THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.ASEIL FOR ALL OVERCOATS AT OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF. To reduce 0u) Sloek of WVINT ER UP1DEIWEAlR, If price will -- (10 it they will yo. ALL; SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. See these bargains before buying. WADI-AM8, KENNEDY & REULE. l t Y/ U Vi IR Ann Arbor Savings Bank1 ~ ~ ~ .L . s > Ann Aibor Mich. Capital Stock, $5i0, W R- -31 l ~ .5~f z J/ Suiplus, $130000. . Secure Roomsthroug oecnaniced under the General Sanking LawseRooms TWthrug of this state. Receives Deposits, buys asd 4 - N .0 TAE, i~ cells exchange en the principal cities ofthe-N W. UNIV. MED. SnHOOL, '94. i oirr Cniltect States.IDr-ftes cashed cpos proper / ccc cg 1 i y ti osey detfato.Otlicers: Make Preparations Early! Ag. Sav ie tisot asd Dieting. CHISIAN0.5MACK, Pros., 'MGR.COL.DEP'T.HTEL EE AVnnOR. MOg/1'S25rC. 2C., Soc. Woncet1s, 50c. 01cc szloe W5 . IH. iliiMNictnVice Pots., ~ 2 Acddess eneci-cinap, C ufS . p. isc-ic s:, Cashieir. 1 2526 CALUMET AVE., CHICAGO. (WAUKEIIIOSE COMPANY, 76 Chaunty St., Bstis, Mass ' . . 1 lRITZ, A -s. ( ,,iesr _________________ _________________ ,v l BUSINESS LOCALS. cia .~ Si0ccMii-. .. ci ii l~i ii Micic i - 2' pa s foi- libath, huori seriesc, by 1Pc-cd - iloicici, laweclecure romcciii J 1' 8iN: Ycecr ehacice toii e ' - a , 211 I.soile ielc..iLilt swoolein is il i titices lit Mon I ci.. Mari. ill -Be. ICro line .1. Blettcii, citheiolci..lose, Wednesday and il~lisii~iici, cii iios-iii-cc- to Icuit cii, e liito i lreli 15 tand Ili. fiRQ5 G2 c ofiShakespeaeo e li;e E tliot". l'iIAS. 1. 0l'CiiT. MSoi., Mar. il-tie.FlecitningCar~ crowitse - o il . SAst--ttoilso and Lot at No. dli lind LeaguouccsXtedcine Amsiionglihe Chit- ~ iiele Aqdeo -le owner or oil i iliieiels. (cj LT JA Na-s. 2, ~ sTaos,. Mac-. 14-Seoncham -licbrc-ccertio. Ed-i 11 MillBvoris. iCtceci, ciii In a ireiintCocert ippeareci a bliind L1edbhr ,.T~fesora-tiATT oitct-piaistDiri Edws. IB. Jerry, of IBostonc, o S D L mt wScbt-c1iiciI.ehtoae oa tiotable impressioti. Ois AS'hr iiMr.1 Cicoocci[snetnorehearsal pice-selections weeiiil resenitedA-withi FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, piinel on aco-cint oci lhaciilcertCcccerc,TcI'e- girace a in sh5anid pervaded tiy lel- MILLINERY AND ART GOODS c-i rccd c icaote feeliig, andilio developed sueli IFri., Stir. 1,-I'iiri-ittoriclcnest secuity, tecichiueciid taste,, that tall SOCciatc. i.,'Mcr, it-Pupilseric italatSchclcl approalin ruscuof id cpcirhe.-'tutt- 1iNrclcc-ri* Ha 11. gart 1ceblatL atigc ioniici i 5 rc i storcicc-il pc ts,111111 st c li YoL.TA>r - - -- OurSMr. Lombiardi it ( icito ccci. ic-icoED Ninety-Sic Class Meeting. I Ho, Wiedtesday indTic huiirscday, - I 5 1cci05 culii icithi a Cioipiete l lce E o. f tioieltics inispintscitiiligs al ° i;the iG ciass meeting 110111last c tticiseiiigc,'. Youritnspectioni is scilic- 0cc. CocciHoist.Scatiuruday mtorninig cor the puirise iloil. tciIA5. It. 1lta;i i. of considerinig athlcetic it wvas voteid CiAi hEA1(02k SECNDn SE ESTE to aplpropriate $So for tile1100 of the_ - bal teart. Diceuifornis citthe .sc rEI ill, CII Pc 111 btR ~sT. IJ JJ ljJ j tjj ~ ...