THE U. OF M. DAILY ITS OB QHUd T;-MAC CLUETT'S NEW A great big EASY 1' ~ ce ~ ~te(15 saic ct11r COLLAR. -mae, tir1e8 heJwce crd(1 ( ONLY $14.00. },zelsto mtca.I Elo /-- $05.1) >L-- tin 15 1 / "i 1111 E FELLLOWS IN SPROP'ORTION.a CALKINIS' I.E PHARMACY. WISI --_ ^,d S~n~ith t~ato Rff'oo TTAT)TWTI &141 C I /"^ 1 J.. ! - ) 1 - south Mats atreet, ur t 1Ain6.1 -Ca- - -L-i.. -A-v ,j r-,N.1JM I_ MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 2___________ AND CORNER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. s :EcorTID BOO00S, I NEW ANI) SECOND HAND. Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. Co-vE-0-LASSESOELTES REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 3t11), "Clipper Bsrand" Solid meiat 'tom~atoes for $1,10 per dloz. "N L Dolphin c"" " " I cc AN) l. "lversisle " " " " "c c 1.20 " Pu 1'mpkin, - - - - t').0 << : Sqush,1.10" LABORTO1RY $UPPLLC$ C>t 11S© ~ornl, 1.-1- "Prinmrose - - - ".3 " Lake Shore"' - - 1.500 CHEAP' AT And all other Canned Goods at proportionate price of R)PO~WNIA DRUG'STOR 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Call on Win. Fuldo. lie Tailor, opposite the Law IBuilding, on William-St., first door west of State-st. Cleunig, repairing andpressing clone nestly. Suits to order aspecialty. All swork tirst-class. IF YOU WANT TO 3UY 0a=L1ar'm O1oo1 er have sums Repairing dune go Is MfM- Arijoly 36 Main Street Dnv VV.L'N 0 IIJJLIQ u ki ki JL I 4 UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Indiana colleges held their W illYou Loo Youg midssitab, app chps: annual slate oratorical contest re- Young muids sit in youuuguen's lars. cently. DePausw Won firut place, At utShW indw ittoldSI maids sit-when pnst their prime- Bloomington second, Earlhami third. At OUPShow Wndow? t tel Oldsaids sit ini the tn is ime it's wn stry abt5t Yle leord President Angell wsas one of the it O~lSll~abIl Senior lair class mieeting~ thin iudgen on thoughit and comlposition. GUITARS evensing. The S. C. A. lihrary conmmittee AN) George tngersoli, '. lit, was hvc sorted ansdlfiled the various PRICES. railed to his lhomueus Marstiall, ow- pblicatioiis which they have oii T~EAN ltlitott N Oing to the serious illness of Isis handansd they are Dole ready for >Itotlier.stret sle if anyosne wishses to purchase. 51 51511 M~s~s Srut.It is announced thsat the S. I. A Sealed bids will be receivedl, as was5 will lnt glee the Oratoical contest sae oi ieao i~ii'aa' NT A as an extra of thse course as wa s ad- Dr. F~ransk Bristol, B. I)., osse of 'S. SO sertsed.Chicago's best pulpit orators, will cii opcil I The or.arorical constestants have ge iescn etr fteWes- ;,.1-l ) 5ii . decided to enter thse coistest underleaaCilsrenet udy tagii il I 'ir-isTt p2e5 '. - otne of twvo cotnditionis, wicihs will evening, at the 'M. IE. chsurchi.His a,-, C icgoIec. ,rIo n ii. N. usit. kh xres _ r- 4n doubtless be fsulfilledby thse tinse ofsujcwilh,' eitrcyb- t 1v t) 0e'ic Cxies 0 10 i i tl onet l.I.E e- .05se- ssI-.tecote. tween Religion and Art.' 11. 0'Wii.l I 5 11551 01 'E'.CAl-lhei us. Agt. Assi Aelsc. lPresidenst ihving, of Western 'rie Cornell baseball nmanagemsent, FIRST NAT7T AL BA K els e t niversity, Cieseland, 0., us order to obtailsnsmoney for use at or Ahasle consented to art as one of thse thse beginlsinig of tile season, has Capia,$100,000. serplus aisi l-Ihis,, soon. judges iiitlse Micligan-Wisconsin perfected arrangements lor a beisefit Trasactss agencsI'ibanksinbueisinel ss, g, for ttrc 'ne hilWlS 111, letter s ois)roed sodebhte;,Mrchy . 'to be Iseld thse e-elsilsg of April In . ozIra.letAriit, l les 'I~tere wserc io_5 persons restorei 1 It swill be a nixed entertaisment. S, W1. Ci.tiiuxsils Caihie. to sihut by thesemo15(val of cataract 4Thse program will contain everything at thle University hsospital last year, Ironsthse reading of a classic to a SCILO b F UAI' adtus clsanged Ironm dependents comic song by thse glee club soloist. O 0" fl I U to self-supporting citizens. A Ipetitions urging that the library GRANGER'S ACADEMY. A nmovement has been set on foot be opened at 3 o'clock is in circula- t_'spils mis etaer at any timetsli~rqunrteer starting truom the dote us admoission. Offiee f by a number of prominent citizens tion. Itt is generally being signed ad Residetlee Center Entrance 6 I YADST., -AN AREOR of Ann Arbor to purchase the large and will shsow that it in a wishn ofa (3 MYNAD - RN D .Farrand & Voley pipe organ, now majority of the students. ft will be Send $I,125,. or 1350Sorn Sam- building, to be exhibited at the impossible for thse library to be IUFN tleBESTCANDtESiaAnerica. World's Fair, for the University. opened the remainder of this year Ptrc tly pue.gateesardChcgoUnvriys also bidding at that time, owing to the fact that stitypr.Sial o RESENTS. Exps jChicago* for it. If secured for the Univer- no money lasa been appropriated for a 7 c. F. GUIsTRHER, Confectioner, sity, it would be a valuable acquisi. paying an attendant for the extra 212 State Street. ioK-me CRICAGO, ILLINsOuS. o.tne Capital, $50,000. Surplsoanid Prsfits,$17,0o. Does a general Banking business. Rays in- terest on Saving Deposits. Hso safety Deposit noses Ror Rent. It. KEMPFI, Pres. 55F. .EIs8El, Cashier. BanovenS amturday evenitng. -..THE: ARGUSY4-- AT LOW11' sEICES. PATRONIZE OWEN'5, BARBER SHOP! WILD I WILD! WILD!i IS b'ELLING&II1IS WIIN'TER STOCK AT -POIiDUCED I PRICES WVIICtIII WILL 4 FOR YOU AS ThLE GOODIS M US T GOa No.'2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. 2] Year's in the fBusinese. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt. No.4 N. Fourth St. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. us CONNETION, Fine Shower Bths, New Poreelain IS E Washisgton St. J.R. TROJANOWSKI. S0 Oaths tor,$5.0t.