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March 11, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-11

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'Z.ifYblished D aily (S anday s excepted) d ri ng
tite Colicve year, by
Stsbscriptiots~price f2.501 per year, intvariably
m acoronae Single copie 3 tents. Sautscrip-
tions may beleftc aththeeccotfte DAILr,
at Stoffiet's, with anyoyft the editors o
Commaunications shottld reach te oalterby
1 o'clock P. nt. it they are to appear the next
Jcy. Address all malter aneded tar publica-
tion to the Managitg Editor. All business
eommuonications shotild bte scot to the Hasil-
n'ss Manager.
Ann Arbar, Rich.
E. 3. OTcesirso, Lit. '14, iMasnagingEitotr.
f', A. OtotSONt, Lit. '93, Assistsnt.
W.FL 3L LE,t sLit "95, Assistat.
lI_ D.Siltzi It La. '93,Asistant.
S. W. CURrAtP. '1.'Litt, Itsiaess Manager.
W. W. V l'ttiiYY ;t, itt "10 bAssstt.
I. iK. ovlt <. O E ctit '14.
'sits. GXi 5. t'4. n i:L I
bliss M. E. 11zov 'tl. C. K.Sttir " 1i
Thelire wil be a short but import-
ant meceting of the 1)A11.1' boardl this
evening. ],.sery member is ulrgedl
to be present.

among that body. It cannot be a
matter of great su~rprise that some of
the members vote against a more
liberal policy when such crude tn-
lions of the University exist iii tleir
minsds. 'these have, in a measure
at least, beenl dispelled, if lisa dire'ct
testimony of some of thse visitors can
be relied ulpon as exemplary of te
effect int oto. For all this the l ni-
versity is greatly indebted to the
Mayor and City Council, as well as
to the citieens in general, whose en-
terprise aist generosity wvere fore.
most its bringinsg them here.
1D1 I'I.I I' siAI ]Xri'st tv,( Cdarville,
N. J. sVoif
Horsi'ord's Acid Phosphate.
"'I have ulsedlIitorseverali year'stot
(oily i111y ilciee hut iillill'my11own1in-
(dividulcaie, t nt iti ider1 1it 1111114 ii
eireuiiisti tcese's11o1f5te best nsrvt
talstirttli 1 tha t'pssess.s1For 11ent1al1ex-
hla'lttsion rtowsit ivtess r'eii'sed
A tiost ecllettand111gieeableS toic
andit appeltizer. It tiourishles lund invig-
orates the tired tbrait inin body, ist-
parts reisewed ensergy andt vitadity, satd

By Going to Watsr & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75 on every
pir of Shoes as we most reduce or stock to
nmake room for Spring Goods.
Fine Footwear Dealers,


Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.

IL G Tiie CarneltliSttdayJnur 2.. i3;
Oepture1 IcC'Trt'iats tAtit s rior
Is te LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. it y N. I' 1.4a1 1l1 i-sm'-s .. ' . "; :.1aIt'
nifittent i t~ldi iac teactese; large attendaneli , ,svAttnsArbt c ti ttt O noo
good disciiinet; supeirwork;t e l s ulpplied raig O yqi asnodgeri*.'c .......4',5pt
rom;t Iaily iletures; Saturdyeveig reetiittl
toptttthetettire ye; commetrclngrdutsinageat lttI';ST 11-
,lemtadt shttthansdcgrauates all secret o s tionst
litg etpesesttt$2i. t 2.5per'wek intprtvate 1far 01-sN'tiiitl l'd tea.'i
'e. FrO CttAiiO ciiand List tutcs5 No.t 0 'silattdlExprest' ti4pin
Lk iatltionctromtweektowe,liaddres
P. i. CLEARiT. Pres.Not6. Totedo Accomml~iodton . tlt Ua.5 m
- CnalStanidartdimie.
I% $2,00, $3.00, $4.0099S5 ilatly excsonihali t
F ITrainls Sandt rln ibetwttenlAnnIIAro n
I I Tiot Cla Wlirr~iltr 'Toledo otly, dailt,lsexcetiStundav.
EvryOter trains dI - 1scet-rSutda1y
Np 11'.1venyNT Way..GHENNTD

