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March 02, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-02

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}C. of WVf. Xaitg.
Published iblily (Siirdays excepted) during
the Colegeryect. by
ubttictittiltpitce v2.5t pr yeur, intvatiably
itvnece Singico iesrt3 cents. Subscrip-
tione mtty be left at. the ofictof the i)Att Y,
at Sttfft's, witht toy of' the editors or
auftorizedf solicitors.
C~omuanicationosshould reaci thtet office by
7 o'clock P. it they ate to appfear the next
Jay. Addtress nil matter intendfedfottr puittcae-
tinn to the Managittg Editor. All ttttiness
communieations shoulif te tent fto the Buts
uea Manager.
Ann Arbor, Xich.1

beyond the two unoiversities already LIKE FINDING MONEY.
ioterested, is a secofnd question for
tiecision. lDoubtleso the bent mth-tl By Going to WVahr & Miller's and cave from 25c, 50t and 75e on evers-
ott wll le li for thepair of Shoes us see musot reduce ouir stock to
o wlbetfomteleague wtlltmake roomo for Spritng Goodso.
Witscoosin, wtit itable jpyovision
for eaoy expansiotn wthen it is tdesir 2S ~ ? a- CZ -
able. Fine Footwear Deaters,
All tdesi rintg to try for positions ___________________________________________
onith 6baealtaarreTO- esletl to hand their nanmes at once TROUSERS T ORDER 41DSONT
to ilanager 'Thorp, Bela Theta P'i

