JC. of 1'Mf. $ Dcti. PIiSished DitaiY (th 1dayts eeti (tduring theColIuleg ar, cc-by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE U. OF M. DAILY. not fitted foribhat brancb of exeri ccie.LI E T1 T NTG O Tbat brings op that big side of the LI E J I V b M N Y girn, whirci abruptly backs tip By Going to W'alr & Miller's andc save from --5c, 5oc aind 7 5e oo ever}- against spatce as if it werre 111tiof pair of Shoes as se rost reduce our stock to place. If the legislalors doi not mtake roomi for Spring Goods. already knotw it, see venture the in- formation that it seas mea-:nt to lean -1 = = - ______ - meb tts ic- -~ e erasrci nco-cii s annex agrainst. Athe FoTolecrDaes cu- hsai elijctticens.hasestspassage of tswo lills before tie legis- tis may bce left at the office of thei]iALLe, lattice sotild set all this right.iWe 48 SO 'I'J4 MAIN9 STIZEYT. at hiccitit's, trit any of te editrsseor softe the legislature sniff see the Comuniscattiro e . nmatler i t hle saciie light as clues the T O R D, i'Mfnictiscshould retch tics office by IsTiOUcut hotly o'ciock P. . if they care is cappear-the neat student____ II USEISbodyO iD.i lay. Acddressnilli catter iendic erpucbiica- tion in the Managing Editor. Aluscicnss ccmcnainnnctiiissnitcieBi- '1 . B. Reed this evenling, FO r THIRTY DAY S. co nest ions. shuldbeenttoheusi THE U. of X. DAILY, 7AG ~ O, -T~.IOt Ann ArborMi. N f -.*~V nnrnA. .h. .rAk^.&. ED ITO R S . r A S t. ttsiIcSceIi' 55 itacuinecssM ngr A.«7 trFieicic I i.'ii Sstnt. )tME N[s:lllI,\E % $INESS~arll(ri i' 51. I tI ccI i [l.c 9 i c istst. its(t C.115i~rei-t h o t, s1 . cc Evn. cl i s.ttgc t. t.5ccttccrtc iiis i - ic Hotslord's Acid Phosphate. Ic cei . ) ,.se4 / 7 c , }is-- . . ' accc .-~~v', I I. laec.'is('tf orcccsc-set-il yvet1ti-.]ltj.t he - s.ADtNo neCHOLn OF nosINESS. tag- -5 ti-titict i-icc ii ii ftittclit. liii ccIciii gtoo-diiiii tcittie ceii- eti ttat wllsupplinicred cii Mac -ciit- c F, j.1; -cc-crc. K. tics ii t Itti l t,.andic-ittsit-ciitlt(e]i tilI room; dily lccitucres; hcSityevcenincgrcetions;. rjc-rtc--iusi ilittes cccii-of ltie' 1est:it-c--ci" op t he tir etyeiai; eic eril radaitsin cgreat ,.. -.- -dea an ; sortandgradat es ll t sit ct-c sctitionst tliiisIftlit ti it ossess. 'For ci-citllc--a- iaexpises- ~2.itiiX~crwi-kilsitecfacti- Laktiisitioniicstfmceekitt ee,address -'sltl l a (I tic i l '- tic liiietti-,- ss- F .R. CtLEARYT. teos. _______________PUBLISHING____HOUSE. ___teat n_______________________ 'fititt cc;ill ftc citimportat. lmcct- IAcumost cxciilenc iitgi etibie tactic F I$O,$30,$ 00 5 ing cif fte If Sit i boarud toniorrose' anditptizer./Ci It icccciislics idii sig I tFist CliyscancciW 'tiic in orates the ired brainianid boitiy, iln N Q Everiy IWay. atvciing tit 7:30. Butsitiess of imi- parts reneweu-d enem-y cud vitaclify, ccii E iortanice wiii require the attendatice cenlivecns thi fn tctioncs. E s JDoty & Leiner.! oh es-cry imember. tseite acclitCccicpcti uuit SEH N&C.SEIA Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- I s behalf of the studeints of the doneRI.- hUniversity the fist i 1'extends to the tBecwarfS COcictittitefn cd Iciitacicicc. i SECO.jJND-H1AJNJ mtembers of te.Legislature a heartyI FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR THE SECOI wcelcoime to te intstiftiocn. Eery -a effort 'ciii be matde Itcocmake their i HENIRY I-iAUGi t At ftniSfitdelt'iif' cccsftl. hi -' ilasic -at tusie aci ititis, icitie Ititit icc Sac-O anti biuyc-orfis. We are daili visiltintresting adpsnaciddI' Teaic'eradsiooistGuarBanj and atan-cc: see are sure the receptionthalttstill se~'ci ,~-hcttndt-ihanditittu shodi-cq uCc - tF"5 II" I titiCMS, Itit'ci i t c lie giveci the