THE U, OF M. 'DAILY o I5 V \ lAA1(! AG reren vtoS C s'h CISO USC iON''LY $14.00. ol ii ISUi1 11(1s'L1 ll(i I.) '4lO IN I'I:O' 1'OI0iI . CALKINS' PHARACY. WILSEY, j :iSout Stae Steet, - TP STAtitIi CLUETT'S NEW COLLAR. AI L ~sr i MOOE WE OEBOOK STORES NO- 6 OUTH MAIN STREET ANE (,() R FS2B00DN~ LA1s'kES T =) 7I S (I 1 HV l Ou) wil t Ii C~omplete arid Our Prices asiLow as' eLo ' .1 Clon!T rC "i^ ;-'REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY ailor oppsite ae Ji1(ilus'g01 ST .:L.. 1 aWilliam -st.,ii i dor vest of State-si . >oVIJ.. ?pLI23 _.]5 -Ssits ss srder aseeialsy. All arki is-class. 8 'l~ ihuss t' ' ctIt5 LA OR T RY' '1$ Sumps, - -_ - - - - t[ 1.1 ~7 l~'I. 2 'Winslow Coni, - -1.15 " Prmros t[ _ _ G f . t Buy an Alarm Cl~ock [t ABO ATOPY e Sho}re," - 1.70 - - -orhavesame RepssUn,(one -()St 5815 l' A And rill other Cainoed Goods tat proportioniate price of %V~. Ar ids 36 Merin Stret 11ZOWN'S DRUG Sr.ORZE. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. 1 S. i. aSsaB . C- a si, l& 1 a34ir~i Will You Look Art one Sliouw Winidow? I it'a own ti-ory inbois GUI TAR S ANSD PRICES. l There's 5Somethingiabuit mseelhlUI 1 That ills my heart willh alarm', os' Asndtmakles noy suit seema hapeles's- "'ithlat other-iI-Sies's arni. ! I~si.11 c). F. Larsen has been clectesd msanager of ltejunior lassr baseball. Laurie lisiss, of V ale, leas ans aeti- f11i.,ANN VIBOlli It (lt N CO., :c c nobaseball in tbe lastissuie of 51 SmillsSlaiSlret. lWide Aweake. XLC ) _ Tbe candlidaltes for thseliaseball IIIG AN CENT I, leans will assemble at tlhe rink, lii n'58.5111 iliviesd) Nos esbee U 15 Saturday, at tswo o'clock. EiAST. p 111. NWIT. a, . till. __.1i ' 585- -Is'sSeieial _.:8 ai The Glee Club left for Play City N.e. is i I -- " 7andtiSaginawethis omorninog. They N. Y.l~imi 5 44 N .Limited _l9515 Niagara sassll si27paem. will returia Sunday eve ning' 1). N. Expse - :8 . t.'hiag -;s_5 48 Prof. Cooley is being put11for- .5tliriIti. t s wbaa.. 5 i'C hi.Night hsys U91W G. It. mirsla- III <10 Patcific w1 . ardl for nsaiyor of the city by 11is %1. w55t. l rSl. II. W. ii srI5, 0r.1)1. l-clsas, thiels-o. Agt. Im Arbor. friemnds. Here's to1 ssccess if be wants tlhe jots. 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pent. Cooley goestoCiaohs of ANN ASIIOEt. , t hcaoIi (11951iti, iimS 5.555. stiliuss1 anos I t-.,t1.5115.eing, 1o comiplete arransgementls Transats 31g~l eneal binklSIi labuines-s, 11or- elln eselli so wld.letters Uofs-reait procuresd in regain to the I.of A-l. exhibitS fo taeles. aroa . I 1 ,satthe IX onlds Fair. S. 1V. IL OlIcsos, Cashier. Thse glee elbsanlg some of their ae sois before the legiilature in t elchapel lullteening. They SCRO~b OFwDAe written for the occaions. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. Thse dental department has die- "Plipili may etler at nay time, their quarster starting fram the Sate Ill admission. Offica cided upon the following wild Zulu and e~ileam~enetS~teiaceyell: U. of iK. Dentsl t aye, I opel 6s MAYNAR D ST., 1ROR aa do dali! Pa-na-no-calm!.Af a- - Send $1253, $2, ar $350orUl~e am- cools, Macobhl fl 1 pieREntail liax hy expressa."nc M.j*M ori cI: 7 the BESTSTS CANIEJSin America.. J M' omik, g$dent, had U Pat np in eleganat hoaca and,,th WW J strictly puare. suitable fbr th misfortune to break hit arm in iESES-S. Saprens char en the laboratory, Wednesday after-alCheao.S Try taonee. Addrass, non Thacietwldlyhm 017 CF. OUNTR, Confectionear, 100 h cieis ea i Sl1t State Straet, - Isi is tvork for some ie CRICAGO, ItLL5INIS. t ie indlulgedl in at Purdsue. The University tsf (Chicagosis sic- sirouls of enterings'thse Northerss li- atorical League. llTlnlcsot sl 5also s-cry anxsious Ill have.a rclrsrtal~- lice lis te ontest ths spring1. Hons. A. 1E.. havin, '92lasw, nows a tiemsber of liht legsslatuire fronm HlillsdlaleIcounty,55was eltertained swhile in toswn by tile Alpha5 Taus fOnega fraterniiiy of whiclielS1tis' a member. Com~plete arran~gemsens are made which pronmise a mlost enjoyable time at ltst senior sociable tonsor- row evening. Thse fre:shman banljo club will play. MlistCrasser, Ur. Htolnmes antl Mr. 1. 1-. Friednman will also constribuiie to thle prograns. Thse follolving is list programs for the I ahSnenanian society this even- insg; P'ianso solo, II. I;. Whilriy; reading, C. 1G. Jenkins; pulper, Ilt osage,''I,. C. L.aur; vocal solo, Bi. E. lBuckinghans; papser, "What H-omsoeopathy Is,'' F. C. Krnslitsg; declamation, Miss Belle Mlaxon; banjo aolo, Frank Rich. The medics will prcesent thse fol- loweing yells for public consideration and criticism at today's celebration: We diagnose, we prognose, We cure you every man!. Not hsomeops, but orthodox, Ace the "does" of Michigan! WahHRo! Wah H-at Wabhlion Again! Michigan, Michigan, Medicine S Men! (apital, $530,000. .S i,-555rm idaPrit,,;, $1 "11/, Dosa agens-ni itanhia tilsiness. Paysin temresanSavingtDepsita. Jigs safetys Deposit lists-a s-r Ren. t. 5t5555', PSs- . 1. 55.,St;, us hier51 . - QT HE' ARGUS, - .T LOW P SIIS. PATRIONIZE O WEN'S BARBER SHOP! Na. 4IEUScTILHURONaSTREEs WILD! WILD! WILD!1 IS SELLSNG 1115 W~iNTER STOCK AT REDIUCED P"RICE-1S WIL[CII WILL B-E A BAlIGAI N I FOIL YOU AS Tii GOOD)S MUST GO. No.'2 E. Washington-St., Near Main. 2] Years in the Business, CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth St. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. 1 N CONNEcMaN, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tnbs. nsE. wanbingon tn. J. R . TlOJApeOWSIJ - S0 Bathn loar $5.00. 1 i r i i i