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October 12, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-10-12

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'Z C. of 'MIf. $aitu.
Putblshedl Daily (snday cxceped) darncg
the Collee year, b
Fellow Staud(ents- Patronize
those who patronize yn. M~er-
chiants advertising in the Daily
are the only people in towl to
trade with.
A fesv days since a paragrapih ap-
leared in this columis exhorting lise
different classes to get their football
menf out and lint up, preimiiary 1o
he inter-class contests. If the state
of affairs wvhich has now ome to
pass is to be traced to that appeAiwe
have nothinig ht words of regret for
the action. Anybody with half an
eye couldl Iave seen, yesterday after-
noon, that there was something
wrong with the practice of the 'Var-
sity eleven. fYere nee not eough/
coa f ith ee0odele~e to le up7
bfore the team. Where were these
men ? Practicing with the class
teams. Now, captains and mana-
gers of class teams, which have you
most at heart, the games of the
'Varsity eleven at home and aroad,
or the triumph of your own particu-
lar class in the inter-class gams ?
The former, of course. There re-
nmains ht one thing to be done.
Send your men out to do battle wills
the first eleven, and give them a fesv
days more of the work they had to
do on :Monday last. That sas the
sort of work that conits. Yester-
say's practice sas a farce. The
fault lies siths the mnesof lthe class
in another columis se give in si-
tail a statement of te ork to be
done by the University of Mihigan
in the university extension move-
ment, this season. University ex-
tension is growing in favor with the
masses aid it is expedient that the
progressive University take part in
this great movement. It is based
on the theory that if the masses can
not attend the University, take the
advantages of the University to the
Trhe connection between the peo-
pie and the University should e
very close, and there is no better
way to dispel the present false ideas
which prevail among those who do
not have the advantages of a college
training, than y giving them the
benefit of the liberalizing tendencies
of college work.

T1he U7. of M7. is favorably situated
for this wok, andt io doubt tis wil
be a rics field for the untiring efforts
tf our faculty.
The University, whose every ef-
fort has been cdirectedl tosard te
liberalizinsg tendencies of the times,1
silot fail in this movenent to
dispel false ideas, and substitute for
themi, the saturest and soundest
scholarship of the say.
Thse atteintion of theasv students is
called to the course of lectures Prof.
Thsomspson will give this sinter, n-
der the auspices of the S. C. A.,
on "Mosaic Las." The lectures
sill be given in the evening, and
wiii n0 dousbt prove of great adsan-
tage to the law students.
Will be Held Saturday. October 29.
List of Events.
The annual fall Field Day will be
held on Saturday, Oct. 29th. All
who desire to enter should begin
trasning at once. Beginning today,
the athletic field will be open for
practice every day from 4 to 6 p.
m. Everything necessary for jump-
ing, pole-vaulting, hurdling and put-
ting the shot will e found there,
and Trainer Fitzpatrick of the M.
A. A., is expected over in a few
days to start the sprinters.
Following is a list of events: One
mile bicycle race, 2-mile bicycle
race, su-yds dash, 22o-yds dash,
44-yds run, li8o-yds run, -mile
rus, -mile walk, so-yds hurdle,
22o-yds hurdle, running highs jump,
runsning broad junp, putting s6-lb.
shot, throwing s6-b. hammer, pole
vault, high kick.
1Litrics may be ssae withs Messrs.
Hol, Sharpless, Bfairsd, Tpper, andI
Chapmsan, ansi musst all be is by
Oct. 25th.
WANE-A ustling young smanssto
take ageney for itt class steamn lasi-
dry. For particulars address 117 Lss
veer street, Saginaw, Mich.
Type writing doe at 48 E. Cate
risne street. 3-10
The Detroit Eveisng News is sowv s
pesnny paper, ssnd wilt e delivered
throughsout the city at 6 cests a week;
daily and Sunday, lots a week. F.
Stofflet. 7-7
Look at the Mammnoth line of Over-
coats, Gloves asd Mittens, Underwear,
Mes's. Boys' and Children's Suits, at
The S. T. Jacobs& Co.s, 27 and 29i
Main street. 8-14
NOTCE.-To clubs of fifty (0) asd
over, attending the Michigan vs. M. A.
A. game in Detroit this evening, a
half-fare rate will be made by the
Michigan Central R. R.
'96 FOOTBALL NOTCE.-Let every
96 man come out for practice on
the campus at 4:30 p. m.

New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
There is ssotlsilssu like sa SLIM FIGURE to pt it its msitions.
Wve hasve lisinir a es-v Large Stock of Soasousible (Goodsl. We
3osglst (Cheapl. AWe Soil Clsossp. 1'Fite Footweoar, Bosits stnd Sisoos.
__ 'Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
~'~J~JNESS cs: higan Railway.
A tl'meiCa rdi fescitnay', Au-gusti:.', t552.
i UM ;- Vlepsarture of Trains at Avis Actor.
_- _ - -- No7. FrankforiatSiajiland Expriessa 771) a. m
( Na 513. PasgrAnAdrborviiA cavor '00no
Nov.(aeil Pss. . r..a325s. is:.
Is tihe LEAINGiOSCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Slag. Nio. 11. Toild ouldOoso(Sna
good disciline;rsu:peroo rk;a wllsuvil ppliedad ving GOINGss s0scs1.
rom diy aetrs; Saturdlay eveningee apion;
opaen5theaentireyri; vcommercaialgaduatsoin grat Noy.2-. Toledo Maisil Exrecss,... it 1ta.i
deand;:lshortiahadgraduatesallsecure paositions;Ns. 4. T'liedoi MailExprsrs....1 .lin:.
living expessO$2. to 05.5 perweeiri atefami- Noi.iso'rd: Accommodatiionii. _.. 7 00:a. sis.
lies. Foar5Now CATAL.RasnadLi:, afS tudents whoNa:.sits. :Oiwosisaid'roledoii(Snay
tnaeposiions fom weaealo:week, addess nly)--.........59 52 a. :a.
F. B. CLEART. FPres. Na. tilt. Owooanda voi'slado Suday
___________________only)------------_ ~ sir ----... .7 23 p.i.
We Advise Students to See (Centraltandard Time.
Trains Sasndllirun beten c:Anns Arboando.
'riledo::l, avilat, excepit Suay.
D oty & Feine 'masis liii.102, li03,ind5504-irunlbetwreena To-
ied::andi Owoasso:5unays :only. Redulcedl 'sare.
F'OR F=T-M. ESHEoaS_ ohertnsalily ecept:Sunay.
Wv. 11. ssaaa-'i, It. S. GEENatWOOn.
TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK. ( ,e. Pass:. Arent. LoaosAgent.
-AT THIt--
Greek, Laitiii, Freuch, Germsan said all College Text-Books, Now
ansd Secoind-H~and.

S====2 11T

c oo_ :E71=o=7)o_


'helisa abe is a cut ot the sieo St. Thiomiss' Music lall 0n1 Eizabeth street,
nears the Cathiolic School. It is used at presenst as a Catholic chutrtcisnid owing
to its immnlse seatinsg capacity every Cattholic in the city of Ainn Arbor,
whlethler student or not, c an he accommodated. There are txwo mornsing ser-
vices on Sundays, one at 8 a. in., the other at 10:311. Vespers andll Benlediction
every Sunday at 7:30 p. mn.

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