THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~J Cof 'J~t " it petitive work done hy those desiringLI E FN O election. The list o those compet- ing shows a great interest in the By Going to W'ahr & Miller's and Publsbhd Daily (Sundays excepted) duringwok and in the ppr The corn- par of Shoes as wve n the Colere pear. 5y psvior, h aper. m oeoftemake room ft THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pttrht vr rmsm fts ______ classes arc not as numerous as is - Oouhoeripeioiu prior P1.51' per year, invariahly desirable. Anyone desiring to (10 line Toote datle anee Siufgs-coresi3len ts. Sabsorip-woknahndteramada-8SO'"1 Monn may ibo left at the offioe of teOiowr on nl theirnanLYandad-48 at Stoffiet's, with any of the editors or dress to asnciember of the hoard, I authorizeoici totr. or caill at the l)_st tYo'ftfice any corn- T O S R inshudrahteofcbyioclock P. ii. if they are to appear the next ing fronm j to 7:30. O SE S T lfay. Addtreso all mattee intendedS for pahica- tion to the Managing Editor. All buinetiss Marshall P. Wilder tonightf. 1iron 'rin *ormmeniationt thoouldibe sent t the Bste ness Mtanager. &C THlE U. aof1M. DAILY. ING MONEY. save from 25c, 50f and 75c 0n every inust reduce our stock to or Spring Gootds. tscar Dealers, MAIN STREET. OIRDER13IJDSCONT* IMtTV L'DAYS. Ann Arbor, Xith. 1Tld, A.,. n a EDITORS. MIchan Rilay E . . lU eT ep,ilt.9aii Mnagiog Editor.M ~ ;. A.t. 5 , tor , LIi '935. A t tnt-_j .1.W . 5 reta, ( aLt. ', u csA olo tttn~~. r -- -- r.'cu'es t, ttns Stt e I1,. i'uiI i-t I> IU;aiL ,QI'i too to ti iCadi r f tot ' , a. 7.iioot 't «j. WO. " 't sonic. Lit. '114. Arsotatl 1. ii uti e, toeiilt iit ,isl n t .1 1,soflj DeI)a tttlliofTratlins t A nn itllr i' x0 o Ir~iootti .ifAlt "it . < lil oot,or }1, '.'; 0' It. II~5 0r. Horstord's Acid Phosphate. t ie sno.o oien tg i ti :.t teiroroet'tnotleItthaveeusedtiititfor sev'roarlrVeansetoiet (tto'.' \i;t . j'o 11 . ixr111111.01' ttle.iiiEiAitINtGooSCHsOOLrOPyBeStINESS.rrptttol o.?. -ti I iola-.prsorer \ ( '.lI1, onrlc ill nlSa 1ct iii- ibthe ll-Wlo-tiiii le 1tburi'ding; nirotoatoro la gattend~t angreat c~rnStittito tS, i,. I .lIit 00il,1' lu,. -:-c"llt t.riltil ii illAnnt, turultoti goltoten ll It uro piititoo 1 aI ri. K . <,t ,t t '. . trott dl n letrs;t urdayip een rkl reptooat-ns; . 01 iuiOttu(- (Ir' t l t' (I tie {) t the(lieSt n11100 oen i e ti v .'y('r;connnca l 11 aduaito, n of ea ituttie t a ly' ttc- tttctt1oatrston 1111' Sit I-ivse 111ll t I ie. orNx Ct~rOh ItifnLi 5il ll'itl'llawh f5lltt+.Ori sh vsist iritne hs ntt 10tre th in i5' , eer1 11111he vitlit y s-titilLERY 0's N. i. illNdAl 'ii', 11zti2..o.1 Nl i"it candoso$y2,00itactii$g a.oo009lieio ttcftoiritit.lE> t i o' .l t lld . I"l o dleptartmnt ell, to be handedl to ' iDescriptiv'e 11pamphlt frerot appiation 111toi Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- thte CbmtiStetilt itr before- nest deuce, RI. TIteotlaI ieweare orf bttitils 111111Iiitatttionst. numbI itttler cif 1105 