THE U. OF H.DAILY- CAMERAS! A zo TO SuPPLY i DEMALNP FOP. THlE INE17EST thet) aIII . withlis ii te IOIC) IC /1av11ff i elf th1d Ie I oi c arColseho eand JAljsone _ha/. y[ll AIe are Ie 1(15 to supply 1him)10 lii ON'LY $1400.L , tbsi i'dra 1)11 (AICIIl11)1 1 Si'L ' LIt~tiSO IN IRC O W1tION.j CALKINS' WILSEY, PHARMYACY. I a 5 i.5h IlP T11. MOORE &WETM REROOK STORES NO-6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _________ANl) CORDER 0)STTEl A'N11 (VI SI.I.1 I' T. INIi WAN 1) SECO!ND) ANI). Our Stock-will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as -the Lowest. COV;ER ; s , OLI? REM[EMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 3111. ("Cllplplr Irlr " t'Solid meit 1onatoes for$1,10 er co 3 " umpkin, -.90 '' 11( 8"Squash,-- -- -- -- -------1.10 G< G LABQPATORY $UPLI "~ GWinslowc Coin), - -- 11 2"Primrose ' - - - - 11 2Lake Shore," - - - " 1.50 "" t CHEI-AP AT And all other Canned Giods at proportiolnate price of BROWN'S DR UG STORE~., 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. { UNIVERSITY NOTES. At the last meeting of the Uni- Wvill You. Look Icoyish co-edl, wet to 11111 streversity Senate the following officers Tropurchasenanspy of Chaullcr, were elected for the remainder of A=ft 1ou1' 5111W iidlOW tllis To the ce-k's midflirtation thn soon pt a the year: A. D an Rose, prelsidlent; it's ownIV ) lrs about As she Ill-l, "Dil i ask fortyour1jaw,11si1s" IIt.Albers, vice-plresidlent;1. A. I -Sole Rectod. Titsworth, Secretary. GU TA RS 'The senlior lasswill be quizzed iln TodlayvProf. Scott requires the ANtDte last lectuires of Real Estate this class in course a tO swrite an un- PR ICE S. . promptu essay. 'Thlis is introduced ' 11Ek ANN A11th0lt OItGOAN CO., TIhe junior lanes will hasvc their to test encs one's ability touego 5sot ain..reet last quiz in 1'ixtures anl Easements Englishn and to deternmine whno are lltuai ..--. this week.qulfetopruthcus. 1)~AL Ir. AV. S. Studley, formerly pas- taifetoltUthecnr. HIGA for of the M.1E. chnurch in this city, IDr. Hfoff, of the University, swll 'rime T.Iatle (iRevisedl)Novembler t), 1i9;'. soon lecture on ccyental ronthet- n-inn' . i'. 1 WEmS.T. it. . died at Evannton, Saturday evening. is -oeiigmwi ieclee itaill--------04 285 ('Sinollspecial -3:118 s-oehn e nteclee Ilay Expresst----a>150IDay sdnirss....8S217 'iTie Athlietic Asnociation ihas en- w r o o rprdt tt N.S. ~im~itedll- :11a Sail------- ttW r o o rprdt tt N. Y. Limnitedl {t I45 N. S. Limited -_ 9 s9 gaged the '\arsity minstrels for awht"ealpotnic'isr NigaaFal S; l 7P.rl.wht"dnalposheis~1--o ailurl'O ml'. Ch ficago Express 214 dale shortly before tile spring vac- B. N. Exaprenss- -_, 530.11t. Exlpress _5 481r.Sm e pce ftrue A tlalntin Expres--080 Chi. Night SapI90 Lion,.r.Sm eospce ftrue (1. St. Exprss... -is S0 aciic EaxressOt1t8 wi'tin oIhe1,' we suppose-Adrian Inress. 0., SW. lr~m . H. W, I AYE S At thle Imetngofth nter-Col- o.,v. t.Aent, Chicagn. Agt. Ann A 1111. iegiate Athletic association, Sattur- .1. 5Blraytner, of tile University A1RST NATIONAL BANK da y, the Yale iunder-graduiate rule Minstrels, left yesterday for a few 0O' ANN AiRORt. -as defeated. dayn in IDetroit and Chicago. lie capital, 5(i0.Surplus and Pro, ilt00l. . iomorrow the seinior medical wilnmake arranlgemnlts for new at- Transaets tnralsbankieg ibusiness,sor-- ellz rebuean 0111,oldlters a) credit prannoaod class visit the W~ayn e county Poo-,-- tractions for the secotid appearaince :or travelers abroad. InnC ve huse, also the asylumu. 'They willi of the minstreis, which wiii he about sw. cninaaov, Cashier. he accompanied by- Drs. P reakey, April r, and for line benefit of tlie Dok and Herdnnan. Athletic Association. Iyesterday's report of thle '93 The following is a list of officers ~CllOOL OF DAN it :?oratorical content, Mr. Alien was of tile mock house of repreneintatives GRANGER'S ACADEMY. sttdt aercie ln ak in frtn ettr:Sekr ~r Plupils may easer at any time, thirqrti rersttdthaerciefrtrn fotenxtem:SakM. staOrinlg frsm the late ofadmuiission. Office thoughnt as weii as in delivers'. The le ;cek I Sih or and Residence Center Entrance- ar;erk,> J..Sih or fMAYNARDOS.,-AN iiot honor feil instead to Sir. J. I' keeper, J. Patterson; nerg't-at-arnns, ST, AsAni.Johnston. Mr. Ramsey; chnaplain, 0. E. Scott. -rwww Sendilwz It sr $350 foa Sam- I,."SM. Kroeze returned Saturday The mnock house holds its regnlar pie BEaTuCNaSincApmevia.c, Ifinon Chicago,;inhere he delivered Putuein egantboneA alend' meetings on Friday evenings. The trictl pure. Sailabbe fotan rto, e. , at one of tine next meeting will be held Friday n eJENI ExresablClcargesLUnion Leagne meetig.TeC- 3 crpadelderss,8ial.a as TeCievening, Starch 3, at which neveral C.F GUCSTHE.Clfeetisnr ago aprsspeak ve iiigbiy ofquestionsaofpublic itrs ilb 2CHICAGO, tai tlIOIS. ,M. Kroeee's effort. C discussedI. Call on Win. Fulde. the Tailor, opposite tile Lawn Building, oii William-at., tlrst dloor went of State-st. Cleaing, repairing andlpresinglaone leatly. Sailts tsorder a speeilty. All woisrclas. IF YOU WVANT 10 Y uyr an Aarm. Clod orbhave same Rtepairing dolne go is Wrill. _Arno)(d3 36 Madu Street Caopital, $50d,000.NSrphio 1111P1fits~lt, 11,015t. oes a genleral Baunking businrss. nays an- terest an Saning neposita. Hita safety Drposit Boxsor Seat. It. KtPn, lPrev. IF.1H.iBELSR, Cashlier. Bsankoven Saturdayvlevening. -e-THE- ARGUS,- f IN'$zjQQ13 P ITtNrIN@,> AT IOWe litEas PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP Ne. 4 ESTarHeRNaSnm v. WILD! WILD!WID IS SELLING IRlS WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES WhlIChI WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS THE GOODS MUST GO. No-:2 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. 2] Years in the 13uiness. CITY LAUNDRY. M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth St. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. sN CONNEeTION, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. 30E. wasbsnglsa St. 2. H. TROJANOW'SKl. 10 IBaths for $5.00.