THE U, OF M. DAILY t V 'i i iSI I ;m ' rte ii 0 I C L IN A El- f , - F 1. l2 C LUETT'S ,N EW CJI A i .. . T- __ ! - r y GORE J aRE, ROK{SORES (- 6 OUTH MAT1INETSTREET YOU 61-lb. '-11)F"lipper Brad1-:soid insortIToiiatoes for X3,1{)1 110/oz c, " olphin N'Pumpkin, - - - - Sf ii Squash, - - - - - 11 t < Y -PUPPLI1GZ~ 2 " Winslow Corn, ------ 2 Primrose l. " Lake Shore," 1.50 - ' AL' And all othser Canoed Goodts at proportionate ri5ce 01 Low' z . Ocall rotK_ rs r t a 'it oi , r ' 4}< , io=ali (ii L" IiLI(r L 'iilfla .-at , ralooir c ro 't a - st. Suits tosrde r a is ity. All work fir-lspa. 111" OUT WANT''TO Buy 1xnar 1oo2 or here someserpairing done-Yo t V1/ . Ariohk,9 36 Main Street my. L OLATOR' 7 (5 MLLT v(T g 1~~,44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPAI UNIVERSITY NOTES. Considerable amusesment was 7 _ W il o o kcaused yesterday, by oneof thtie D(s'erii i, 5.-ot ns bsiine oci 'aiN 7,in- Wilst o ka-hclAgos!Tehii cudents beisngmiataken for a lean. tereOton ~ainlr :4 ssales y C 'soooe lot sol? OaIeoit 1List tort ttchn. At ou r Slow W iL) All It eI b i tai 1ccleF ri 1) Crit S 1) 11aLttiftrf' pa at B a I. I i Il IvcnrPtl GUTAS .L Iroouai LL~t~t~acl~bovllparticutlar attenotiuo n L tohimL. . ---eTHE:ARGSJiO 5- - Theileenjyinsthniisiitamandoflin club will Ii- 116 U ARpractice tlais afternoon oinRooLaa aa.} Wi'lenoyinthe ioi~tatiesLoe I Lul' LILCO' SAL) jt th~roeouclock. PRICE . Ider ~ 1'bd 1 f~probably discoreredth iat tise State ' ' UniveriLty is nLoL ai academIy, tor OTt t tub~t ANN A- Gl01' OtIAN C0., years connoected with thoe faculty of sortsana institutions as could tarOWEN'S BARBER SHOP! Vi isti MlL Irs tarsart otege siet c-ita uor -abasadonedt withtastserious loss to No. 4 EAST LlRONsss hal,. Gil CETSthacesantire criaizedt sortlt - 1ree IGHI iUN LINJ. A Te'tieM~athsesmatical Cluisallisseet Press.WID~ u :Iinf .abl (ivie) ovibe 0, 187.4t 7tis evening, isoroosm so, the troubleethoot sas arisen oser WID I~L WILD I )siyF ln(,s_- > l-zr po Ei~s--owefl -s '1') en gineerssng hoilding. Officer.s will the alleged case of ptagia risms does X'. 0'. Iiii 0 __ 15 N. S. 5,Lsstf 00 lected saulseems to be settled yet. five of ti, II, Fiirgel?.press. a Is. Tisere witl be a missionary ad- the costestants, Ht. It. Walker asnd IS SELL I NG IlL.S WITERI iiD . t IapVIII( __ . 55,Csi.It Eprersg-fi NC P55ln te se i- ierr o Tt ir cot--j-lahaw515.N:-Isi St ExIlls4ttress by Mrs. Mact i Wllilams, of C l te, o te ear ltr c0.51.< <,aIi'r>, a hI H AY s I A, ~Ctsina, in Newberry Halt, at 9:s5 a. class, L. G. Long, of thoe Junior STC AT LEU D o.3._.A_______,__t _.__in 'ie. 1n, tomsorrow. class, 'F. 1:. 1Reysnoiids, sophtomore, IhIIC ES WhICIIWill FI T NA INAL AN j. T. Atwood, tawv 'ga, tsas bin~t and J. it. Neloso, one sf the senior 13E A. IiAII Or ANN AII0lI. 1 taketa in as foitltpartner of ttae taos- lasw contestas,tseld a msaeting atit Prasos r eta ass1 ikthieg hsaestfo- firmsoof ?Miner X& Stocktosn at Longa'' decided that Ilsey woutsnotalesiterFOlOl"A eig's tcaciSold, lesters o adt alIrorethU.oil.oaoiacots rta lralryd m tCoao.TEGO P.' ItsBea oo. Arard oaa, olraotse 1 'Mh.of1. rarilrntt,-sr01) S. W '55115. irs7,Csir. ro. All candtidates for 'ariBase 'trt .' ese ss U T ~IIOOL F N~I 0 Bali are expected to present them- Bthird p Dnruide illdeliv erhies IVIE. coktsafenostide churc n he atldi." e ,, sves in uniforsn at the rink at twothseeigsatrisalubc:____ RANER , AADEY The Msssion band will naeet, bishop will speak tomorrow as fol- No.2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. "'ssiomeyyinter t any timethe(ias r tt Sa tuti foinse laticessof admission, OffieSturday evening, at 7 o'clock. Mr. lows: 50:30 a. in., St. Andrew's ad ResisdenceaCtEnis asnae Ad Id il iea drs Aud Kaad wil gvean ddrsschurch, on the Negro Problens in 21 years in the Buiness, 3i iAxaArienS-c., - AssNAaao. n~ pon thse "Condition of Japan." the South; 6:30 t"us., Young CITY' LAUNDRLY. send $125, $2, or $s 0 fi or Sm- Dr. Carrow will lectnre before the People's vespers, St. Andrew's M. M. Seabolt, No. 4N. Fourth St. ple Retai Bo bexpA ries. ofInland Ileague, Monday evening, chapel, ("A Christian's Practical PuiW tt up in eiegant boxs an syd having for his subject, "Medicine Duty Toward the Church"; 7:30 .O K.B R E strictiy euie. Suitabl'sfr p .BA B RSO P PESENTS. xrs hre Amon the Chinese." There will in., St. Andrew's chorcs, fourth INCONNECTOoN, pr~id .aReier to al Ciiaso. y USTRceR Add eesomsi,"Ttthc -Fine Shower Baths, Now Porcelain c. GUNsae Addroes, nnrbe msc bt oat and instrumen- Baldwin lecture, "teChurch 10 Tnbs, CICliAGOiiAOT tat, turing the evenisg. [ Catholic." 0FaWahntn pit..K.T3JNws. eaI N , O.Lieh' tTSi 2 .T.J~wis