subsc-riptitons FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. recivS-sice tee ijici o(f thios I((~ semnesteroshowosihat te ii ill'sis j HENRY 'F.Y , filly sttl1jplyinhg the 0w11an t fthtet 'ltion. Otnio t -,( ite 1151itlSa stutdenttboils' 1If i'oil are 1115ot t t tfO' oSttlt lls. ;i St sliscriber t iiil11t She ohfic11and Iac-to r.t25, SrtrShe pap~er ti RI', S~BF 't11initec if teyear. ; -t 1 - L. GRUNER, ilasaoft tlthe onte-fifhnlti tit1 r®sr a®rr rrrSEElIAN & CO. S1hEE1hA'.N ,iCO('.SIl I II N iL ((. riSECOND-HAND TEXT B300KS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER At rthSie Sttidciuts' loilstore. situden-itso, -Saveihalf v01111)llto , at n (l bits- iif to.. W e\V et att dill tec u-toiitg moi l iltieltl O of serucn-haittitil 111 1111 01(11 (CollIcgoe'lest Ilmioks fr'i iitSlite "~East whiichli wi'will ioffer at usc prires. We kceiite 1:t 11th Unuiversity IBooksellers, - State Street. SIEFaI AN & CO. SI1IERIIAN &,C'O(. SHIiEIhAN o ('i. Stil illi ha 10111uctnoh one-liilr it~ at mull, wsill iif1111our s' egistiti I< s ito all inltereOsedit inte lists' '1011 'Thlis iill-aSt10e101, plaee tergenits tiotn, providedl te IHouse takes- favocrable actions 0onte Sill. if l pasedt ii intistlainner, te tax wovltltI amtloun~t to t SS,ooo atnnuatlly', ovhile tile presenlt Sax isilyioretrnsoabout ~55,000. Whiile SittheArenit supplor- ters of te Utiltersity wou'tldtlpreter a largrer tax, te present atrailge- littlot ootilil relies-cete boarofIl'r el-ills-cii a groat 110ea1of enmbarrasos- mientt. Go0111 101k toitShe Sill in thet' S lse. W T'e ito itis'of 0111',as- soil t f' iii rI- j lgci SA f. ( 111t 2 le faluoi-ed sio T 011110' tue Itottt hitch Thit i-lan.-, litthf-. . If K' OEiiN (.0 s-li t ir t 10 SA-10'atc iu J~,J lasslartilellat at SIe 1 imia piceIsesr tiullepit-ices 1111 ]]111110 WS *110 1 bc-s eci e ot-u-is-c -Q c-tll.- wheet osihthet li heltosE . ANN ARBORK I RE-NTSCHiLER. 61btgahr 23 SOU1TH-tFOURTH AVE. 1(11.91 11 SlNtND911 10 11(N 0 LL, VG1i\T CFTV '. I-lOUSE . I NOTIICE.- 't) 'stiluIto ls ..L t antuttilto itti t-tutul# .~nE1111o1ii 1t;o M I 'rle ONE NIGHT ONLYc- taItl wCsitu 7 o luzt atllultut t I bbeltt 1111WED ESDAY EVE,, MAR. 8, 9a RE- JOLLY & CO., N.26South~x Sott StreetJJJ.J~J~A~ AuO StItr A~O~tG n l s t otl 1 .10 '11>111 r 1' i trl"l ut' fI"I" tu 1140 T LU N C H ES 1n10) ili'" 't1 I 1111'- '1 u l'tIituuoi Z'i- 4s'utl IS'9tt'E'' R~ICE, 1 -ll 50'. , 75 and $1 AntiOr-Itest''1' 110 esI Cand'e1e3"o i t W ash in g to n id utc-ad iec~onla S t ltzttchl TUTTL rE, , O1 WI~tNS Filo weso'cnfromiSsoaftellti"ll StittS C1ililu ilt' bti1110 OIlto (I111110 will lee ldlltile 1annua111elect ion 1fis)ther'. tile Intdep~enldent .Association. At u'pE' 0115 A that timelca inewvboath of ceditors otiSl1 LW. ( '.1.. 1 ."IASX'5. be electeid for tile next year. AsO Woodlwcard F. G--. leas beeni fteqelly stated, the It' Av-e. anad SMITH, SONS conienolalioiis madec by the out-taite Street. & Co. going boardl ateoil tile basis of cone- P 'OI' = K