TI7-IFU.OF -M DAILY _t I . 5 11 1}'to -f(il1 , Wie nl r iI i t p ' himwitONLY $14.00. holll 1 l l- 11(1ullsupplies.lit~O~I O CALKINWISY PHARMACY. WILS5Y Il t I '"'' I. it(.ALARM -A6-L IFBT 3 I MO ORE& ETMORE, BOOH. STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET :ECOQI:D S ZE.rIR 23OOZKS Our Stock wviilb found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. Cc~L JXCSS ~ REMEMBER THAT YC } "DAl.lphin ND AM 1 .."l'tlveriIe Pumpkin, - - CT 1 Squash, - - 1"WnlwCorn, LABORATORY UPI rios 2"Laske Shore, - CF1E1-PA'tA' Anld all otlher Cannied (1001 )U CAN BUY Ta vil at TomalItoes5 for i10 111 r111' 111cc C31 1.2) I X) DEAN & COMPANY. I- 44 Main Street, South. BAROWN'S I)RUG STO~tE. I UNIVERITY NTES. tees have been alppointed to mnake illY u ©the necessary arrangerments. Thley 01 ''Olo10Sebele1015111' 11,01 II'. are lard at woork nd51 proml ie an1 IAs. 11111 stodol h lro om floor111 1011110. 11111 S v)1ATWo ,brt 1'1'it I'1111101 11-0ar 0oile 1roo11to1110e- excellent Ilmusicl andrI Iitrrarr pio~ LI 0(1111 t~l' llS~ili I .111 111 01010 l 11111Is l~'. -111 t~lo. granm as selll.lsa 170011l S'lr'al tittle. Fasculty c~o cr1tlat 'Newberry 1ha1l, Post gradualtes andl Usper 11115 're GUITARS (1lsogll.ited1) tIl atten Nf lh etldprtet1 hsn TeLning al lloi.i soito PR CiESa.wid 'Lulu11yeil. Iset'Wedlnesdal vi-a ll(sl[111C, 1 coin111- I.) 'l ix 1 ' 01 01,1 ii . ~ing to tile inXcI leency' (f 1110 lletell their IlrgIalie.tionI. Ilie fol-O' >! 5nti31an rst. wethlall.st evenling, tile Jester- lowcinof0icr' s wcrce elete: 'resl- solilan and lWebster joint debalte wcas d~elnt, lion. Ii. A1. Parres; vice- -, n los.tpolsel u101t1lnext Wiednesd~ay lpresid~ents, Judge Cllatlertols 551 XtMGAN JN Tilsit, ' '1,10 11 lo~cl e lov'lbl F, 3l I v nn ,Hon. C. (G.(Gowver, secretary, II.F. ------ - ---- t 25 Cic1VS tcriji 110The tiOnl lIaseballI Icalgilein '., I.IIesle, ' '1lIsi,1 .oC 111 101a3eo' r iyhs10 It is the inlteni~on rof the assocliation N. tV. it11Fal ' t1 r>1. N.yet , reached tile busilness of revising l ptu1CCIlshIIsewn (ftll-r 11t.i1..~-. ' {li {xt - 1. o 01 L+ cl ayn olS. 1 -l robll sity extencsionl, and1 itw11 1 l'rti v l 4.110110 Cs 110 t Ikl 111. Sc 10111)' invite stne (f theC 1 1111 r1117 pro- ,.. It iI' eijr l'-o . 1() 11 ifilJor relo1 e acl a lld td ________________________________'1__ h__ Ic e 1.gislati\'e cmm~littee C115 liverIdllece. The1(ass- to n 101I 0,' '101.(I'")1 1.'lsos11cll 1 11 1 ' r ic i FLR.ST NA T TION L t NK n111evsity.ycsterday reportedl favor-leslvll l 11Irr O l~AN-N'ARBOR.II illy on11thle Sencate bi1ll rovi111 011111tf ol, l1ttr1010crdt rol1.,u-red,1tle sup~port of tile Ullivrlsilly, 1and1heldl in \ewberry 1a111everysu1'ri- 1'11. t1-1 'ires' it sas referred 1tilte 1commllittee on dyIlo ng1111e ecll h S. W C0. I 0011, (lolle ________________...________ ?10 ways ndmeansS. object (If tilsde1Cting s iIll or- ganize and build a chulrthl not 0111) ~IIO~ OF ANCI~fl he Iniresityfor the sake of furnsishling thse large . , SCHOOLU F 1161 I i a w1rmreceptionl 01111an apprecia- nuasber of lI.-ot uteas nti GRANGER'S ACADEMY. tire auldience at Detroit, 'Tuesday isln n~ealsi il i'iIpls 151' 05110 at any time5, the i'nI'ter11 evening. The Detroippeswr city tile gospel in tlleir 01011 langal- No- -tas011 fom eel tlite 11f admission11. 011e,11 itage e ebtasfothbefiofhe- taid Residenee CenlterERItraeleOutnliiiinited in thleir praise of the ae ~las o h eei ftl i MAYv tRI.) ST.. - ANN Aitisost. work of the troupe. Especial mien- mn uhrn tdnsitl n-2 1101 ws acoded11)ro Scermr-versity. Those who have been in sed $120, Vor$150 eireSam- attendance oin these services are en- N a ss pie Itetaill lbs by express or horn, Phil. I-ower, Dick L~ews, G I. satc f111. Th atr thetIwSTcAN}I ifs ioArnerica. tuisi fter.Tepso,.. C u sipin elegatsb oses and F. Clark, and (G. L.Red, , Cl stityput e.C Reed.eforRev. 'W. L~. tedlrow, is a pleasant, PreSENS.aeress all icarno-I he '93 ltclass ismaking arranlge- common, sociable young loan, and 0. F. GUnTeRAddresoee menits for a class social in Newberry a tslented preacher and has already Fin 2111, state Street,. 5 WUEJ 0c1PAO(I , zlIOIS, Hall, Satuirday evenig. Commit- 1 made for hlimself usanywarns friends. 3 i Call on Winm. Fulde. till' iliam--st., lIi.st door Ii est of statle-st. 'leainglO, re1p 0iritll psi ng,'1 done0' eatly111. Its 110ode00 spec0ialty . .Ail ntrk tirst-ells';. IF YOU WANXT 12( 'usy a=Alarml 01oik 00 Save Isotte Repairiitg dotne o to ~ _. Ary)01d, 36 Masin Street '(l'Irti, $5i0,b00"oSm. Not'ioltI r-va.', $5usd.. es a getnera tl nintg bint.esst. Pays 1in- terest Ill Sztvii e pgil'Ilits.bill a ety. ----O'THE ARGUS.- Ai' LMI '511CES. PATRONIZE ]'EN'S BARBER SHOP!I Nso1.1liSTURS', 011. 'IDI WILD! WILD! SE.LNG (T1IRlS WINTEII STOCE t AT I ZE DI'CEJI) 1,R1'FS A'IIfI('UWILL 13E A 1. f GI AI i VZ OU xiAS 'rIl II (GOOD) MUST GO. 2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. i years in the B~usiness. CITY LAUNDRY, f.M. Seabolt, No. 4 N- Fourth St- K. BARBER SHOP. IN CONNECIONt, ne Shower Baths,. New Porcelain Tubs. -Wasbiegbtol St. J. R. TROJIANOWSKI. 3aihs Cor05.01.