THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE A SPECIAL EFFORT ALL O VEIICOATS AT J{ OFF. ALL SUITS AT J OFF To redce our Stock of TINTER .UNDER WEAR, If prie lOS (10 iPtey will go. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & PLULE. T-w oS.AL2VLE" Ann Arbor Savings Bank ] IExcelsior Lauudrv, Ann Arbor Mich. Capita Stock ORDntF H 0(0 ;w Sapta$SO eueRom hoghht. .l~i- 0 AsP Cn ON STROEPI supu,$5." eueRostruhL'Organied undert the (Geneal anking LInset Lx0 AWTD ' St aCoed r An Fx CnoVsledPT or of ths state. Reenes IDepoitt, bys and ,. L .A W Tn,:-( W', 11, add~ td. A . F. n O VERTn rot p.0( =ell exebaeon the 'neelett tCt - .W.Us. Mo. SceO,.'4. i thty (ci"xted Startes.Drafts cshed uon proceer (A lnO tob . enuei on. tffiers 7' Make Preparations Early! save So ittnfmci and Dan ng (aulsTIon i MACi ,Pet.,./ MoC inDea o.Ha ca nos. nc 5 3000lonoc~.Ocnaao 4 71. ( m it tavn, T s. tt / Atonecl vcate n tP00 F0. ii tltt , ('cobb ." 256CLMTV. HCG. Ivtdtt((it COMPANY 7 hany S~ Boton, Mann of J. I' oitc.___2526___CALUMET____________ 0 AG1 i. j .ca;0ol; . OFPA. (.1II>A tei arianchurc, subect, justO atn t nu t I 0-ation.'' Il te _ti 1 T (ltthe-to g < n. ' u t I-0 -;i),Ot t is. , ' 3 L n r sinitni c-o t , iiansot 5tr. Sunderland sil ( AincO I31o all 001 ~ 51-0eCn ytl 'ig A a* 1s n.H Fnn nttln rott n Nmc UtINESS LOCALS ~ 50n~Op ~rtic J tr 'si Aa. it1-O s '1.oc t10 niNt n-nnr on111tai. y 'V"'E , PN iS liiis for a lbtl,liot or A eti n a:. happinestie canot by ./ nn tn.i-tnnotn ic.inbWiiin . clat (le Pltotnlice iarier 01101. m a -O.I r hs Clubia safety. / Inrhtinna (i ec (ey Hnn it (1:915t.lo A Elona lltat No 4(nld, oIl ?an(i' bcsfonti .-itn ton FO Ag-0 s n o a o 6'( n Mar. 1-Re. I aonnine J.1Ban-ietnt fy0olmba ~ 51,tol 001by.01 i t0 / e ltnnnann at 5 'deinnoIin in aii asmntot 10Sttnixerity nveute. In ire o I o -ut1 onc lop i l fg. co-, 5 ______________________ tn nhnkeoinanentandl tenr c lin." 0101101 itO011 pltOniSt.S b. tr1. lANAIs. baAn.lnnn. ____________________________ MonnnOa.n.( i. lenninn'arownttlitt inn- 1. oa liI20 __________________________ andI vtangunnoicn, " Pdnitclnn A a th ~e ChIi- IPof11 Iti 1 -1esiralle suteof rtom, r T I1 Also oingle 000111 mirinaceheat. 1 rEfCA.. sER 10 ,-Ma -i Secu tani nnnbe n-nt'-n11,1- 11 9015E10Washinton street *ta&igte1i0 1lb . 5aintnotrtee . PH T GR P S, - iN trn 'n.t'ers, nr'Bostlon innnnni :r OL~fL1VfS, junst noth of the t b FINE POTGRPH, tl.k, violinistenffice halothle bot liack, carriage, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! - " an nre in the city. Try hm. IS rg 30 tat Huron Sotret,- _tnudTri frta p IW it aiWat (ranndl dislay of Spring ndisutinSnioen 1 tiAs-u cnostn aWntitniptc ti nn~lrsntIoolens, cosisiting of all the latest 5 3' i rosv i tao ciin u aled "lo ueI noveltis in t-oreignia ndiit )oinetic Cln Orn 5 1 Y Y l Sl l in ,' - se ings, etc., at ne