer. i facton araaan foredTn 'shulLO H °°n ,4 t t'at as a aa hste ae ac tt I rtllt'__J..ieat ttata' c°l; FOR 'llttaL' S' et tie btenet . o .et lieclasscofvisa ( las0) sto!tttYatO'iUR'ttaiTRa.AsDtEic s i t ta e'y>vii4ta't'.T' .12 E cii'LCIED s.ldbeN~et 'c ol isa ~ til a lc'wi. 'al D< nccl o1 att j 9ali eis. \o c .b~ltoI .h I () t'nocat ic c ib M th at, 7:'st 1 'ty a 2i0111 R rule r~ti MlNi.tle steitI tils Ill II' SN 5,111' c ('st. 1111cr U: itC~~ai , lts threa tf e l 1 .'slrt iyCO it f tIStl tt itu"'i r 1> t lt tel SEEt '' ,i:i INa C' AK lillnbea for, tvotie r ra tu nt e. tatittiN. Ilte stitat aaf iat' lt i Eveclass oll. ale e t It's 3h. Offclle' taasj ?r,& ' 'acli' s C I1a1c5- t tI', G od requesed t 'com 'tt hrei)ii. aciifi ftii i ~tI ' 'si, ITo )eil icunnian oo;I hr wl e e tl ls) ettos"1srt' 1at im ta i-, t ite c HI"I ER itsth ctyfo iS etts .,is lt eaietOply, s eeoelct o e n leit ci dis,4coetd awhatten ori EzaTi FTJRL IIN'OES HE Meicl D nalandAl 'i ri ce causeph eween(;r gynFiida st athm.&ytepuissu haot 'tei cila eleae ofss A c'il le te il sieitbs. T't e lacestlto eocmiyitsgmcheat it building. eeians.Tia'ccaeyc ti te pl ay i vertay Ii.' ai .itc for he fI sha sr ad~..- Itteveyisi- ar eive ty si illpese lland Kitty Mitt'- ain cvoan playteach imhtsmbe tte iii ne le 11i tb ii .eniiu t it Mieiscaxi- l 3cilasstbc'suetntiasset. F..tCm e frst ItpttIteistpny es' t isl .-,e o sta y Cliotil can wta is a .ti. I;to thate ii fais tota cttieli'sNN1