t j e .0I' , 1. lai 8 SUPPIEMTENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, V193. DOMESTIC SCIENCE, viling Professor Salsmon to Ant Ar- HOMAGE TO TERPSICHORE. A Course of b~~or have bad two objects in vihe Jnorwr-ain test ACusofLectures to be ivenI-ThJuirAeTangSpst by Miss Lucy Salmon, of Vassar. first, to eniable a:stttatty of outr ladies Make- Their Hop a Erilliant egnng arnS. as possible to liear a svtry able worn- Affir Scistr i itc saliss ort i lstass suponsa's inlect of great imrpor- ttis cIsssiicsrn hour. 'Thie I'odoctisiss so i Diitance tto l o meiVti n tlndsecond, tocmpeio los tihe junitor sobs tribtttion of \\ esitli fi"trikes ,"actitsometietoney to the funsd for the wihtiwill Isrnbaly bs.hlinsithe 4'list Railroadi Problins 'Ilisis t ousnsfss aiss Eihro-nesv gcmsastssts, if thse corisentlof cc," "Religion," asidt evin fed ossght to fmietstits a hearty- theiRegets csas scurtssitsitosisthse ''Thlsosglt" itselfIshase been cin- rspstonise;the Itro togethser it is be- eveningsf \April 7. Is te gymicass- pelle1 to yil to scieintific trcat- lies citsvill enssusre a targt attendanice. not be obtaisned, the r ik wiill tic siets. Wh~y notltesshsne also? tliretime asdsil ace of the lectitres secitredt fsot thesca~5stin It wsas once tacitly assssnsed that still be ausnoussced later. 1 Ise sariois ustsnisittess a list oif the lhome and lits cdirectiots istcostrse -'' "'which is gis-essbelossi asre bitsy sit- es-erylmoslybkte all albout,--wtas list Order of Exercises for Tomorrow. lng the sietesssry arriangemsets for every osse at sosie period cof lift an t hearraneges-sens:for tie slt- lte affasiitch sill lit theso (5ct insate of tine? MoreoverIsonses eeto h esn itesits are as follos;s vn fts tii sre brosltlt rng it lei No chapel exercises. All cl-a teisssasusiacss ltis ls iii itilireceil li isudiidisilstills xercises still close at i . 'clock ets.ssc rIeis irslcsll therefore there could be inosgenesrial testssestTcftatiprfssonl iil). list cisvsisrsissssiin- trustlss or lasss applicable st ctoosiilasllit teiros inlsibmi wsiths enmbossIti lii s ir- tonismes ichs truths or lawvs clIia le5 55s.ailleIrlssri-l rangedl stinte-tie (Inst.0o lt lit Feid isiglit 1btof usnivsersal vaslue. building-ssouts it c wit tucies acc b manitcIsat i5it:O 5. It is finally slowly tdawvnig i sucittionc'itrsx fltys" icin. ethousasdinv itatioits th wrl o tinin mn nd Ih tudsenits of thst literary he- will be issusedl, smansy siwsihit sill swomssen that these tacit assismptionss be sesnt osit of tse sity. It is cx- paayn il eis iet by classes at isr stay' n01 be weell fousndeil; thaitishere o'click-,as followivnit order to pro- pectedl that a lasrgesnmbesrsit our msay possibly lie a field for scientific Ge o nvriyHludrtetoitti people still attessdlthestop, s t investigationi even here, andi a fielil it will lie the first cetsrtaisnienutaftier 'idirectinsfiMajoI-Sins ule. chief tsar- whlichi ieeths explorisng. slit.the Lentesn seasos. Professor Lucy MI.-Samonstis'it itrsofsiraiacs il The consmittecs, is mansioisnsed (asi.Thersdn rauts-l Vassar College, a fotrmser pupil aisi assenible its soomit. are as follos: sit A. M. itt Nllclsigasisiversity, is i{b).ITle sciors still sleet ii in ci six o ---i ssrs 33Wat1,i lpita tite of thse pionesers is thsis hine of lcit 'lsi, chauirmssan; I t tTrIsemble, root F Induthlist acaenxt hall,- research. Slit set herself the last- () Tejnir il et i ea Psi 'Wesntwoth, lMItcls Ihetsalii: a few years(ago, oisellictingiorsttrillanncSigis-sh- a fse ear ao o co ectifi hils-roissIt asniltheiadljacenst hall. C-o i s I tics, at first hiasnd concerninig osne (t ieslloioe tl set~ xi i x N SmitllsBeta, delpartmsent iif ltstfielsdsanmely, roonis A ad>ass ndtsssl t sitdjicent 9TsetsaItihirmtintsit ChLIickenisg, i'si tisat of D onmestict Serv ice, sduith s all.Ui;Cadll, tAlphia I Dtel ts hi ; itra- these statistics isdta shelsclau at- () h