'houoe. IFOR T"I
- - c~


r , " x-Y .. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
E. J. orc1) .tt vit. '54, lMfnagigLditor. I Michigan Railway.
C. tA.ffDiats, bit. '9, Aocsittlt
.1 ftD. 5f'I r c,tt, fate. '13, Astat-
N. s UR. OrtiS 1, . GInit., uiesMnge.Wf. n T I itI sisftctat. II .E(Ul.y~ ic~i.AA , eavilUA'tCr llefetSndy anay 4,l8!
.5 o.y r , etrl. 'it,dAsistantt. IN.J 5. s .,ctsDpartutrof Tasato nni A rSboit
Iltiot,1. 1) bl t at
t~~t~~Y~t 't s. s~t~ci Horsf ord AidPhshate
S4iss M. F. SiN,tt . N. ciowers, .)3 I li aveiiseidit.for 50seeitlyears, nut Is thu LEADINS CHu OOL OF nUcSINno. Mag. Ntt. 1. Stiil tatdif Esfrs2. 5... 2111
.Nor s 'tio f sr,'b. .t.lAyrili 51 iol l l f f1ra fl'e hi T1 1 o ill i- 7ifc* o utt ilding; nineteacenhers; farge ottendance e t c :.I lssg.nuoArbotr Aertiti .12700lii
sit illstigood iidis iline;tsupterorworet; well stpped roe g li.5. ; tailoand Yse
Ofatti.-1. Mc Ir.1. t.E I i trt t d d t csar, anid coitsider t iodis all roomt; di typlettures; Saturday reeiitgretteptiona, tsfgr . 2.tt
cirecunstancles 01on tofthe best tnerve ttptltt ttfhs year; cerc rtiaf graduantsin great GIGSUH
tirt.o:udmand;shottehantd gendutes offlsecr ur oifton;si."'
tionics that swe hitssess. tor tmrttal ex- btlug expenses 2.t$.5perwtokit rwuate fmt oi.Ot.M.Saill tool5atrengc r ......1:'an1.
(7.FrNwC~rca n ito uet wo.... . a.. Iist1in or ci rwrssotsit Ygis es citeyrd tl t fioitionsarcan sckltwetk,oddrestto. 4. MilanottOExprrss..... 51) .
xlrili lll 9 r ti lt ittF55 . R. CLEARY. Free. Noi. Ii. fTlrdtt Accrriti itltttiit r... I tia. t
_______________an___vigor__to trotelellidiretrSysr
-- - --- - (I ' $2,00,$300, $40®,15 fIc"yle'"tiunda lety.
1 N erroneous item lin yesterdiaiy's An teclet111 ilrll sier ~ '~' fitoittirttieott.tt r tci
a1nd1appetizer. It nisheisis andai 11ig- FirstCtass and Witrranted iTlteto otiit, dailt chrirpt bitt ay.
Dmiiv stateditht the patienit at the 'Eur hu ale 101 .1 I i 1.y
1orates the tired braii ti fllbody, u11- N Mt st tertai:dil %((l
I iiversity hospital swhinhad the pa stiscwdergy nIi italty, nd .Ift. IsbON ,T 1. s. ~llb.tNi t,
large tiumor rernovedI by lr. 'Warti livi 501li tefunfctiotls. Doty CA Xr Xl ±1J. teenOr. IPaso. A ett. ft rat Aryt
i0ded.liisislit rie ts 1 lescriptite tiamphtleteee titi pplibsatili to iSh ELIAN & CO. ShEEh=AN &1(tO. SuIEIf hN i&6;(C0
eloing plentlilly. Raford Chem<aiCal Works. Provi- dne .I
waingspteSubstitutnesRndIItin.. C ND-HAND TEXT BOOK
'l'iilr, attention of the readers of ltoue 1SiittlitCil-ttlaltts.
tile Huts, is again calleit to the fact FORI SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
brttesubscription pic .fr h At the Stoudeits' 10(ikstot e. Studetst, sa50elialf you111101 tii
reimaindler of tile college year is ye- terncllbuyitofot itiltr, let irettit Mtt Q e xt~D) cCnillle So
st1ced to the tow hprice of .$1 .25, otinl stuotseconid-hadin d s lth 1111 5lvft (iioloage Tetciiooks frolmithe ~
rnisli 'sMUSI-ROOS, i+<st sd1 sstve-iillhftutlr rat hius prices. We keepl the 1Ereachell
college nesstipromtly h ias pos-_ aml G~ tierialehotitionar-iesihiah il eedIooo uin he 1cite.
sible,ad swill gice especial attention Vx IIVS FI.Ei sI2as ibaetehetadcheistoeIoosi hect-
to news of interest to the stdenits L RNR SHEEHAN &ix COMPANY,
wi tha thletic l)rocivititb. LU ivrstyBGRsllrNERStteStee.
8. S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor. ~Uiest okelr, - SaeSre.-
1liii; -Daily (Cardinal, noticing the jSh.EEhiAN & CO. SHEIFh1AN & CO. SHEEHAN ob ('0.
eiitorial suggesltin recently imidie J The quiality of otir as- RENTSH E
his the IS mux, cotncertning at j sli- VV oriitftof JI19<' fl"1111- A N' RBOyT CHvEN,
'tail ball ganie between M lcii man Jlcstf IofllolT TT] , P (n otohe
an itt lcorlini, thinks it cis in a A frts~ti liifact no ccr,
good tine ott Northwoesteris .Ille 123-SOUTHtilOUhTtHIAtE.N
pap)er classes it titder I-ttardhinal II - ofi ea' li' r E.2S. SOUTH FOURTH-AVEN.GER, lte lt-~s ltft 110 . sfI
Chiucikles."hll, -tlt SitiisOFiR. TOTET
'he U . lotM. B its rl suggests flesh- h- . (3 *;NOT louE.~v'lii GKAIrst
nost; elass genacestbetweet ic Miigan AWatchi \,ctlas artitle lit andtit ilent o.ntisndrtltitctownfrTHRSDY1EE.1MACH 9
such W'iseofisifi. Thils aeeuisto mdi- tO-hil' saca~ tsttbeCautitliitwhet 1111outtanset liistis fotlitt thH. SAYEi. MRH>, 9
futture, tot t.ependthtipin Its eoillingligcoltd lunchesit- a llhours of th e dho andgt. (LR NIOR1
geneatoafr ttiee.Wa tave le of tll sftidtiril antd dive R, E. JOLLY & Co., N.28LSouth
scf a llan cotildlcrealte sith Nothi- titmepieces athit is J..1J 15 State Street.-A' 141
odstrrtf'a systena. Beentei vd e~''- cll ey'pwru ly
teoiod oer- HOTil.rj LUNCHESI
,w,.., . . .,,, yhore Wi-thi tlit hilieisi - - i, 0 ..,"r.,,. A F , a ....,R

hiating tinion swithi Wisconsion soill be
tiecideti at the time of the ilnter-
university cotntest. Wisconlsin'smnf
will come withi plentary powoer ilele-
paled thenm, to fornm a league. Steps
musnt noon be taken by the local so-
cieties to elect delegates for thae
Univeruity of Michigatn. Whether
such a debuting union shoall extensd

- it- Miss Mrrits 5RIetace.
Shttes atln iti seC<ttticti lb *i UF1TL'S, +*
sther. 48SOUaTImT 'F1 UI'If STEEf, PRICES, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
1 1011Se tsfcotit t at its' tewery Store.
-EXOaL1h,5.IV E Al(;-EJ T, . - STAEB3LEP.zz
Woodward F. G.Tr Coal! GIBSON,
At .and SMIrH, SONS"
State street. & CO. 11 W. Washington St PIIOTOGRAPIIER
1DmrT2OITF ', CTH. mm-O27m IO. 8. NO. 12 IW. HURON ST.

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