THE U. OF M. DAILY. c""ic 'M '3b "{ ; The Jeffersonian Program.A _____ The Jeff ersonianltrr oit Published Dasily (Sundays excepted)l during the Collge carttty THE U,. OF W. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION in acd aee intleeof 3vetsct. Subscraips- tias mtay lefalt -tettiWeelflie'ILYa , at Stofltit'e, weith any of te adito o commutictions should etactheofti ellbye 7 t'lokF. a.tifthley-car toape'arthentact ta. Addretssillmtte itenei'orpuic onto t eaalfdttte. All les-teas uoniiunicaions houldbe sct t hIaui 1-ct II g~w wil rentder the folliowringptritraim ilTtursdav ttn ihtt Readitng, i. t tttt tiolla;tiertlitatlon, M. A.I'otidi soit airp~er, 1.. FI i'irls itoar'tj 1 1}, 1Ii. lK. Beto; dtbate---(ties- silve r killIholldIblirepe tied.ArmtvV.T olB.C llhorpcl etlgativleiiW.l M . cgs A I i. L; peon. LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going to AWaitr-& Miller's anti cave fronm 25C, -rc and i75C otn aee pair of Shoes as we muest redure ourtrcto1 mtake rsoomttfor Spring Gootis. -'ine Footcwear Dealers, 48 SOUTII MAIDSRET TROITSERS PTO)ORDERN1BIG DISCOUNT -7-r-- ar°-*-r.- r eo -07 r es 't _ OmA2- fxISE iU. Cfat. esm ITrle V". W ales. Toledo, Ann Aror and ot ~ &SI~ Michigan Railway. ot , -", )' ii' ' 1," U at \_. . { i:11 L' j ' )11 '' . a' 5a ' 7 + t 1ofti( 't -it t", ''jjlJ/ iV iii(7 /({ I It I.'.I'a ,'..ll .10'I'eleadctektetll a.tipacI1tt i. ~ t:i e Ill' lt-fse'> I {e "l it I t lt etto C tt cssctetecttss 0,11l l lytee i 1111tIlet il11V dl l- 1t+ fie T Nscttesecset tetOFBI N~Ett iSt it" i-eate tSi d i l i tt''tlt 11111 'I ; ' 't l.el ,j'1 < t tt ast tis st a t ie e tte.tlcaeks;tlsrG 2t d l Yt. . it ' s.a. tpeaT.tetttitttttteiitttt i-I 'lt editor Itt'the 1teiersity o1 f s l tttil hlet asic. Iiteteariches :MtttI1NI{t'i $H ".07tetlcI$etelIQt0, 'e0etl{xe l 5 t I' sat v Wfr n ti t"1 A t , 1ct 1E Is'e te rt ttn c 'e c ily a fla rs1' t1ec a tt e tt i a t c I tt' tltt 'til tl71 ) U t" ltt I O ' tt n l' t e I t ti ~c t e . hint tiic ceek it tea followivgtea scraiptisv' e pamph tlet tac's'e on r et icttie~nto '~.~ Y5at.Itc a et eaieaa "break" : nRumford Chemical Works, PreyS- I'SH1EE1AN & GO. SEIEEUAAN&cL O. SliIIXHN ('O. .At tsihe tt3issirsits' of f~ttiltt ltsie lBewaeo s ustitutttc ete lls Iittiosa. ____________ ,/" (KeOND-HAND ' T(C"\v II 'wsi'T 600KS et'isr-itt-cltiif at'tie ti (inal, thes FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .l Canisersity daily (lapsir eesitses 1___FOR___THE___SECOND_____SEMESTER____ "otte sttdy" crsieidscsi prttnsto lis RH SCODSEESE Nvrci, tittidte othser sditorsi-aeragit silt I IHEN'RNY I-AU (, jAt the Studens' bootkstsre. Stutdets, save itud1f 'lti I tM led proportsttiottttnat 'siselits. i '1'0101 seandtsstllist, tGuitar, ltlntj 5 and11 late- anttd'l btiy of ts. W oa 1it-a C,6dai Mc i' '.'ti110 t'tlcsat i e 11c ts f 'lee' Wlebster- jeli ersenateitt joitn 5 ~e . t t lstm.'4S.tatcstiiiotiei stsssctrs ('etog e t lietcs 1ctts fe Ittttt I5S IC" list wsc i