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March 09, 1893 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-09

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ITS F r t S lock
I.I. S C ITS AT OIL ! I o ,"eclrre<s au.' Slorl; of 11 l .1 ER UNDEI,' IV A 1 R. l/' p ice mill
r (10 "f f1i // l ll o-
See these bargains before buying.

WADHAMS, KENNEDY c1 , R ' ^ ) + t °. & Rf ULE. ,q
_ I
Ann Arbor Savings Bank 1 aundrv,
C Excelsior nn Artro+ 3lich, Capital Stock, $50,W0, J6. t,:t tt C ii:, ti 7-z s I, t 1"T.
snrplns, $1-:30,0W). Secure Rooms through
orga nized under the General Banking IaiVe 41woi \1,qlc (;''(d:4 eailed for
, Nf @ r S tlpo 1tF(1 (lf-1i 'OVERT, Prop
L. D, ATWATER r " l -x F. .
T"f this state. Receives Deposits, buy's and o A.
sells exehange on the principal cities of tfie G N. W. UNIV. MED. SCHOOL, '94. irli Hosiery.
i_ nited StHws. Drafts Bashed upon proper (Ain working through school.)
;dentthcation. ()fiicern: MaL ne Preparations EaC{jl.i Save Discomfoi and Darnl:tg,
CHRISTIAN iVlALll_ Pres., MGR.CiOL.DEP"T, HOTEL ENDEAVOR. t r/ ,','ll's, 25c., 35e., 50e. Women's, 50e. {flue s)ze shoe '
W. D H 1RFtLMAN. Vice Pres.. Address, eneloAug scamp, l l 'tT H E
FiAs. i?. Iftscocx, Cashier. ' 2526 CALUMETAYE., CHICAGO. ; WAUKENNOSE COMPANY, 76 Chauncy St,, Boston, Mas- ,
M. J I ltt"ri, i1ssT.l'afihier. h " '
fi I'. OF :ti ('akLE D>. R.
. The glorious days of open doors ,
4 ; .. ,'_ lFlt) ti for :t 1)llt)l, llf t or --alt utside is smilingwelcome '
' rlni - tar. (t--Fir:t r'aeiFi± F on((, i or 4f < cold, it tite l.'o5tliflict I'aZ1)er +1101>. here's health and boy all uncon" '
Y g k onil -enlosterot (rVl rry lhlfl. i l5 for l<iclle5 it tT. '17 fined-The cycler sees everything .
.l A. I,(.ed it! . t. .e, ie.s. 4 r1 ilIc[ I ,iii, l; tl 1 !.> -he's where everything is-as
Nil lend free asfreedorn-fromthehei hts
Ad tli, g
c ii, MOM , + M I. ,n. I j o,"I ---A plirse colit<i.il)ilt"" «l. 811111 of exhilarated happiness hecannot 4
1 rnolle}. 1?iulfer ple<1se ieltr4' It is E.
I sat., Mar. elan :(wiul al 1,ewhorrv hall. fall-from his Columbia Safety
f 1.Il)ert3l or otlice, 111c1 l WI(li ve
, at., ,tar l l 1'rosiiin:ln illeet inr in Room rX, I All about Culunibias free on application to
( liberal rexvll.nl. 111
any Columbia agent, or salt by mail for J
I'OLIIF IILjilst nurtll of tale 1't t-
ttou., Star. 1:>--ties 0,Toline J. INrtlett of two two-cent stain Pox 11ffn. Co"
3 / .
f ls.il.tlufli(/v, ()it A PHt snapeto the Homes of-lice, , has the !Jest liacks, cai-riages, 24< cum us Aye.,Io ton %_ ft (lf hak cnnn "( snF ; ~~" . t. iFr I and horses in the city. TrV ilini, tf