Cook 0 YttOURTtAEYassetitnnent." I Public sentimentof) ieosni OltTueday. Wetneday, tandt soicTE-Snt one (ay rages absiot the inlunnin- (itlien agle, lDetroit - Mi. Rtose 0- E At ove ies of war, and nt0 the ext sut- tels ,a general inv itationito(iall the jC ( ( ) -SOpCnocns-presses a inan 5whIo) socotsto wear a ----r"+- - -I I q k red waist-c oat. Its sphere is illini- Ntc oReortecs. j.A (i(AmsA table. Within a fetw tdays I expet ml trnla- nfl SE E T 'ftgrdul timrvlotirg-Mesr.cotrnnnt(lebspenkers from HIIIUI .e gadal inl mrvlou pog-I~ecos.Dickinson cikn~on ad (tiipneau twnt resof the hnumann race fromtniSc nre nosw i Wnslliigtoll paocr arairsofsea lkers for ottr bnqutet of April LEli. . prJitrc ito ust as soon s this tadvice narrivea u1) to the present democraic rtl, will give it out witi Somne otier nmatter wastod n a iprssie ndentr-t(th le newsp-iaers, anti touldtilike (o Go to lleadquar-ter-s fot'all now sa odi a npehveadcoe ae (le namennd adress of al taning manner. foreign Aewspaper correotudents, s and Scond-and EXT-BOKS. Air. eed owed is god niht(tat A can pance this matter in teir A eO A ] and Seond-litid TXT-BOOS. Mr.Reed owed Iis goo inhgn daitthe Incenriest hossible momnot.a ~ A E 'We hav-e received a large supply to an audienice that sas unanimoousoIs. A. ]omoE;Anx, in her eprssinsof tesur adres. U. of M.iDeni.Int. of Giroe, Latin, Germnain and inther xprssonsofplcsnre nt approbation oer the treat of the A Breezy Time. GOODSPEED' Frenchn Classics. NEW AND evening. -E-OND-IA__._- Thonse whlo hnve seen "AIBrezy SECNDHAD.Tinne" which apealt-aront (lie opera UNIVERSITY NOTES. lhous toigtSy hat it is (le ftniii- ldi( E>- We offer the lagest atid best esct farce comieylby Ill ods tat Ihas S O Mrs. Alark WIiliamis xwiii addresleen semt (slt this season. It is asfun Nmse oo ti tneciy fr 5c tne . . . nnnayImooning.'Ieny enounighnnst season, but sitce then tiniARTMFNT. th .C . udymrnn.Teit h5Inni temrevised aumodaimit numbemof rz.S.\MPtEE ~ imyour econdhandstbect willte "Misiomnary Work.'' nesnt troititomns mve been adedltoo it. 'D Io.(Sf0 tESlS1LE Britng i're. Ptteronsecoldndc-handneMissKatlrie etstr .it tcharmiig liliD ED IO P if. attrso wll iscss he singer and a griacefult actress, is sal tnt Text-Books. nnResearches of Cavendlishm at the Ite specially well cast in tie femae ooeninl . Pit, t colmeianwh11( meetiag of the kngineering Society, rl n .is ioted fir Iis comicality as cell mas-3 Saturday eeinfr his two hundrt-di ponnstlo voin- W h sp o s repiossays(mthalie Ihas the pio hstt(Oio ONE WEEK ONLY. Ren. J.-'1. Sundierlamdotl ol gve life iiithe Ipresent production (mni the fourthm lecture immlis ILaor edins hante nt saay ot saynig (1mmsinth If DSPEED'S 205s. smte3troat. t reinmins to be sen et SIhleth iis ~I __ Mate St. Op. Court H1.ue. Problenm series toomorrow evenoing at nnnintentional exoi:genwotntn,