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March 07, 1893 - Image 1

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VOL. III.-NO. 1.12.



T he Trial1of Chist efrom an I


The Second Annual Field-day will "' -' Professors Thomas and Reis hard r' ''~of
Take Place May 20.-Pull Liart I View. Were Greeted by a Large Audi- IAou
of the Events. 'I.sTe first lecture still be given( enoe Last Night. IQI1Ifl
I :arch e16th, in tile lasw lecture roons, prof. Rn _hard gave a very inter- , 'l11PO TERSE
Satsriday, AMar 20, has beess ti- Ib g -
ildipsastsdaeotese-at 7:130 el'15 esting and instructive lectssre on - lAN FJ VuA/LR
oddaspna fresidas op hon soe M -ETRtIredICH.toa
ndanalfehanspomr .Howells Exonerateci. Ieei1t large asuience at tise'
fildis-day. Great interest is ini_ - Uniity Cisub. The professor sa id
fasted by bsotis classes asnitise event j he cosmittee appiointedl fronthtiat tse cell is the unit of the ani-
wyi dosubtless lie of greater insterest f tse lfscilty to examine isnto tse foal structure. Ilte shioswedity
bhass sis last year's contest. chags opa iis roilg;ist against stereopticon viesthsat the cells bad
Saturdany the '95 and '96 commnit- r. C. it liowssli, met yesterday different shsapes aviapted for thse use
tees ntse inter-class fielid day mornsing and21 -after careful examnia- tseryswere intentded. To illsustrate
agreed 0on use follossing events'' j isn of lihe profs declareidthse this, lise shostedlthse developmsent of
too-yds dlasts, 22o-y(1.9clash, 440- csssesd entsirely innocent. Thej the animsal structure of the fists from
orignal raton ad poofswerethes~panthen yee s-ntethe Latest islelrspottes ve
yds dashs, fHo-yds dash, i mile runoisa oisnanipof1seetsesav.orfs v.Sor s55Soas aste s o $1 a pair less
22o-ydtlhsrdle, 2-nsile bicycle race ssubnmsttedl to the comsmittee by Prof. Prof. Thonsas's lectsure 012 thse lisan AnnArbor prices, send fer Catalogule to
iole-vault, running bioadi iump, ' srebloodting t in11 behsaif of tiseI Devil was also highly apipreciatedl. &
running Hsigisjunmp, standing broad 1eecutive committee. Thie follosw- 'ise professor first spoke of the cois-HeH
junmp, tihrowissg the hsammer, 1)01I ingss tise report of tse commsittee: ceptions of thse Devil as held by 101. 183-ln18 55 WwAiiwtAtE.,
tig hesot tsrsin bsebllnns Arbosriots., ;eaels 5,1t9ss. tdifferent races of people. Thse Greek DETIROIT, - - MICItGAN.
A tug of star stas also conssilered, Assouiation, csstitc tte eswsistsord nmeanitsg Devil was Slander;
bsst not finally decided on he lundersigned beg leave to statne tfebresw rmeaning, adversary or Jq ihmonGI Straight Qut.
'iecascsnitesaeIothatshey haecarefsdly salne 0h ptponent1. 'Ihere isvery' nlisht No.'
Theclas ommttes re:Hot, raion of Mr. C.M.itossells, and tse TpeadBid 9;Sweote ouet umte ote oresenmblance of tse Satan nsentsoned CIGARETTES.
liinsrfnsobairnd Saatteaotntspokenst slhmofd oinseotthe- C'eeette Smokers who
Gutlrie assd Chsapmsasn, '96. 1En-suppiort the ecsarge of plagisarismsl ro airislsssoiesofar i- e sillmron" ayssuerstle
:ries usayse isansted to any of tisese sils~t issus tssd thsst they' iii0 et'esassifIs etsiain . indetsthe oricer
etcsevidee of sch pasrssllelism or isisis- Iidea thsat the Devil sad any, isurti- t (Ciaet5cetes, will Sind
.ic..s losiao hirj--gnstt cular forms. aie' l 'rie icshmond Straight
Dean Knowlton Will Lecture. t slude imsssfromssthe aprosxahinig coil' Th1'e rofessor said thsatlie ha~d Cot ins is' ettcs 'te ie o frso tinthie Sig,'
test.est, mont delicately voesd ad higheot coat
Illie s'ss ssisel esconcluded to lectssre onl the subject Gl la gonits Virginia. This, iteOd
Thos wh misedthevalabl ! espctfllysubittd. an OrginlBrandiofistraetiht ('st Cigarettr,
afterisssestiatisg ii locs 'satndneats rouht ut (sits nth eer lo7s.
cousrse oflectusres givenidusrinso the }I, 'i Iii tss ftrxci' Iin t n iete enwareor isi sitetsoto atnidssotbserethtsstthr
last semescster iby Prof. Thomspsono i.N.S 'ts , [as.T~icAlt I'S & (tINs IEtBranch
f 1.1. J0,i NSNs. ' -^f* + - (51theo Assets's, s'Tslaeto Co.,
tiSlaet uetn - - Riohmsondsir iginias.
srill be swiser as tos the serses wtih ii -_ A Worthy Enterprise, _____________________
wiii be gives) durinsg use corming Jeffersonian vs, Webster. ___