-0).t.. l 1 -n t r~rf-I N- rl -i. -..,,, ..,t P ;; I . ., . I Excelsior Laundry, t0 EAST HUMiNiS 5 itE I Goo cciiWork Guicarati-tee. (licde a I dli fori andideliveredi. A. 2. COVERT. Price. o r'fiegloruous day,- of open doors i all Outside ss smiling weicome- -tre'shealth and joy oalleuncon= / ianed-The cycler sees everything4 -hIe's wht cc everythaing ic-ac .00000a freexto rn - frown the heights i viilaritci happiness he cannot f all from htis Columbia Safety.± 111 ab ctColum~bi-, free on applicacioncccto t~' two-Oct .itiimp. IPoe 1115f. iCo, t ~ Cclumbus AvePBoston Sriln ARE ON SA ,E. GODSPEED' S t, 11101 A ltd111 NI Ic0 11-N(Ii)S SOE Ofl NE VEEK ONLY. IGOODE)SPEED'S r.-the boys anel the rest of the expenselu0hcek pucrsuitig the Whilisy Tdit inito is hole has tiows attacted the (ordage elef rayed bcy the class. 1Treict cnd ticccns tic Iiid out sshy these (So to Hecidqucarters for ill new Air. Fretund was eiectedcl aptaint little schemes floiurishi. Wheni the facts lire gatheredt hioh1eeiriil grandctjuries atidisecontd-hantd TEXT-BOOKS. of the evetnts is tile'95-'i6fdelI- in lostoti,_Newr York. aind Ihiliadel- day-. phia silwcioi l icre cetecd ticlook itou We havie received i loitge stupply these csec. If ticis thig keep ilicccilli Manciigier iKerr, if the freshmanici the ticic ihell seillAte itt Jail. h. [iisill of Grc-ck, Latiti. (Gertii d ati nti idoiiiliicanid Air. Joel, tihelie iaioiditingii for the assessorc. They- ii iihr app cliii Oci 0cc l i i lt i tc heu itothieredcithciiitiicg c o it- lFretinich t.5iC. NEWAANI)edeapeldtoteclass fo iillilliin-ires aiiicthryingctoicncakeiithcecci SEON'l1ai).)11i.issi cor 1ccili heiiwrcill cctheliscs Io1 pet bce SEOrT ).I~li I. o u ille or isi 0cCandi Iocpre- cililll'is Itle a-u(so Weiarec iii ccpjy ior ptilic Iapplearain~c. Afer1 toii .iii iich tto ill i i nucivr Ihct. Ave ofethd e ic larg ttn es ae I iii 1011n 01li t Oc lt in..t t. d}c i cr1 NoteBoo il th ciy fo 2"Al. d20 1)11,; z w iiclroi-ii Ii icileit e ich I liperi housc(i', Toll-0 cc Niced ills ci iloi-r ochei. i le ihclub.ld-i ilcl) il"til 1 l iril ?inci A Stli StcolIlacsl ai cfictel-Chi.Wait, Wait, Wait. C .Sic cclii ccc ci lcs of 25 ciits Test- Ilocb. mti ngiicci o cnts incacli, was assesse% ,li lic sclS c cl'icco iiuponith1cclassI nd9 cila Ccm ittclee ap s ic u t011ie i i rcocr i ccciid l)oie:l c mnhssmookestorepoitiid to maice the collectiiiii. Miecil I ccisilaymWetc-inesccciii '.I cii iu s S~y Alircic ii1-,I., is icy lt lio i 1;i so Iliia huhsuite cifiriomile Gtldsiuii hicgli I uetritcii rc.i hlie s- so s. state~stre-t. Aso(lit c Irooim.icFucrncee cat. tecnds ai cenerailiii cit ci idlitoiall lthe Mdain St,- Opp. Couct H - 3. 1u9 l. c shiictcctistrict. hiboys.l119