'T'l 'exaniple of the senior liter- I cilivetis the funetisons. G g I iDoty (M £ eIki ..I len. Pass. Arenlt. Ltcl en t
ary students, in bringing to life the D'scriptisecpamsphlet fretellnsappliction to SH-EEHIAN & CO. SHEEHAN & CO. SHEEHAN A& CO. !
class social, miight well be followed Rumford Chemical Works. Provi -____
dence, R. I. b eealo-h vrosclse.I
bseeaOstsvaiiscassIt Bessare oJ sttte tu nialai,~ ~ K O D A D TEIXIT I300KI
is unfortunate that sociability is so ;
niuch neglected among the students, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
whsere the best opplortunity in the HENRY HAI.G At the Stuldents' IBookstor'e. Students, save liatif,ot-c iiotiti
world exists for formiing valuable naas iior~ ~~8tnd busy of ius. Wo nt's daily receivinig ConisigiillC~itS of
frenshpsan ctlivtig il sc~ldisdo at secon~d-Bland antd shotp-wsornl College Text Books flromt the ~
gracs. 5il~I'sSiiSito5011S.1t1- S. East whihl we will offer at low prices. We kceep the Frhieli
Ti disgracefill actions of sa few'sZanod Germiati.Dictiosriescs'Commen~itlddIbythie Facullty. Weo
rossdies in thle gallery at Univrsiy hve thie best andi cheapeqtst Note llitoks hn this city.
Hal ysedaoigtUnvrst Fl 2 0 SH EHAN & COMPANY,
Hallyeserda, oghtto receiveSH
the condemniation of the better juthg- L. GRUNER, University Booksellers, - State Street.
isent of the stuldents. It is ufor- S SMan tretIAnrbr._ - -- -
tulsate that such an element of utn 8.S.MimStee,- SEEANn;nO. Arbor-CO.SHEANe
gentlemanly students creeps into ci. tihuaiyoeoras h _N&CO.I E.A-&C.SIEIAN&C
University, aud it is particular vtoTe uliyinot s
be regretted that their rosst isni W sortosent of -Iliole- ANN ARBOR j RENTSCHLER,
breaks forths upon such an occsion .A.1iece can be judged -tLA LAIKF RY CO. P hoto rap her,
as yesterday's meeting. frmtliefaet we carry
1V1 desire to call attemitioms to twvo T oly thefittest Iighi 3SUHFUT V. soxcti~NADstscNIS
numbers of the faculty concert pro- The T lass JW-(e/sos'. If E. S. SERVISS. - MANAGER.rmoThrdyeeigcitis RzaNyuwntfrt- NOT1E,-o Un sGP. D OF i C-SE
of which in our report of Friday Watch C -jclass article at asd Ciizens. Don't send outofatolastsfla ONE NIGHT ONLY.
svas necessarily onitted from lack of tn-day stansds HTa reasoniable candiys then yast cangetinstars gooait N.Saurd
Jail- & Ca.'s-.Se dons't rharae lar style, buaturaM rh1t
space. The performance of thse at tie lepina- pricle be sotre give 111to yoti, and that is one-salt- Hat and rtmvmeto h mnrcn leo 11th.r n ie odinhe talbnrso h ayadngt
m yovemnw o yf he morso-tl fal tmadR. E ae-ee.JOLLY & Co., No-" 26 South l[j7
brilliant performance Mr. Schsnaal timepieces .and hut s 1a0as e iewhlSt neml enrcevdeey a teAn Street- 1111h ay Cmey la
playing by Miss Povey and Mr. where with tile highlest S HOT_ LUNCHES Ait thS erClsisnyoCstdPl'
Schmaal in thse Schumann theme hionors, this sale itt these United And thn very choicest candies A B EEZY TIME /(Y(
an aitosfrtopao a -little short of marvellous. A criti- States alomue beinig secontd to none1 4*, TUTTL S', * ---
cisni of the concert without reference other. 48 SOUSr 11 ST RE ETi.L PRICES, - 35, 50, and 75c..
to these two numbers would lie IVE AREJ___________________
really inadequate. EXO LUSlr J-'L' AEXY'S.SetsonsaeST a'ts3Lwerystre
Ti-I 'i can be no doubt but that Woodwardi F. G. II S
tevisit of the Legislature has re- Ave. anti SMTH, SONS Coall GI S N
uited in a much better understand- State Street. & Co. ~ w ahntns H T ~ A IE
ing of the University and its needs ]DE2W1OIT MSC . 11 Wa .hntntnS NO. 12 W. HURON ST

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