THE U. OF M. DAILY. (cf. fl supply the community with their - Z 7 Z R m aestw-eeifre.ha salsi e ~r " (5 o rcs Upon enteing this geat etband e Fr , Od met eweeinoredthta change 1Ve uou, a d L w rC Soibiehed Dily (Sundays excepted) during would soon take place, that they s re____________ the Colee ear, by closing oat their entire ready miade TerisntnglkaSLMFGR topttinito. stock tit cohing at cot. This alone Teei ohn ieaSI IUEt u ti oin THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION brouglt in thiosands of people who- nmadie pulrcases without dely. There We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We r .aa~ ---o o,,.. were (t salesmeli enough upon that Bought Cheap. We Sol Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes. _____________________________day to enid to all parties, ut we were - "- -- assured that aniiadditional force would VTA. R 8? , 5MILLER Fellow St1ideln t S !- Patronize te placed i the different departments ¢g SOIJTIT MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICH. those who patronize yotu.,iMer- t once. Our readers will son see_____________________________________ tis sre eitirely remodeled aistia0 n Abran ot chants advertising ini the Daily chaiiged ito oe of the largest sur- j old, nnAbo adNot are tihe- only people ain foswn to cant tailoring estalishiments in the *$Q 1~ Michigan Railway tra~lewith.state. It s also coitemplatirig adding __/eCn f O5ad~ so 1lt trd ih hoe department which, n10 iot ' e iineol Trans at Ans Aro. w___________ oill iuncease the volume of hsiness.f- n - - With their already popular anti well TT FOII I IN THE RIGH-T DIRECTION, eiilsle uriihig good and ist No 1Frakot IMaad Expressi-~n t trde which they will enlarge nt l i- es.PagruiAbAcm.I no Tfhc action ofltheIBoardl of Re-ttie, they wl ndaoitslceb o a ooMarMail a seotee t. n enis, yceserday, its raisng the ore the public the most exuisite line No. 01it ltedo ad litosso coamda in the four tdeatmlents, all uner one .on tl)e' n salarics of U. of M.profslully Ic rof. ti tLEAING SOO OF BUIEi.Site nR" 15 "Toteo sd (O.)so ( tailcl in anoher coluiiiitis a scp The outlook for the success iti their god i ri i re.ioc-t1,teltsppie0radng or UT. o. ills 1 V lihes is very enouiragnpg m i ll totti daily wics;iitlSa toroeeieceptoiot; in theitg1111diarecito.Wi ti Iretis1111p'en ' tcttteuctotttirceilettraltetc retiNu. ' T~ou'ittlloi -tco. 11a u t iu in dsa d csomes coigrti a ,ltuIndl tlotlu antui i itltiallsierepotiotit Nt. n. Tots-to Moilt E 1oc- 1.p-. heiavily ciiioivcd coligic andintl1 ImisIrste tliciii ttmtttti their lien toeltartllrc licitiditiiih,(tt 02.1 it s aii itc oiorn flt iin1ti Arbor, sta l oioo. nti sotweek ttNosvthat tlsre will e t change STUDEN T\~-TS' BOOKSTORE STAT S~T mtet te- I. A. f's at tic ahlctic anit they are closing out their tine T D N ~ .~tI~i..t1, 1X1U . field, Saiurd, y aternoon, o oercoats sind suits at perhas thle o'clock. thuill h1 e an somporitan chalser inthioir lie, se iw-ulti e ooiuteGree, Lathn, fr'enhiGerntt:tid all (Coleg TctPooh s Necw time, fo it wil be remebered tat you ll ijitcfeOnot to asicyost to cllan eol-tnd ga efriisulhupnonhc l l tl0theu oringltenetfew wsoechs. uii S''Oid-^tiih lass spritthese tcanms h1ldtwo y - -bN " ED" ..t ". B (" 4 o.1; thesecn haI. A C iC USIN ESS LOCALS. AT EDIC.A1M)E. tort-,2 tI1. 