rsmn iinlc nfed et Kpa pioGoh tesmptedl sonis enseralizations look- IIe s i.Clii I'. mug towvard the solutliosn of sonic ff pcalssceis tl set Astx iNi cxc-- :Messrs. Seater, presting prcob-lemss of the Asicrican sitll the classcswstlls ihI they Sgnus l'lii, chauirmniri; Porter, Naughts husekeeper. tactesmost of their stork..chandsTupier, IDelta lassDtatr; Huist, Ilsese cdedusctions, ini the formssioi'fTeclaisses isill esiter the Itall in )elta IKappa;: Epsilons, Sencethiatigl aseries of lectures, have sarI a wiite the above ortler aind still finid seats ans hPtillipus, Phsi Kappa Psi. and favorable hearis-igni-seastern O_ h#lieri.,rofte.al.sShefrncs cities, auth hattgiven thseir author ShiacikesypeaajreSuRefanirhsnace__s. list positiosncit as-sauthtorityin tier sstaists. I leN risto etc- spiecial field.i simetecintg iii the 1hall still close (a) Sonrces of ltePlot. The :alumnoaeassociatin of s-sit at r230. At zapIi n. the guests Hiazett's Shakespeare's Libirary, I, An-sor has invited Professor Sasli-monstillsueed at the l'resident's office, ;7y-3S0. toi give these lectures liesre, at an andl1-sttakhess to the hospitals. At Clarendhoss Press 1-litios ---li roilsc- early d-at, andc a favonraule respoinse 3 5ilstey still takre thic electric cars liosn, VLII -N- hs been received from hir.ts hle at lt court house for Ypsilasnti. i Knight's lPictoriatl Sihakspsearc, extpese still be consierable, bust it Inastiusch is thc stusdesits still sill Conmedies, I, 3893i~.~ in believesh that the sale of tickets thiei hall, citizeuss are requuestedl InoIwhite's Eituiioss it Shiakspteare, IVN, still be such as to ieiet it, anth more, refrinu frossi atendiantce. 32-140. since thst lectures will be of a cliar- ._---- **---_ .(b) Critlisis. acter to instrusct ansditobitsrcit 1)0111 Two freshmnssat I'Trisily College,Fssrssess's Narioriuni h-iiiu-- --Ap- the ladies of the city- soi the y ounsg IHartford, stere hazed Saturday, so pendix. Iadies of tihetUiviersity. setverely that thse factulty is expecitedi Drake's Shakespcarc situhus Tinties, Tise Alumtnae Associatioss in in- to lake actionsii is tissather. IT, 387-89rt. Fsurissall's lustrodusctioi n t 'hu~e ILeopld Shakii iesere \N I-X II- NI Il. laies, I, r9sI.,,hI 39,5-396-l I1 leil ii Isurucle rs nof-'Ssktsiscare's Ilhutisons Sas eabt rciis Lilt, .art, ands IIsstasters, 127-296-' f. Ntis. tnistscsss Chari acteistics cif W3omsen, I, 5i nfl hstnitlil's Pictorial 1 5 ,tspcare--- Cometiess, I, 119-456. Rl e' IcsE-disssitofthutNIchthof cisice, s,; Sclheg~tls LIcure sin suansaic TI -sue's E uslLitIrItssuteI ,10-312. t-irtis Shaketsspeare's I ianttili Ari, I1, ss5-125. Wleiss's IWit,IH ustosu,sandulSit-sies- itea.-t^,30,-325. ILloydI' s sss onShakespieare, 79;- I he's 1Es- sysuit Shtakespe'are, 6i-- ClIre s iShakshespseuare (iisasccs, 67- usJ Iad sihy aIrtit's Femsanle Chcts-ers iof Shats ii s sc-j_[-i. '6 Glee CluO. I'lit IFreshmans GeIeICflubsib s hard at swnrk prepa-ring"for an ear15ap- fcir 151uscistatit Isis bsenshasrd lto tietermne sitshuclutuls st liteupersmasn- cst chitsis s wseiciedtm, us us tot- hoss isitenuor sBtiriuck, Jesn- buss ForustturNwcutom sit cnd tensor sDybtus, Beenc tsusiser, I los cs hulrsthiasits,3Washubusnit Asder- situs ("oatsI uichi stconsdlbases, Vnusiyl, G ibbouss, I ocit, Ilharley. Tise onicers tin the chum) act Messrs. Ilyheusm, ices.; CiusumutI, sec.-treas. R-ehecarsalsast e intg lhelih tri-steekly1 ustder lise direction tinfNIr. K. I'. 'Thompisson , instihe sliversity Glee (Chis. ur, Thousssmpsonsmandt all othuers wtho hate Isearid thet climb sing, spleak. vecry htighuly of it. lime coices are of au-sexcetptionsally gonildusality, anid liiie the rare virtue of bletntiog- perfecclii.ITle mnger of the clith, NI r W. II. Kerr, is conssieriog; several offers of etsgsgcesis intuh~e neigohboring tonsu. All thsings steen. tn Isoinst tovartds au decidhed stuccess of the freitsman venture.