lawi-miakers icy the stttteitc-t5.S i t i C- it--s-ilifi tcs cicnts at the uteetllititthis i it'c hve tlie tes ancC5' TITst N (tT 'ccill be a suffiricit gutaracntfthtne e~ ~ j~~ Jj a fi ca iihpaa N I I " , , , . -. __ . ._ ! ai SHE EHAN & IUIIIUU, Anni liIJUIr antPNorth Michigan Railway. T~itc imadinccttc-t Scia, a tcctici . i-i culartre cit Tatucinat Acimi Art-it No Nit l-st Sii td es11dT x r '.... i.. ti a.cit 'i.r6. it m idtil1-etiat. Noir. ' ci -i:iNa ciaanIi I.7'I.Ti . No.t. iaiilcandi- Sut s -- - a4; }a i Censttrl-Stntardics icc Tra itt tand ti7 run be twenAi Act t, n, 'Tiledo onlii, dttiiilccciipt ttIlda\. thcer tiitttrtains ic citi(' t t t 'c-ll. 55'. It. iiBEN t'CTT, it. S. Oil- Nttc cc dci. Itias. ,(,i-i t scat A ac-ct. TNEXT BOOKS;~ ND SEMESTER ttdits, savetialfout. ct iti tic v rctivicce eoisiviiicit-its ofV tilt-go t'ext IBcccks fromitheflts }prices. We- keep thlie- Frenich iln e t heii. S ii . At' COMPANYI , cieorsures ci it scirut. ce L. GRUNNER, have iso louibilbut the t[it.s1 niversi I tyT ~ Booksellers, - State Street.n- wil bemad toaI~ealto he is- i8. S. Main Street, - Ann An-bar- iiif b tiasa t affunartscthevis iSEEII &CO. SLIEJIAN & CO. SUEt-AAN&CO. tores iniits tritelight, as in i tit i i1 A T The u ual ity- of tiutrtas- lion weell worthiy the tibetral'siupiport t soctettof cuti'iTor A NN ARKB OR. I RENT SCH LER,- of the state, auth desersing ani en Jltscib ude ' ht sihvnt fully equtal tic a tax ofouu A fris hcfic 'c- ,ui- TEK L TERY UOT sxhmill, Ag ---T ocils- tltehittst high 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. ci (uccu ii c sat iso ND icciZu rS. -c Tutu, especial atteuntionc of thie I The I casILc/sI E .SRIS AAE legislatureIS 1 AvA~h is respetfulihy called to Kits-H N C vat wat atfiinst- GRAITE OpE RA IIOUSP, the big unsfinishted builditng out the W i '.-~ -as~~NOTI "C E._ -Tc S r ursa OENUTNL northeast corner of the camupus, ccitusct ucisou ci r itue tc kuows i us ceriacitu astho-day stanids a reaisonuable Cadccciv uieu youcan get iistuiascuoodltt. E.1 FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 10w knwen in th vrHaulrustetoly &Co.'s. iWe don'ut charge Cu tesbuct Gym ''" re are tthfte piona- jutie he stite give i it- oa-tut act s t is-haslf. Hut awli dii, i tcucu -itncci ie ccccu c le of tll standarmd T atnd gie col u ettueis at alt.hoursot hte day- audinglit.cccwil pr(suit several good reasons swhy it ought E R. E. JOLLY & CO., No.'26 Southr. to he comipieted. If it is not, there timeiet-tes tundlItta.L im ts State Street- CjS 11 -1\( c is a big investmnsct cuf uoney tn a beets receisved eer-ty ~call.E A_ L~~ ji non-paying enterprise. Thin st-swhere with ft-e IiglientS~ HOT LUNCHES Atcutsc cnit c h rss c~ccc iuoun-m, outlicce cutAlabama."u - dlenft lack swhat is most essential fo lioncors, the salts icin t-ese Gicittul And the vocy choicesc Candies A woriit ics su idccsr titictuiicui fhiiit thi phscl- citi uccy, tSttfes alonie heicng seasltcn tioto e ri tiecsitirsc ict0 'te itiitie s- priei.lh uiplace swhere regular annd syshecitaciticc-r * 'L JTLCa. +*' 1s uuuccc sevuciuitu t.c exercise mtay be had. The days of ' 4- icSciLccs isa old joke about sasing seood are TI4,s lOIt~ll_811AE,_TREET._PICES,___50,_75_nd_$1.0 guise by. It uighc be admuitted as EXCLf SI l: tEEil'1 ,. PRICn eson al 50, 75ts' andery$100e good argument, swhen cheare scare WVoodward F G. G ' E L~, cIfBci iiii"sONwis-tu only a fesv hucndredistiudeuts hereAv. atiSON btnwtadiesowolbei-Aean. SI ,SOSpracticable.'There arc too nuany State Street., 4&1C O. 1 W shntnSt Pi~fVI IPPA ur students.tBesides, te co-eds are :ED vv. WashingtonK. 01\T1__. No. a. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.