Iveeks by' Dean Ktnostltoss.ItIis'
also, still be a rare course ol lee iefrto- sre f11td
tare, ad wll urnih auniue on-bates betweess use Jcffcrsonisss and
trtisrsn111illeuns auilc Wo iebster lierary socicties isill be
tisto inlgal literaturse. No1iitosrosesesn Iefo
writer is h ieretofiore treated filhy ilowvinsgquestion still by discussed:
andl thoroughly, the topics 1Psof. "ResoveIdThat thlctive vcfran-
kuosioisisoscisses or lscssssss elise sihould nsot be exstendied to
hIo muiss thsese iestsres, thscrefort,
xiiilibe tosliiss soiiiy'iiin" s-s'wssoueni."1Thse affirmsatsiv speakers
'ire Messrs J ri Murdock and I?.
canno~vt elsewshere be obisists 1 V eInnelly. I Tse negatise silil be
Bllackstonse las decilsredithtuta li defcesded by -Messrs. U. Kiier asd
very fundamnsstalhs of English La'wst it Jaset IEachspsieaker still
wvere vderivedi irons the jurisprudence besotyfiuisslne.Asi-
of the Jests. TVie follosin" are the( tesesting featuse of the programnme
toipics ise xwiiidiscsuss, ssitls assout- ilb eiainb \isilri
hine of use introducetorylecture: silb eiainb isMri
j. .ntrouctin: Goodylvoonte, entitled "A Critical
- Iitrosseton:Situation.'' Good vocal and instru-
(e) Soisrces of Informsation, (a) mental music still be rensdered. A
'Vie Scriptures, (b)Talnsudic cordial invitation is extensded to all
L.aw, (c) General H-istories. ladies thsat are interestedl in use
(a) istoy o tis Las. sonmun suffrage (iuestios. '1'he de-
(3) Judaea and its Horizons. bate still occusr in the lasw lecture
z. 'The People and use State.
;. Political Parties. ----f. _--
4t. 'Vise Schools, tse Synagogue Prof. Griffin is nmentionied us a
ansd use Sanhedrin. prominent candidate for U. S.
5. Temple Worship and Life under circuit jusdge, in place of Judge
the Law. Jackson.

'T'he ladies of the Woiman's Leaguse
have arranged for a series of five
lectuires siponssubshjects of isnterest to
all, the proceeds of sthsichs are to be
devoted to the co-esdunisex of thse
gyms.'Vhis enterpsrise shsould liave
tihe ssipport of tse studntlt body as
it is a storthsy one. 'The price ofr
tickets for thse five lectures hsas beess
fixed at seventy-five cents. 'rickets '
may be obtained by speeial canvas-
sers in a fest days, 'Vie first lecture
still be delivered by iss Lucy
Salmson, of Vassar, Marchs iS, on P. J. KIENNUCAN,
I Some Hisntorical Aspects of 1)otises-
tic Service
'Vie subject o h esissgMERC.HANT
ct o h eiii-lectures are as follosts:
"SonzeLEonomical Asisects of TAL LGR..
Donsestic Service," "The Present
Condition of Dlomestic Service,"
"Suggested Remedies for Existing A ti) 11P UTi'tl OFts 0
Difficulties," and "Possible Reise-
dies for Existing Difficulties." :'=N'= 7"TOQI=TSS
University of Iowa has challenged 55 V'W' FO ,T S'_',
the 'University of Miinnesota to a
joint debate. Detroit, Michigan.

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