I or --n kesI)('aleana (:ieorgre I.lioa: ' i ri;iu iIt:" lit uric k ijy . iiy ll,;, i-
7'lics, Mar. 14 ti(!corl(l chalilber (oluelt. I:d- I FOR tiAi I'--1i01ase ,1-11(1 Lot t 'O. tai
vard y A A 7 T Mills131i lilli i'(rr). of }:o ton, I>r:tnist, p. It i 1'..tst University of
oil sILy se.lttle. 11l(JltlK-
Lvv' L 11., ,-ioln;"r ' cl t-ner Or On prE n iSea. CA r r JA N i
1 l sI.
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! FacLilty Concert Tl)Is Evening. ,(-),rlcI. -- .-anybody who desires
the position of building fires in the
30 fast Huron Street, cr medical bUildin" baselrlent for Ilia i
The following is the pro_,rram of
l baseball team should apply to
the faculty concert this evenin ; , i
S HAVE EARNED AN ( I 1'. fZ.\ i l'()IZl),
ENVIABLE i'Newberry hall. We are asked to ; Church S~.
itr a 1 rATION - - -
sav that the course tickets to the i --- " FORrs
H J i GRAND OL'.I:RA 1fOl; I:.
YOUR TRADE series of Chamber concerts will en- i
so[ aC1rF;D
E title the holders to admission to the FR11)AY, MARCII 10.
Ai Di S P r S0 faculty concerts (riven by y the sehoo1. > _')
za 'Sutii.n(11.1- \vhleh conlz t.s to All')
S 0pp.courtHouse. Otherwise the admission will be fifty ,arbor land is promised for present:l
cents. tion by 2a relMll-1Cable e0lnpa1l.\ at. th(s
( Grand opera holtse, Friday eveninE-
)'ttt)(:3t:tJ1 It:. next, is a. eolnedy of the lt ar, bilt hick- j i
1. Sonat.t for I'irlno Itl)d Violin, ()1). i'', NO. in 2111 elelra(z21t5 Of "<'fa1'e. 1t 1ea.t'+
SECOND SEMESTER I ---------------------.-------- ---ne(tiov-en smoke and nriII)e and 1) 1003 of 1XIIde at.
Allog-ro( oTl1)I'io. IE.n]aCOn A14, -To- the, palter (loor whell revelry 15 "
N11'. J. El'iGll S01I11tial and 1'rederick 'dills. -,Vatllin. Tile characters are I)eople l)f
z. Aria f'roin "1'annhaetiei '----------Wagner the south, arollild whom is faniille a.ild
t+'roll) 21 -ict, "'ro11r112111-jent or song- desolation, over wholn is at (tee1)eIJll, I
/ Mr. Sil is It :Mills. (;loom of impending defeat, and neatr
t7(o t0 He2adtlnal'tE'i'B for all, new :3_ C'oueerto fo!" Yiano. E minor, 01). 1--Chopin whoill are hospitals to WIlich the y0tni( l
t'irst: nu)v(an( I1r, A11(, pro Alaestofi(>, tolnell pare sent 2111 their hoit'ellold f
and second-Hand TEXT-I30OKS" 'fir, J. hridl S(r11111aal. ; linen scraped into lint. Libby 1)l'js0II I
(orehesIraI parts on second 1)ittno by 11liss { ,Just iligh with its thoals2aild victill)S
We have reverted a large supply Gra(r d_ 1'ov(lv.) writhing; in the imineless horrors that M ll
4. Polish Dan((!------------------------ Il)erhard anadf death thrice preferable to life-
of (reek, Latin, German and Mr. h, deri(l, Mills i and let all this IOeula.lity, Ihe, )wetty f
5). Amhiuteand Vallaiious for'l'wo i'i)noc, I Sentiment, tilefantastic life, the.s«ee!.-
Frencll t Irassics. NEW AND OI)" 41)------------------ ----- -------schubert i hearts helm, southern girls. the lOv(1l*s
T: ?? T r T t 1 1tiss ( ra('e. A. Po -(yaud Mi..I. b;rioh Sehnlaal nortilerl) Soldiers; 2alld the ('liief' fester j
S1 (1')'0 1_)-I1ANID. fl. Awlanlet'rom 13 lit inor(.onc(,1rto(Uoltertrlann of 1111 the Confederate Gelle'.rlal hraFill"
Mr. hrod L. Abel. l the tern fearfnl ditty of eoloinmidill". 3
. a. vVOllin r . the forcer intrellched ill hi(°hnlO;ld.
We offer the largest and best t . 11".our( rer's 1\achtlied, c -- - - - Schul)ert _ I
MI Silas It. Mills. New Class at Granger's.
Note Kook in the City for 25C. 8. Slavonic I)an((~s, op. 46, -Nos, 4 and :).I)roaak -- -- i
Alis, I'ovoy a.nd .II S01111.)tll. A class ill (lancing. for 1 allies 111d i
Bring ill your second-land -+"+- -- - Gentlelnell will commence lesson, at, I
Democratic Committees. Gran(_) er*s Academy, (; Maynard :street..
Text-Books. - next 5at1li d21y ev enin , 8 o'clock. A 11
danees xvill be pl a.ctieed, illclncfill;the
Colilmittee on music for the ban- llltestf2a(I, the 1,xv0 step.i' Positively
r . --h. . 'Thorp, Geo. n0 hops 9"Ven. t ll n er's e11 v
tr'1 > !
ptft) not a publics 112111. Pupils only 2adinit-
Clark and Dr. V. J. Peck. I bis tell, uo visitors. Classes for gentlenlell
committee will rlleet at their earliest exclusively, ''hill:sdoy evening;. and
20 S.State;Stre:;t. 52aturday Inornil)(Is, ladies exelnsively
Main St , Opp. Court House. convenience. J. is . li()IZ C)l:.f a X. tii1t11rdaa-N afternoons. 1 t t

-- ------------------ ---

1 w + y" yMi (', h;. 11 nshirnrtoll Street.


' i
s . ,a t r? z H.; "r.



('d;: .t } ESS SIIOI":S
Iz!"1) '1,E'D


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