e atti111 ofscr it losw'preices. lV~e' ke' lee1trait ti program ndeedsebatecthits e egng id (GermanstlI )irtistairit's t'l'I-lttlwti se i te iFacutyc.WeC protiics to be ofunseuceeal ineterestG.HIK S Op 11c il et ts leiiee ee fles t derie 'She ieragrltelwiciiibe teatrly tli3HEEHAN & 00MPA Y, - sattte as was arratngedlfor last sceek,j L. GR U NER, fw SH St AN & Cf MPAte Y anit whiiec- acs101tp civey reasont8- i Sre,-Aa ro-0~University Booksellers, - SaeStreet. -% eel te pastponemtentt. T' iteray ( I SIIuv11 Ni -&CO. SiflEEI A N & ('0. S.IiEEIlA & GO. societies edesere:r tte etatitttc latic Tic'quitih Of outCi- . suphport at stuttents, antteier1051W sortisent stf I.. ,j~emc- i AN NARBORL RE NTSCH3LER., progcattc, swhichtistially- britng outi A 1T - C)l,....... ...,... titeir test talent, are elesercing tjt1rset ejtdc LLI KIof U L)L JJJ~ gtdsipr.I ft etti the ftEwe earr'J goodonlsutiofrt.eit1 1~ 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. tsnt:tt~ei c~ ttsi -c TiIs: antnal oratorical cotitest, iThte 1, cittdi'tclrf.. 1's . ifS.3SERV ISS, - MANAGER. whticht will be teld Satutrday evn-shuldhtirstvosu cctitt a fitrst- D -aA ing, in titiversity Ihall, steeid aXttchi ~~ ~~ NOTI oE 'sS'ttsscr E...T OiRA iS C ls irtG t a £ttatlts. Dtltt cud'elout of 11I'taw fr ONE N IUHT ONLY. bring oat a large autdience. 'The t ,a'sad traoal ad vo o inttUna ro i .WDEDYEEMRH1 t. -lsesitii, istatssis i Ott ('u.^stiert donas 'st d a -< fs tt sI li ED ES A E E.-A-CH- admtission fee of tcventy-livece entc s ttte iin-. iseste (tr. 's' satet Iatta'AC te 1 i' ,it he linna prie besure gica it Itee tto,\ t ldthat iIcsttte-lte 1t'. ate del Mte Clll~ .t I e'kI1 1t ' ,t tel- oied tlterely nomn la nd ttisholtatIoiler nttold il i " ~ . ttl eIl st'le-ia t 1 llte'ls- tIt e lseadni~t yu". cle ofa 1 Sandar and ive . Li- JOLLY &CO., No- 2G6at ex~cutsefor nae-'ttdance.- Ittorder '.SteSars tio keeithtie Ulivcerty feisadhs u tSat tet avthe trota its'verdity itheheryronteea iCLUcllE s c} ee tea("iv d el ItsrIvl S-Cell. ,t Ni ratiks of collee oratory it is a 'cas-l bt 'esinas , il HO UN HtS JOY t le~VE, sacs' to keels tit a hisvele interetat cile cc ll t ha ligliact ~Istle sIt'e~es- ete r'et 1IyA 1ic rted tilete lee'te rolcst et i -Iyts letn o l n u po t w l h o a coitesis. Ititas ibeet e c'idesd tot et o h11 t tt dt.. a rt'lt'l tI' ttte h St tlt's tOietie Ieite' e-' ' ie I ~ o oe stt U-a-Tj 1' T''E'~S to adtttit to itecotatest nS .A thr - ticikets, itnasnttc-i ate lt ectelrees .litic. va i iiIAPRICES I 50, 75 and $1.00.. Aessociationt has refticesi ts)hold the. 1}111 1 -lS 'set s l t' t tlt.ceelstoe. coniest uttder is s ietisle . 'Tiis JiiX'fa I - I -,~ ''Is. - fact outght note affeect tile sliest SAOI)Iw.Lr(1 F.(_ . I(lInce inltite least; bt erery stu- doa1 .L ~J sleet wishitng to see Alichtigant vtn in SMITH, SN tile Northtern leaecatest shtoetlsi stte Stiet. & Co. wW shntn t 0 G A? E supptort the local sorators. = 25IEIT- TC. Z ashingt co.n O 1tIVIl IN