'ihe 1I.I . C s wil( W vNx-rv 1 linstlo y11t ni lisu, vott i s' ss o to hlob rs rmtervcoisi , orteenfar1sIt c s a- in-t luls tutu fl u"'1sss Sooh cssIouttt- ~ -.Ntla u lluttl.'olii u the eia. It is saidI that tecU. ofi eer srei t Alto ieni._________________________®®_______-________________ A.l pn sol itt t a ii- o hasc ry of T'Y))l0i'it nut' t Iiie i c It . ftlt'e grec rpuatin, ani - ryllsii ii t'lr os-i I uuu i' 'x s3 sou-c10~ . Ioou. io ts o ii 0 ie Detr it tvilisnn 1;h-N thu is 0ola. ; centus, lde fe .lc a s.,r , i letl.7-7i0 tio itiers;isae log od ok ti fthus' Alrotsttoht linei'ohfI ('1 -.--- ttc as, Itloicoasud i ittis t t olcoriro-- us;, u t 'ns. Buy 1anth fhlidelsis l I f o.- t cl /- '- By a stc oilf6S to o o ur fool- teS ';. LJacohbs ctou ('it nd.3',U bathltteamswon.thetime smic the lue Alawsoutreott-c. A. A1s, paycdlalst night.iOusr ac- a iri To -Aicluosf illy (tlt andhI } ovr,tttoinding tholMichiga-nutvs .A I counst of thscga'sies croswdeh out of A. amo in lotot this eveing, au(e todalsvisoote.tA full account wil hifatt-tacorte soilhhhreitaddlcbhythec iMoua nttuoioo~oieichigait aperi o ro'*su" Buy your IBoosatutishiolsae is cMcO, -- romftie Natiotual Lbray -\ssscttionou The -iseoWill Profit. -4, Wabash avenue Chil ThaieWl o~t 4 ~iusutvuu,(hstgo, Ill. t - -' 0 _ _______ ohiodrss the .Associatiuonlfor piatutitlaro 57 -.I.a~E t FrcomuuthucDaily Tinsus olI y . - For h le lastiwek thire tits entuta tou r Tu As-TNIOLiheral slii -' ight at one of the pronionet usiiess piod to active, wide-awakiie ywiung mn, 5~kN ti itutlaces of .Ann11Arhor thateaultusualsly o thuf rfe-rl;eullymnste pJ'p ,,- lie 55itiesedioiily in nututhi hrger citiesuiaut esRati;Ituo hoAoatonhi, titan our owin. his viewinghi toAthrsNtoui ]hsyooiii \tsI r the swriter wsis uuzled fo a tile to 243, abotashi Avenuu, C'icieago, 111. knosw if he win i the itetropolis of the swest or ot, fle surgisg mass that Mr. hose, of fh luen41 Eagle, IBe thronged thte portals of this great troit, silt shosw thtir comlpete lineofSTTHM 'MUIHAL trading eniporiuns was wonlderful to woolens it te Cook Hlouse, t-idaut,ST HOA MUIHL. bhlold. It is hardly ncessary to 1tills to. Tose cottenplatitg orde- hs set ftu ei tTuna'Muh 111 1 hzhttsso mntioth le firm'sianme to our reader 515g alyleohig ths 1111ai ill ste ThabvisactotenwS..hmsMsiHllnEizehsret as every merchat as well as citizeit tmoey and get the nohiest goods 11114 10ari fle Ctloic School It is used at peseut as at Catholic chrct and oin111 frsm the county slnd city, strantger and nost terfect it y iatoniig this to its imlense seating caiuacity evey Catholic in tie city of An Aio, studtents knows at once thtat it was the cocern. popular Twe Sanmssi-io sere puttinug Call oil Mr. Hosie at tie CooklIous sywethert studntt 01 not cdlie accomodateditre are two moning set- their very est efforts forwarsd to, Friday. vices ot Sudays one at the ote at I:30. Vespers anid Benedictioun evey orus R0y .0m- 1 every 5urictay aL :ov v. lu.