THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. TI ~ ___ WE ARE AGENTS FOR GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ourr Stock, as usual, iucludes a geueral. and complete liue of hugh class clothing. Young Mlen'sj made up with all the dctail, care and skill which characterizes the best merchant tailoring work. Wadham s, Kennedy & Reule. jYohipa ss 4$s, IJ(ijoiC( 1ats5, ' ~ siliVermpasi's ats, AND) IODGEMTAN'S -MACKINTOSHES. EXQUISITE FURNISH INGS. I0ERRIN'S GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Ready Made Clothing Bhusiness and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine Shoes. On account of this change we shsall sell all our FINE B3OX OVERCOATS ANI)SUITS AT ACTUAL COS'TI Call and examine. ATlTHE TWO S AMS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE " { A L Ann Arbor Micih. Capital 5toeb, 1s0,0l, OWEiN 'S BARBER SrHOP! (, Srls$in vOgnzdudrteGnreaBakgLas N.4ESHRNSTET othiis stale. Receives Deposits, buys and seliis excbange on lbs principai cities oc tbe United States. rafts casbed upon proper --'THE ARGUS- ON SATURDAY identiaication. Officers: 7 0 CHRISTIANaMACK, Pres., fN J INI4NC w. D. HHASnanA, Vice Pres., F1NH " A N R & C . ICHAS. E.RaHSCiOC, Cashier. AT Low P RICES. A GN R& O, - M. J. PsIrce, Asst. Casbier. > R EN T SC HL ER, GLAIT OPERA iiOTTSELI p ooga hrBTOENGT Thursday, October 13th. S ONR1A\ADHRNSS E LRfI, and STEPH4EN'S CtsNII 'lINAD IJCNST. Compansy o1Comedians, in teebrigbtest or all N. GIS N,~MusicalCoeis s GIBON, AMLRRY TIME OT StiE FllFu and Music. Rood Dances!1 Splen- I3 ~ ~xKdidlSiKgibgrd a haiibhleSituations! CDiring / T / T Tcutedlby Grace Rooter. Reserved Scala now R A N D A LL NO LW."UON+T onosaleiat Postoffice News Stand. Ed7c NO._12__._HURON_ S1.___ Prices, 3Cc, 5co, ad7c FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! THE CORNELL TEAM, ANNOUNCEeMENT. - The Illinois 00 tt! Hras ~ms! --Republican club will mccitfor orga- 30 Est uronStret, But Throe of the Old Team are Play- nization in tloe law quiz. room, ing Train Year.-Corneli's Play Wednesday evening at 7 :3e. All S AVEOEARNED AN This Year, republican students from Illinois NI iiABE O arc urgently requested to be prcsent riFORITiSstR :o'YS. Cornell defeated Dickinsons on as business of inmportance to all will YOTilR'snDE be ediscussedl. ® SeIAisCIiZ Saturday, at Itliaca, by a score of C .A. DINISON, Vice-lies. E l 58 to o. Al'sinslpectioni of the hper- 9-2t 1L . Gei NO 'D, Secretary. Aft sotnnels of the teams thsat phayedi Opp. Cour ose, aga5~intLtickiiell andi IDickinson, ye- RiZEULCo..A.N NTC.-'tiiere 'siil teas t's fat t'st lst iv ofCur te a big Republican mseeting in thoc { vststhefac tht bt fve f Cor-law lecture room no00Friday eve, toi 'icl' s chamioin teaimiof last year arrange for voters to returiihioiie. 'ih re playing wstl' the teani this year. 1,seryboily coime at 7:30. Officer's 'thoese are Joiasson, h1are, tlsgood, requested to conre at 7, sharpi. Hlainsoin, auth Young, 'shilhe Strait, hit ilsEiteO05 hiEsLS I - .At f EL U II gwho 'sas a suibstitiute last year, has *taket' the place of Htortoin at left (RR i:Aitts; half. Frous all reports th'eir line is __ nievert'seless very strong antd their EARti & STiPHNi'il CO'sDYiti 1it 'i'sPN5, playing oi'sSaturday stas character. '(JS'ii'isYINEVENIti;. Speeial IDiseont oni LautBeoks, iced, as was thoat of last year, by "A Merry 'Timoe" is the title o'f a great rapidity aisna51p1. .Althomgh me'svmusicalrouiedly writteni fur Earl Medical, Dental ansi All University Dickenson it conftessedhly 'seak this & Stephienis al their comopany of coms- Text-Bissks. The largest I edians. The actiiin of Chic play is very year, the game showed Corn ell's livsely anii 'sill please all aiiil offeaii ability in blocking and in bucking anoaie. The nousie thretighoiut is ex- ~ IT& fl Lii loe ineandalthugh' depivedofcellenit, the baot parts beig esbiecially ~the1line,1and alhoughfdeprived ofcomposed for this cempainy, andh it mu s)LL1UU11LiB00U 111i UUs , six of last year's tean', aplpearances doubtfu ifthis a~ttractioi has Th indicate that her team will fmully eomedy pam-f is of a crisp, thllansrder come up to that of last year. fthacteve fails to attract the attei- in thse 'city for 23 cenlts. Agent for tiots of the theatre-going pulblic. 'hie Keuffel & Esser Mathematical Instru- comipany is headed by Hieairy Earl anad ANNOUNCEMENTS. Itaymniid Stephiens, who hithserto have ments. Under priees on everything. been assoeiated with conmedy and _ operatic work of floe first order. They '- _MISSOURI CmLUim NOTICE-All Mia- are cleverly supported by Kitty Mar- TORms: souri students are requested to be celleis, Nellie Duinbar, Jeninie Wylie, atlwqi oma saptngt t Grace Ihunter, (serpentine danicer), South State Street and Main Street. a a uzro t7 aap tnght Edward Raphael, Fred lDe Rue And opposite Court Hansel. j to organize a Missouri Club. e thers of equmal ability. MVkn's Underwear OCTOBIERf15. Tailors and Furnishers. O. K. BARBER SHOP. Intonnicetiont, Finae Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. 34iE. Waobington St. J. R. TROANOmSaussI. Capital, $50i000. Srplus otnd Profits, $17,000. Does a general Ranking business. Pays in- terest on Sating Deposits. Pies safety Deposit Coxes Cur Rent. R. KEEPS, Pees. F. R. RELSER, Casbier. Rank oven Saturday evening. Iang!t 11fr . 5.Wasbington Stre. Goodspeed & Sons., TAILORS. I.M P~O lITERS lil N E WOOLENS. 19 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., SHOES. SEE TmI; NEW CRAZE, TAN CAmsli'miLUCIls. FULL, LIPS: iOF' NORMAN k IiENNN+'l'T'S Si-OTImeepiSiHOES. 17 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS ANaD FURNISHERS. Sole Agemits fur tihe'"Miller 1Iat" Fine Line of Mackitoshies. 15 5. Main.