C*_ _ _ _ VOL. III.-No. 105. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, THIURSDAY, MARCH i3, 1893. PRICE, THEE CENTS. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.IJdges Senators, Congresmen and FIRST CHAMBER CONCERT. X foeg iitr n tt ler fThey Are Causing a Great Deal ofj high ability to many Commlloiwelths; Detroit Philharmonic Club at New- TalkatNewberry Hall-Tabled tinl le t t r Is-tfe eJ bryHl oih-TeEe-I A fraWeek. 1 thi-t ot Lillyotter \me ieriani ii-ng's Program. In ( --vest3 Nt Mdichiganloneabut btthe _ IPOF1 R lie mooted qu estion cof theyAr- mhoeieiintry ill5pt fiot by ay in- Theseries of Chamber cocerts . tierfIcroain cm ices 1 fieee seianix. tip u- ilco mecethis evening ateight DTI TMICH a~iin laseening -t exberry Hll, tion.xoclock in Nexwberry Hl. tenaadtemte ol nHoenw GtigRayfrteLgsltrilti hlamnc Cucrn hss Ft cinrqiigte etW e.psd o ihl nk }atroicpdolc st set oteVitadr .I cut n surotsiasiattrretook nos oni. neisaueerteiaevilb lbr ofia, wl rne h hetotie Rea n fotetLevisiturhe Deri ihihi iis tiib co e d i a d oe d h s c l n ib y e ij ti t i c- l e No r m b l w M r S l s R . - i lsnv r i y h c-a e o n rann m oek.M a y I o i nai o e o f t h es i l n i v e n d I XS c h o l e isatiitihi wo lI n d us as te m ti te~ ir no I orD ty a d ho i-tl-sicnt e nlve te a o;ant ett e m ei g n o tn us n c u cl o n r o n h o eu w iet o o .IM preartilonst-tire aotad t in g tats. xviii ti Latc io~iii ,tr li sr stia e is ccoissofi Shoo, taiolliss-xi$xiitipairie liii p txt o il li ithe tthe ivisit miii iii x it cp tinn r~rpi~~~~n otaao~et Sii sii t imetixi rliisi e is r rise ofia, pr .ti c-r- i n( bet o r, 'sisiol.s; - -_ u iniis - x-rioo. imixiss ofrd icsio ,adth olo ig csmtesIt . o that ilsi- sits ty visitAdagibo,(alittiar of xx a- lre the e qu iem intsofii ive -a . isissnil ofFinase box si R cpin-Cc ao an Co iii isisd-isv i x oi o iu eis 55llA-i iiem s hipbxx meisg alt ta-- trseoxiatxis is ar1sit-be101.r i 1 8 3 s-]55 ic- i $ i i pair lir, n re aste metii of pesr sn ofa cteif,. txnc-eels ixixsistelAiio--s- ssiiixtsstx coopitnI xS. ccpta n i ii X i ais o inJ ie rh re oxuiiiiixx e i Ass-iIennisi ilie Mi-s lxihd allh p ros. Seno stuo) . iiAr--i- --~sii lcss 0 8 8 ~iiiii - eijcinw sm tet ci"o l i ou chm id L.Bl , J. A i S heehanot t.iA, s. x. is liiiowsi t iiixs 1)1 . ICIttnO tti5u h s ittt . isoe ssa is i o e sxa o Is toi . ixl ticsx usss I xi s Ire xii ii'--ieiii lexxm i i (ost - ; ; lli x v s i - i e n i i u e i - s i n c -ic-rill nii 5 't lxr r lifoner iC- itxxA\xi a l ~ jx ixxxo sxi5 -o. n t r i i i s i t i . .S il; I.1 C n vl - . 'Ic- i - c - W. it dtsi>rr xc c- 1 1 .-. I alsixa; ri ti - -i Scot, .c1.c- t- xiii I s-ss - P t.ini i t ,xNiw Y -- sTr i o -i t.o 'isil i i i . ciii U 0 ll ir i-ti- x siIxui~ is ici cipig tr ! l n -i oi f 5 c ii is - de -'')i-oft tosn i s Eaiii rc traton th lntscsi r; he - itic m i i t i 5 1 1it- six sit lix Ii i tniit 5 sI islsbIiisistixi1it holeetirs sixi iof- tiep - 1r cii xxxtxxx Ii tsirs tixut ii is- iasislrrisri toxx sts iixs'sixr- h e t-.sotdi otii e. u xi .Titus i tsthii olxu IW h.iI C F!A N 1 isotsi t vt~ t tii t s xc i o ts ut ii IIttssls x n r t ..i tt To s xft o ,iii'2 uc any hexx .stis ixus i is l xxii e n sa,,M r ib luha-silexxxi cx iii suxillix - SiTeatt -xxi. lliru@sitve °imeauinr IV. t I. ivsissi - a..°-- 717 ..JLXijiir k.- tue ixiile sitIne "ftis. tit i iox'Crties iu ra ae sittInsn inse i' hat ilrixas ' e Dhy~f r. t ar', clss oFluvisitedch in ~ O R S ,lte gitt i m r loe goneC lci.tit} t..~la1o ciampaign5 ho utah yesterday', .stcith a Ixti;,t Eesb"l tti eio leg an11o ie ihi.,ltri coch, thu ie", sily,~ . of! f o . inrdm.An'lini H hir liw"'O T tim tiatltieot'uthis.I tiisteThiouteisfhirill ill turfs t ier t t lh 0 n tthe lios braseall eaol" forttdebasea-ntagood lir. tc is al; Tie l5 Mcln imslstie ilres i lt}hf b in 0ie sngn D tot5 ~ Tc i~